Brian's Reviews > The Name of the Rose

The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco
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's review

did not like it
bookshelves: fiction

“The Name of the Rose” is a horribly pretentious, pedantic, verbose “novel”. And it stinks too!

Under the guise of a medieval mystery Umberto Eco has written a diatribe on philosophical ideas (and not presented all of them accurately) in order to impress upon the reader how very smart he is indeed. Characterization, moments of human reality & truth, and most importantly accessibility to the reader are clearly repulsive ideas to Mr. Eco.

I can sum up the book, which takes place at a monastery in northern Italy in 1327 thus:
-Monks have crazy visions, lots of them and their visions don’t advance the plot one iota.
-Umberto Eco knew Latin, and he wants you to be damn sure to know it.
-The narrator has a vison in which Eco shows off that he knows Bible stories, lots of them, and can throw them into a blender to create some post-apocalyptic nonsense, again to no point in the story. My mommy read Bible stories to me too. I get the references Eco was making. I imagine that would disappoint him. He clearly hates novels that actually involve the reader.
-Eco is actually a very bad version of Dan Brown. Read that sentence again. Yep I said it. The text’s great dénouement is straight out of one of Brown’s novels with the same obvious villain/ religious fanatic that the reader can see coming a mile away. Mr. Brown can’t write, but he is a good storyteller. Eco can’t write (and editing is out of his frame of reference) AND he is a horrid storyteller.
-The arrogant and meandering “Postscript” written by the author (he takes 40 pages to explain to you how great he and his book are) is truly terrible. It will make you detest the writer. As if you will need help after finishing this torture. Did no one ever tell this guy to shut up? Throughout these 40 pages he contradicts himself, and talks down to the reader too many times to count.
Really my biggest frustration with “The Name of the Rose” is that it infrequently presents an interesting idea which if followed up would have made for intriguing reading. Among them, the idea of “books speaking among themselves” and some thoughts on the nature of learning that had much potential. There are nuggets throughout the text that if taken out of context are quite insightful and worthy of thought. But then Eco’s ego gets the better of him and he pontificates and belabors each point he makes. Every time he presents an idea (philosophical, educational, religious or other) he makes the point in 2-3 pages and then goes on to lecture the reader for another 10-20 pages on the same point redundantly. If those redundancies alone had been cut the text would have been 300 pages and significantly less bad.

A member of my book club picked this text, and the way the meeting for this book went clearly demonstrates its flaws. It was not a discussion and an exchange of ideas, but a lecture. When you have a group of educated people and 1 or 2 has to tell the rest of them how valuable a text is…well…I think that says it all right there. Ironically Eco writes in the book “Without an eye to read them, a book contains signs that produce no concepts, therefore it is dumb.” Unless you are a book by Mr. Eco of course, then if people don’t read your work because it does not speak to them they are the fools. There are quite a few fans of this text who may believe that whopper. I for one am not biting.
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Reading Progress

April 23, 2016 – Started Reading
April 23, 2016 – Shelved
May 9, 2016 – Finished Reading
January 1, 2022 – Shelved as: fiction

Comments Showing 1-50 of 85 (85 new)

message 1: by Joe (new)

Joe Very funny. A rose by any other name would smell as stinky I guess.

Brian And then some. It is bad Joe, oh so bad!

Joe wrote: "Very funny. A rose by any other name would smell as stinky I guess."

message 3: by Barbara (new)

Barbara That book club meeting sounds just awful!

Brian It was not pleasant Barbara! :)
But that is not normal for that club, we have been together for 10 years now!

Barbara wrote: "That book club meeting sounds just awful!"

message 5: by Chris (new)

Chris Oh my!

Brian That made me laugh sir!

Matthew wrote: ""

message 8: by [deleted user] (new)

Bravo, a truly superb review!

Brian Too kind!

Beverly~Lady B wrote: "Bravo, a truly superb review!"

Nigel Couldn't agree more Brian. Very nicely summed up

Terence M - [Quot libros, quam breve tempus!] Brian, your excellent review made me look back through my records to try and ascertain why I, usually a fairly tough marker, gave this book three stars. I found that I had read it in 1999. In those days I didn't keep notes or reviews and when I entered all my 'read' books into Goodreads after I joined in 2011, I had to guess a 'star' rating for Name of the Rose, because I could barely remember what it was about except that it took forever to finish reading it. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it !!

message 12: by Brian (new) - rated it 1 star

Brian Glad to hear that I am not the only one Nigel. Goodness, this book!

Nigel wrote: "Couldn't agree more Brian. Very nicely summed up"

message 13: by Ned (new) - added it

Ned Thanks Brian, I struggled through Foucault and was fearing this one. Maybe you gave me a pass😏

message 14: by Brian (new) - rated it 1 star

Brian Ha! "Barely remembering" is as good as any excuse sir, as good as any. ;)

Terence M wrote: "Brian, your excellent review made me look back through my records to try and ascertain why I, usually a fairly tough marker, gave this book three stars. I found that I had read it in 1999. In those..."

message 15: by Brian (new) - rated it 1 star

Brian Take the pass and run sir. Take it and run!

Ned wrote: "Thanks Brian, I struggled through Foucault and was fearing this one. Maybe you gave me a pass😏"

message 16: by Julie (new)

Julie G Okay, l think you just handed me a free pass to skip this one!

Michael Perkins First published in 1980, which I think is reflected in the writing style. Biggest issue, however, is that Eco likes to show off what he knows, in a pedantic way. Epitomized by the long rants about Christian heresies at the end of the book.

message 18: by Brian (new) - rated it 1 star

Brian Take the pass and run. Take it and run! :)

Julie wrote: "Okay, l think you just handed me a free pass to skip this one!"

message 19: by Brian (new) - rated it 1 star

Brian Pedantic puts it mildly.

Michael wrote: "First published in 1980, which I think is reflected in the writing style. Biggest issue, however, is that Eco likes to show off what he knows, in a pedantic way. Epitomized by the long rants about ..."

message 20: by Wayne (new)

Wayne Barrett I have to chuckle because this is one of those where I look at my friends reviews and I see some 1 stars and some 5 stars. Oh, what to do, what to do?

message 21: by Shainlock (new) - added it

Shainlock Wow, I have it on my list bc it’s just one of those books you take a stab at, you know? Well, I’m in no hurry. Redundancy drives me up the wall. Ugh.

message 22: by Brian (new) - rated it 1 star

Brian You seem like a nice fella, stay away from it! :)

Wayne wrote: "I have to chuckle because this is one of those where I look at my friends reviews and I see some 1 stars and some 5 stars. Oh, what to do, what to do?"

message 23: by Brian (new) - rated it 1 star

Brian Redundant it is in spades. and it says the same thing over and over again too.

Shaina wrote: "Wow, I have it on my list bc it’s just one of those books you take a stab at, you know? Well, I’m in no hurry. Redundancy drives me up the wall. Ugh."

message 25: by Shainlock (new) - added it

Shainlock Ha. Love how you did that there. Hilarious.

message 26: by Elyse✨ (last edited Mar 11, 2019 08:26PM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Elyse✨ I gave this book 2 stars. You are braver than me. I gave it 2 stars because I didn't want my friends who liked it to think I was a philistine. You're now one of my Goodreads heroes.

message 27: by Paula (new)

Paula K Excellent critique, Brian!

message 28: by Brian (new) - rated it 1 star

Brian I ticked off some friends with this review, but this book left me angry. In case my review did not make that abundantly clear! ;)
I have found that I am not alone in my dislike in this text. Glad to meet another member of the tribe.

Elyse wrote: "I gave this book 2 stars. You are braver than me. I gave it 2 stars because I didn't want my friends who liked it to think I was a philistine. You're now one of my Goodreads heroes."

message 29: by Brian (new) - rated it 1 star

Brian Thank you Paula. I tried to back up my low opinion of it.

Paula wrote: "Excellent critique, Brian!"

message 30: by Cheryl (new)

Cheryl James Every book is not for everyone, you have the right to share your thoughts. Hope your next read is much better!!

message 31: by Brian (new) - rated it 1 star

Brian Thanks Cheryl, and it was. :)

Cheryl wrote: "Every book is not for everyone, you have the right to share your thoughts. Hope your next read is much better!!"

message 32: by MK (new) - added it

MK I tried to read this book when I was a teenager, couldn't finish it. I think it was only the second book I didn't finish. Always thought I might come back to it, maybe I just didn't understand it/was too young?

Your review, tho, LOL .... it's great.

message 33: by Brian (new) - rated it 1 star

Brian Thanks. And stay away from it. No need to finish!

MK wrote: "I tried to read this book when I was a teenager, couldn't finish it. I think it was only the second book I didn't finish. Always thought I might come back to it, maybe I just didn't understand it/w..."

message 34: by Melindam (new)

Melindam I think Dan Brown should certainly use parts of your review for his next book. It could appear in the list of accolades on the cover.

Plus your review made me laugh, which is a good way to end a bad day, so thank you! :)

message 35: by Brian (new) - rated it 1 star

Brian Glad you got a chuckle. I tried to tinge my bitterness with a little humor!

And note to Mr. Brown's publishers, they are free to use my blurb. Ha!

Melindam wrote: "I think Dan Brown should certainly use parts of your review for his next book. It could appear in the list of accolades on the cover.

Plus your review made me laugh, which is a good way to end a ..."

message 36: by Felicia (new)

Felicia Ruh roh 😕

message 37: by Jay (new)

Jay It's on my bucket list. So maybe I should take it off?

message 38: by Brian (new) - rated it 1 star

Brian Ha!

Felicia wrote: "Ruh roh 😕"

message 39: by Brian (new) - rated it 1 star

Brian Yes!
And you are welcome for the heads up. ;)

Jay wrote: "It's on my bucket list. So maybe I should take it off?"

message 40: by Shiloah (new) - added it

Shiloah I am now quietly removing this book from my to-read list. There is nothing I abhor more than an arrogant writer who takes liberties to use their books as a platform for public display of their greatness. 😜

message 41: by Brian (new) - rated it 1 star

Brian Wise move Shiloah, and well said!

Shiloah wrote: "I am now quietly removing this book from my to-read list. There is nothing I abhor more than an arrogant writer who takes liberties to use their books as a platform for public display of their grea..."

Michael Perkins I read this book when it first came out----in the 80's.

I attempted to re-read it a couple of years ago and found it defended itself against being read.

Matthew Michael wrote: "I attempted to re-read it a couple of years ago and found it defended itself against being read."

Michael wins the internet today! :D

message 44: by faiith (new) - added it

faiith I’m going to read this against my better judgement

message 45: by Brian (new) - rated it 1 star

Brian What Matt said!

Michael wrote: "I read this book when it first came out----in the 80's.

I attempted to re-read it a couple of years ago and found it defended itself against being read."

message 46: by Brian (new) - rated it 1 star

Brian You might like it. If you were wondering, I did not. ;)

Kami wrote: "I’m going to read this against my better judgement"

message 47: by Lindsay (new)

Lindsay Thanks for the warning with the laugh!

message 48: by Brian (new) - rated it 1 star

Brian Any time!

Lindsay wrote: "Thanks for the warning with the laugh!"

message 49: by Maria (new) - added it

Maria Your review makes me want to read this :)

message 50: by Brian (new) - rated it 1 star

Brian Best of luck on that journey. ;)

Maria wrote: "Your review makes me want to read this :)"

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