Romance Lovers for the Challenge-Impaired discussion

Celebrations > And the winners are...

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message 1: by Lina (last edited Apr 12, 2013 03:17PM) (new)

Lina | 5563 comments

message 2: by Lina (new)

Lina | 5563 comments So here is what you've each won:

1. willaful - $20 Amazon voucher
2. ❀Tea❀ - $10 Amazon voucher
3. Megan - $10 Amazon voucher
4. Megan - $5 Amazon voucher
5. Ren - $5 Amazon voucher

Well done everyone!!

message 3: by willaful (new)

willaful Wow! And I joined in so late, too. I didn't think I had a chance! Thanks guys, and thanks for the fun games, too!

message 4: by Elishia (new)

Elishia | 2620 comments Well done everyone

message 5: by Ren Puspita (new)

Ren Puspita (renpuspita) Yay, thanks guys! Congrats for all winner :D

message 6: by ShoSho , Moderator (new)

ShoSho  (shoshost) | 12263 comments Congrats ladies :)

message 7: by Isha (new)

Isha | 170 comments Congrats everyone!!!

message 8: by Megan (new)

Megan (celtic_girl) | 27 comments Thanks everyone and congratulations to all the other winners! So happy right now! :D

message 9: by ❀Tea❀ (new)

❀Tea❀ (ttea) | 252 comments Yay! I missed this one!

*looking for speech she made*

"I would like to use this opportunity to thank everyone who helped me get this far...."

Thanks guys for great games. And congrats to other winners.

message 10: by [deleted user] (new)

congratulations everyone!

message 11: by Lauren (new)

Lauren (laurenjberman) Congrats everyone! Enjoy your prizes. Hope you get some great books.

message 12: by Susan (susayq ~), Moderator (new)

Susan (susayq ~) (susayq) | 6062 comments Congrats to the all the winners!

message 13: by Pamela(AllHoney) (new)

Pamela(AllHoney) (pamelap) Congrats, Winners!

message 14: by Lina (new)

Lina | 5563 comments I had fun doing it. Winners, I will be contacting you about your prizes shortly!

message 15: by Lisa Kay, Moderator (new)

Lisa Kay (lisakayalicemaria) | 20787 comments Congrats, winners!

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