Kat Kennedy's Reviews > Torment

Torment by Lauren Kate
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's review

did not like it
bookshelves: just-plain-bad, kat-s-rants, kat-s-book-reviews, too-painful-to-finish

This book is fail.

If it were a city it would be Failinburg. If it were a WWII battle, it would be Failingrad. If this book were a movie, it would be Million Dollar Failby. How much did this book fail thee? Let me count the ways. Oh no wait, I couldn't be bothered. I ain't bovvered. If this book were my Polish grandfather, its name would be Failinski. Yes, I have a Polish grandfather. He doesn't Failinski. He's awesome. Unlike this book, which sucks.

Which reminds me, If this book were royalty it would live in Suckingham Palace. You know what awards this book won other than NONE? The Man Sucker International Book Prize.

If you read this book for shits and giggles, you'd still be disappointed.

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Reading Progress

July 3, 2013 – Started Reading
July 3, 2013 – Shelved
July 3, 2013 –
page 0
0.0% "This is what I have been brought to. Note to future self: Never let people choose your reading material!"
July 3, 2013 –
page 18
3.98% "Luce, when you think you might be dreaming you're supposed to pinch YOURSELF! Not the other person. Fucking idiot..."
August 9, 2013 – Finished Reading
April 23, 2014 – Shelved as: kat-s-rants
April 23, 2014 – Shelved as: just-plain-bad
April 23, 2014 – Shelved as: kat-s-book-reviews
April 23, 2014 – Shelved as: too-painful-to-finish

Comments Showing 1-50 of 51 (51 new)

Kat Kennedy You gave it 4 stars!

Elena (Brown Eyed) This is DNF for me. I barely got through the 1st one, the second is no better if not worse.

message 3: by Mai (new) - rated it 1 star

Mai LOL oh trust me, she is. I can't believe i ever enjoyed this series. Luce is a moron, Daniel is an asshole. the whole series is just awful! and this was the worst in the series for me.

message 4: by Emily (new)

Emily I stopped at this book, the first one peaked an interest with the whole fallen angel concept, but the way in which she started to develop that, meh, I just simply couldn't. But what I did want to recommend to you was Christine Zolendz and her Mad World Series. It's a humorous, gripping and fun read, I'm seriously obsessed with it. Lets say I'm spreading a cosmic joy of sorts!

message 5: by Fariha (new)

Fariha I stopped at the first book too, I just couldn't brig myself to like the main character, Lucy was it? And don't get me started on the angel whose name I've forgotten.

message 6: by Lana (new)


Mary Anne How r u liking Fallen? I Loved it! Do you! And I love your taste in books btw ;)

Kat Kennedy Yeah, sorry Marry. I hated Fallen. I'm only reading this because a friend is making me for a blog feature we have. But thanks!

Kelly (Diva Booknerd) Quite appropriate book title I'm thinking.

Readallnight Kelly, you read my mind! I was just going to say that.

message 11: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer Why would Steph torment you like that? Yes, I went there.

message 12: by Vikk (new) - rated it 3 stars

Vikk The first book was good... the second passable... the others.. oh so boring...

Johanna The first book was a bait. :(

message 14: by Steph (new) - added it

Steph Sinclair FINISH IT.

message 16: by Tandie (new)

Tandie Hahaha! Steph, just remember...payback is a u know what! I'm sure Kat will return the 'favor'!

message 17: by Penny (new)

Penny Raspenny Is it worth reading? I read the first one and it was OK but I'm not sure if I should follow with the sequel.

Kat Kennedy No. No it's not.

message 19: by Penny (new)

Penny Raspenny I'll keep it in mind! Thanks!

Readallnight I've read all of them (or at least attempted to) they are definitely worth the pain when you tear up the pages you've read as motivation.

message 21: by Steph (new) - added it

Steph Sinclair Tandie wrote: "Hahaha! Steph, just remember...payback is a u know what! I'm sure Kat will return the 'favor'!"

She's trying to convince me to read Of Triton and Dreamless. Torture!

message 22: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer Steph wrote: "Tandie wrote: "Hahaha! Steph, just remember...payback is a u know what! I'm sure Kat will return the 'favor'!"

She's trying to convince me to read Of Triton and Dreamless. Torture!"

You know that they say: tit for tat.

Therealbadkitty Out of curiosity did you end up finishing this or not?

Kat Kennedy Nope!

Mireille I kept reading the series hoping, freakin praying, that the book would get better. Sadly, it was to no avail. Guess when it comes to second chances, and thirds and fourths this book just disappoints

message 26: by Ingrid (new)

Ingrid Readallnight wrote: "I've read all of them (or at least attempted to) they are definitely worth the pain when you tear up the pages you've read as motivation."

Hahahaha! That sounds like an awesome plan! I tried reading Fallen, but Luce was just begging for a face punch. Needless to say, I couldn't bring myself to continue the torture and finish it. Now If I'm inspired, I may just buy a physical second hand copy to follow your plan and finally finish it.

Olivia I just finished it and I couldn't agree more. To think I kept telling myself that it was going to get better...

message 28: by P. (new)

P. Kirby Given that the first book had more suck than the vacuum of outer space, book two fell into the "I'd rather watch paint dry" category. Your hilarious review affirms the validity of my choice.

Kathryn LOL yeah, couldn't keep my paws off the beautiful cover is all!

Sandra (Page by Page) Hilarious review! I like that Failinski part. LOL!

I have been tempted to buy and read these series because it's in the bargain deal in my local bookstore for long. Well, now I know why.

message 31: by [deleted user] (new)

This a what I call a review which sticks to the point :))

Syahira now that I think about it, I only like the series because of the covers. The third book was way awful and I tried reading the fourth and I didn't get it.

message 33: by Ari (new)

Ari This is just too funny for words. I love it!

message 34: by bie (new) - rated it 2 stars

bie well, this was an amazing review, haha. oh, and by the way, this book will probably be a movie because they already started filming for the first one...

message 35: by Matt (new)

Matt Haha nice review

Chelsea You basically summed up exactly my thoughts on this book series.

message 37: by Caj (new)

Caj This made my day. Failinski...hahaha you're too awesome.

message 38: by Zarah (new)

Zarah ROFL @ the review!
(Didn't read the book though. The first one was one too many.)

Kat Kennedy Thanks! And I know. This was so painful for me.

Stephanie I read these books a long time ago.. I have to say I liked them.. It was in my earlier reviewer days, but I did enjoy the story. There were a few things I didn't like, and really didn't care for the novella, but I honestly liked the series..

Kat Kennedy That's nice.

message 43: by John (new)

John Bonner Emily wrote: "I stopped at this book, the first one peaked an interest . . .

Piqued your interest. I am not usually the pedantic spelling police, I honestly thought you would know. :)

message 44: by Laia (new) - rated it 1 star

Laia Reed The first one had absolutely no supernatural elements until for about 99% of the book then we jump into a battle of cam and Daniel that we have no idea what's going on and then in book 2 they're working together! What was true while point of his temper tantrum battle. And I don't know what your religion is but I'm a Christian (ya ya I know I'm reading fallen angels) anyway torment reminded me of the book of judges so much! How many times can a couple-fight, leave, come back, makeout. Fight, leave, come back makeout. In one book like really. And Luce is soooooo whiny and self pitying and Daniels sexist and controlling! *exhales* I'll stop my rant but I couldn't agree more with you THIS BOOK (and series) SUCKS. I was only attracted to the pretty covers

message 45: by Aya (new)

Aya I read it at sixteen and it was a choice between this and math class. I still mourn all those equations I could've solved.

message 46: by Alice (new) - added it

Alice  Harker Lol read this book ages ago and still remember hating it for how she handled this story

message 47: by Joana (new)

Joana Mae Read this early in life and actually struggle to finish; just so i could finish and have the right to comment!
it was hard to move on from the fact that i wasted so much time in this book that sucked so hard. SO i have to do a major moving on.

message 48: by Joana (new)

Joana Mae Laia wrote: "The first one had absolutely no supernatural elements until for about 99% of the book then we jump into a battle of cam and Daniel that we have no idea what's going on and then in book 2 they're wo..."

i hurdled the pages just so i can find a hint of magic...and failed

message 49: by Rebecca (new) - added it

Rebecca Love I was praying there would be another review from you

message 50: by Alina (new)

Alina Maria Could only read the first chapter ... I really tried but seeing your review, I don't feel so bad about dropping it anymore!

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