Laurens.Little.Library's Reviews > House of Flame and Shadow

House of Flame and Shadow by Sarah J. Maas
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it was ok
bookshelves: 2024_reads

In a word: Unsatisfying

update no. 1
24 hours after finishing and I'm already dropping this down to 2.5⭐

update no. 2
I heard you loud and clear in the comments that you want the review now instead of later. Because it's 1 AM and tomorrow 5 of my bookish friends are coming to spend the weekend at my place, I'm going to post some of my raw notes because I don't want to leave you hanging. The plan is to come back on Monday and edit these into something easier to read lol. Don't expect these to be in an order that makes sense. There will be loads of spelling errors, ya just gotta deal until I can edit.



The fact that all we “used” was her ability to pilot a helicopter is an embarrassment. Not to mention that this series was supposed to be about female friendships. We just, do away with fury and juniper altogether in this book. Stupid. Also, Fury literally makes a scoff about how all she’s doing is playing babysitter and I was like UH YEAH. THE FUCK?

There should have been breadcrumbs. We should have seen her interact with SOMEONE who knows Appolion *ahem, Aidas* and had her trash talk him. Then we’d be like what’s her beef?

Book of breathings/library of parthos
big old plot hole. Disappointing.

reunion between Bryce and Hunt
one of the things that made me SO ANGRYYYYYY like in the moment I was walking around saying “the fuck??? Wait WHAT???” I don’t see Pete for 24 hours and I will leap into that man’s arms. You’re telling me that *mates* who’ve been tortured and never knew if they’d find their way back to one another were going to like the fucking Ocean Queen stop them from falling into each other’s arms??? You cannot tell me they shouldn’t have been sobbing together. bullshit.

Lack of character dev.
I was surprised by this. I expected the book to at least take place over the course of a month, not like, a week. I get we don’t tend to change as humans thaaaaat much over a week but it's historically been something I appreciate that in her writing and we got none of it.

Silene / Princes of Hel info dumps
I could go on and on here, but in essence, it’s bloody infuriating that there were people who knew everything all along and never guided or drop-fed that info to us over the three books. “You weren’t ready” I WANTED TO THROW MY PHONE what a cop-out. Secondly, by sharing all this info all at once, the reader doesn’t get to chew on any of it, the think about what it means. We’re just hanging on for dear life trying to take it all in. It’s like someone tossing us a ball… versus having a cannon full of tennis balls shot at you all at once

General messiness/she bit off more than she could chew
When I’m over here wishing that she’d kill some characters off, just so that we could have some emotional impact AND narrow the field, we’ve got a big problem. I think about Chekov’s Gun all the time when I’m reading… the rule in writing that if you include an element, you should use it by the book’s conclusion. And she just… doesn’t. I’ve never been more convinced than I am now after HoFaS that SJM doesn’t actually have some crisp master plan. She just leaves a fuck-tonne of Chekov’s Guns lying around, and picks them up willy nilly when it sort of works in a future book. That’s why it feels so messy, plot-hole-y, and just kind of ???

the (anti)climax
the whole final fight scene was anticlimactic, it never felt like anyone was actually in danger, and legit in all caps I was fuuuuuuming about the bringing her back to life. Nah. I’m fucking sick of it. Death is there for a reason. Get rid of it and you have NO stakes. Which makes all your hard work trying to get the reader to be worried about the character’s wellbeing null and void

Other things that made me real mad:
•⁠ ⁠what was the point in the viper queen getting a private fight between Sigrid and Ithan????
•⁠ ⁠⁠SIGRID. are you fucking kidding me all of that round and round in circles and FOR WHAT.
•⁠ ⁠⁠Ithan choosing to try to bring Sigrid back from the dead (reaper form) instead of focusing on what’s ACTUALLY important aka THE FIGHT OF THEIR LIFE WITH THE BIG BAD?????
•⁠ ⁠⁠Bryce opening the coffin. why she acting like a dumb bitch? I literally wrote down: “????? Girl why so reckless”
•⁠ ⁠⁠over promising and under-delivering: don’t make it seem like we’re going to get any face time with the acotar crew only to give us two of them
•⁠ ⁠⁠The parasite is something they should have learned in the previous book. And it should have been DIFFICULT and CHALLENGING and NERVE WRACKING for them to try and produce an anti-dote right under their noses. Get fucked that NO ONE in the scientific community in this urban fantasy has noticed
•⁠ ⁠⁠can anything crystal be a gate? Like shit just doesn’t line up.
•⁠ ⁠⁠"Surrounded by a fire that even Tharion’s water could not extinguish” to that I wrote: Pokemon says otherwise
•⁠ ⁠⁠RUHN SHOOTING LIDIA. for so many reasons. They’re supposed to heal quickly, so which is it?? She’s spent over a decade in an abusive relationship with Pollux, so because he walked with her sons for a bit they’re just fine with it? Nahhhh fuck that. They shouldn’t have ended up back together by the end of this book and we should have gotten him making ALL the amends, her fighting with herself to learn how to trust him again, etc in the next book. THATS the character growth I want to see. ughhhhhh I’m still so mad lol.
•⁠ ⁠⁠all that nonsense about to join or not join the blades… and she can simply summon the void herself???

Lastly, and possibly most hilariously
something that didn’t really matter but spoke to how inconsistent SJM was with her own established rules: WHY DID IT TAKE RHYS 80 YEARS TO GET TO THE HOUSE OF WIND? TWIIIIIIIICE? He has literally winnowed just outside the wards and flown inside in a matter of seconds/like, a minute. He does it when Nesta is stuck in that nightmare in ACOSF. and TWICE we get oooooo he’s coming. look at that encroaching darkness. ooooo you better go. (proceeds to have a long, heartfelt goodbye with mom hugs) *closes portal before he ever arrives* bsffr.
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January 30, 2024 – Started Reading
January 31, 2024 – Shelved
January 31, 2024 – Shelved as: 2024_reads
January 31, 2024 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 221 (221 new)

message 1: by Sam (new) - rated it 3 stars

Sam Allen Oof I’m curious as to your thoughts because I am not loving it….

Zulmarie Can’t wait to see your full review, cause I’m not impressed with the book so far; thought I was the only one

Natasha Now!!!! I love your reviews and how honest you are!!!

Leigh Catherine I definitely want to hear your thoughts because I am dragging myself through this and I'm only at 32%

Natalie I would love to see your review on this because I wasn't a fan either. I thought I would love it and need to see more reviews from people who weren't fans. People are just say that if you didn't like it, it is because you wanted it to be ACOTAR 6 and that is not at all my criticisms for this book.

Abbi 100% agree. The info dumping, poor character development and pacing really made this book a poor instalment in what was a good series.

Al ❥ ∙ I’m unfortunately in the same boat… would love to hear your thoughts!

Coral I guess I'll be waiting for the library to have it available. :(

message 9: by Vicky (new) - added it

Vicky I haven’t started yet but I find CC2 so boring that I’m not even excited for this one. Now with this review I’m even less excited 😅 Curious of what you think though!

Whitney Bok Would love your review sooner rather than later!

Rachel Machisak I just finished this morning and want to read your thoughts!

Gamgee_potaytoes I'm almost done with the book and I have mixed feelings. Tbh it's kind of a let down.

message 13: by Sam (new) - rated it 3 stars

Sam Allen Thank you gifting us with your raw notes!! I wish I could like this 50 more times!!

Natasha I knew you’d deliver!!!! Yassss

Laurens.Little.Library Sam wrote: "Thank you gifting us with your raw notes!! I wish I could like this 50 more times!!"

ahahaha you're welcome!! Thank you for putting up with them in the current format. I'll clean them up on Monday for sure lmao

Big hugs for the love <3 <3 <3

Laurens.Little.Library Natasha wrote: "I knew you’d deliver!!!! Yassss"

You're too good to me 🥰

Laurens.Little.Library Gamgee_potaytoes wrote: "I'm almost done with the book and I have mixed feelings. Tbh it's kind of a let down."

It's the kind of book that the more I think about it, the worse it gets...

Laurens.Little.Library Alyson wrote: "I’m unfortunately in the same boat… would love to hear your thoughts!"

raw notes posted!

Laurens.Little.Library Abbi wrote: "100% agree. The info dumping, poor character development and pacing really made this book a poor instalment in what was a good series."

SJM made a whole bunch of choices that constantly had me like 😐🥴🤨

Laurens.Little.Library Zulmarie wrote: "Can’t wait to see your full review, cause I’m not impressed with the book so far; thought I was the only one"

posted! It's my raw notes but better than nothing until I can clean it up early next week xx

Laurens.Little.Library Leigh wrote: "I definitely want to hear your thoughts because I am dragging myself through this and I'm only at 32%"

Where are you now?

Laurens.Little.Library Zulmarie wrote: "Can’t wait to see your full review, cause I’m not impressed with the book so far; thought I was the only one"

I don't think we'll be the only ones.

I do think that there are so many SJM die-hards who will love anything she puts out no matter what, and that will skew the rating.

(For me I'm like, but whyyy? You don't owe her anything. She owes US quality work.)

Hannah Fox Lauren wrote: (For me I'm like, but whyyy? You don't owe her anything. She owes US quality work.)

That's exactly how I feel! I also think too many people are going into CC3 anticipating another ACTOR book. SJM has the money, time, fanbase, and editors to create amazing work. Anything less IS a disappointment

message 24: by Natalie (new) - added it

Natalie This is everything. How her most selfish MC gets to keep all her powers, theia’s, Helene’s AND steal power silene left in prythian is beyond me. Her dismissal of Hunt’s trauma and guilt. Comparing her stay in Prythian to the dungeons…I cannot.

Natalie Oh my god! I was also so mad at the Bryce Hunt reunion! What do you mean that you didn't immediately run up to him and check with him? You said it yourself, you didn't think you would get to come back and one of your first thoughts when you are in a room with him is he gave me a look that "he was no doubt debating how soon he could kick everyone out and fuck her senseless." I just do not understand. Then they have an argument later about who was in a worse situation. getting tortured and watching it happen to your friends or not knowing if you were going to make home. You both were going through horrible things. why does it need to be a competition?

message 26: by Kate (new) - rated it 3 stars

Kate G Yes yes yes to all of this 👏

message 27: by Tyne (new) - rated it 3 stars

Tyne Holt Bye yes the Rhys thing is so on point tell me why he all of a sudden moves at grandpa speed HA this whole review is so accurate I love it 🫶🏼

Valerie Brown This is so on point

Monroe Racer Thank you!! I felt the same about all these things! I was so disappointed in this book :(

Jessica Lynn Yeah I'm wondering if all the high reviews are from the same book I read. There are so many characters to keep track of, which she was so successful with in TOG. But it didn't work here, it was confusing, too many characters were boring, and everyone got plot armor anyway. Disappointed in this one.

message 31: by Clarice (new) - added it

Clarice Pokémon says otherwise 😂😂😂😂😂😂

message 32: by Emma (new) - rated it 2 stars

Emma YES!!! Same this book was the thing that convinced me she just writes it as she goes along she has NO plan. Which is so upsetting because she has ALL the resources to do this story, no, this universe justice but she doesn’t. It’s just so messy oh my god.

britta ❀ Yes to all of this! Rhys stomping from far away for ten minutes like what!? Fury flying a helicopter and picking up snow pants?! Please no more CC books ppl are speculating next one is Tharions how will we take it!!

message 34: by Clarice (new) - added it

Clarice Great review! I saw Maas on the Today show and she was supposed to be promoting this book, but lolololol she didn’t say one word about it and only talked about how excited she is to write ACOTAR #5. Also she only talked about how much she loves Nesta 😂😂. She didn’t say one word about Bryce and the gang.

Leigh Catherine Laurens.Little.Library wrote: "Leigh wrote: "I definitely want to hear your thoughts because I am dragging myself through this and I'm only at 32%"

Where are you now?"

I finished the other night, and now that I am seeing your review it seems we've had a lot of the same thoughts. This was a mess to me, and it's such a bummer.

BooksBeansAndToebeans I just finished it so I'm on the high from that but this is by far my least favorite SJM book for the reasons you clearly spelled out.. this series is definitely not her best work but this book was a mess.

message 37: by Katie (new) - rated it 1 star

Katie Pappas Yes! Also, Rhys can’t winow straight to a person but Bryce can??? Every other page I was like WTF is this?

Velly Literally. Word. For. Word. I have never felt so disappointed after a SJM book. Like she left us reeling after Rhy-MF-sand interacted with Bryce in CC2 and all we get is like 2.5 pages of their interaction???? TOG and ACOTAR still remain in my heart, but SJM definitely let this fall flat.

message 39: by Kav (new) - rated it 2 stars

Kav I thought it was just me, but I totally agree with everything you just said. I just want to add what's up with SJM calling everyone an apex predator? Is it me, or did she watch Jurassic Park before writing this

Carrie I was SO surprised no one died. I kept waiting for the hammer to drop and then it just…. Didn’t.

Also, did she really say the real prize is the friends we make along the way? Like REALLY??

NovellyNatalie Yes to all of this! I felt no real emotional connection to characters except for hoping someone would die. The cast of characters is so bloated. In the ebook, the on chapter POV changes are only separated by maybe 3 lines and it took me out of the story every time. There were several times the pov switched on the next page which was extremely confusing and annoying.

✏️Bellas Totally agree !!! I'm so bludy annoyed. What a waste of years, money and world building to give out this piece of mess. I knew from first few pages it wasn't adding up. Bryce done my head in from the get go!!! I won't be reading any of the others. I'm sad

Katrina Yes, yes, yes 🙌

Carolina Peixoto Some dialogues seems taken out from a fan fiction or something… I’m so mad… how awful this book was.. I can’t even recognize Bryce in this. What the f happened to sjm to sorte this?
The whole conclusion is so bland. I’m so annoyed!

Abi_reads_and_scribbles Thank you! I felt the same feelings. It was too long in parts, and I HATED Bryce in this book. She was so hard on Hunt, like hello, your guy was tortured twice. I hated that Ithan's character potential was tied to Sigrid. Anyone with a name starting with S in this series was just awful.

Laurens.Little.Library Clarice wrote: "Pokémon says otherwise 😂😂😂😂😂😂"

I am still an avid Pokemon Go player lmao so I know for a FACT that this is true 😂

Laurens.Little.Library Abi_reads_and_scribbles wrote: "Thank you! I felt the same feelings. It was too long in parts, and I HATED Bryce in this book. She was so hard on Hunt, like hello, your guy was tortured twice. I hated that Ithan's character poten..."

Bryce had a serious lack of empathy in CC3 so I completely get why there are so many readers who've done a 180 on her :/

Kristen ♡ I swear it was at least partly ghostwritten. Like what did I read????

message 49: by Chelsea (new) - added it


Miroslava 80 years :D

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