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message 1: by Rebecca, The Constant Reader (last edited Jun 08, 2013 10:25AM) (new)

Rebecca (hobbitual_reader) | 340 comments Mod
Read a good Romance novel lately? Post your Reviews here, for people that are on the look out for a new Romance read.

message 2: by Rebecca, The Constant Reader (last edited Jun 09, 2013 06:04AM) (new)

Rebecca (hobbitual_reader) | 340 comments Mod
Hopeless (Hopeless, #1) by Colleen Hoover - 5 Stars

'His Mouth grazes my shoulder and soon we're both attempting to kiss away every ounce of the heartache that neither one of us deserves.'

message 3: by Rebecca, The Constant Reader (last edited Jun 09, 2013 06:04AM) (new)

Rebecca (hobbitual_reader) | 340 comments Mod
Love's Second Chance (Second Chances, #1) by L.P. Dover - 4 Stars

'You came into my life and saved me. Now it's time for me to save you. I'll be back, my love. You won't be able to get rid of me easily after this.'

message 4: by Rebecca, The Constant Reader (last edited Jun 09, 2013 06:04AM) (new)

Rebecca (hobbitual_reader) | 340 comments Mod
The Beauty Within by Marguerite Kaye - 4 Stars

'You think that no one sees you, and yet you want to be seen. You want people to know that there is more to you than mere bloodstock.I can help you,I can show that person,but only if you will let me see her.'

message 5: by Cora, Tea Party Princess (new)

Cora Tea Party Princess (corazie) | 661 comments Mod
My review of The Medium:

Best of all, this one was FREE.

message 6: by Cora, Tea Party Princess (new)

Cora Tea Party Princess (corazie) | 661 comments Mod
My review of The Wrong Girl:

This is C.J. Archer's latest book and it is WONDERFUL.

message 7: by Cora, Tea Party Princess (new)

Cora Tea Party Princess (corazie) | 661 comments Mod
My review of Losing It:

This is the first part of a series, and it's pretty awesome.

message 8: by Rebecca, The Constant Reader (last edited Jun 09, 2013 06:00AM) (new)

Rebecca (hobbitual_reader) | 340 comments Mod
Carmilla - The Wolves of Styria by David Brian - 4 Stars

'Shy and strange was the look with which she quickly hid her face in my neck and hair, with tumultuous sighs, that seemed almost to sob, and pressed in mine a hand that trembled. Her soft cheek was glowing against mine, and I felt again that strangest of aches in the pit of my stomach, for something of which I knew not.'

message 9: by Cora, Tea Party Princess (new)

message 10: by Rebecca, The Constant Reader (new)

Rebecca (hobbitual_reader) | 340 comments Mod
Abandon (Abandon Trilogy #1) by Meg Cabot - 4 Stars

'And then I heard his voice reminding me of how I had tripped and hit my head, had fallen in the pool and drowned, and that's why my clothes had been wet, and... Dead. That was main word I heard. I was dead.'

message 11: by Cora, Tea Party Princess (new)

Cora Tea Party Princess (corazie) | 661 comments Mod
Every Breath You Take

Great, slow building romance. These books can be read on their own, but are even better when read in order.

message 12: by Cora, Tea Party Princess (new)

Cora Tea Party Princess (corazie) | 661 comments Mod
The Truth About Letting Go

A great romance with plenty of turmoil - who should she be with?

message 13: by Rebecca, The Constant Reader (new)

Rebecca (hobbitual_reader) | 340 comments Mod
The Edge of Never (The Edge of Never, #1) by J.A. Redmerski - 3 Stars

'The moment you tell someone else is the moment you become a whiner and the world’s smallest violin starts to play. The truth is, we all have problems; we all go through hardships and pain, and my pain is paradise compared to a lot of people’s and I really have no right to whine at all.'

message 15: by Rebecca, The Constant Reader (new)

Rebecca (hobbitual_reader) | 340 comments Mod
Underworld (Abandon Trilogy, #2) by Meg Cabot - 4 Stars

'Only a fool is never afraid, Frank. Heroes are the people who carry on despite their fear, because they know the job’s got to get done.'

message 17: by Cora, Tea Party Princess (new)

message 18: by Cora, Tea Party Princess (new)

Cora Tea Party Princess (corazie) | 661 comments Mod
White Trash Beautiful

I can't stand insta-love, but here it is!

message 19: by Jennie (new)

Jennie  Coull | 42 comments Cora Linn wrote: "White Trash Beautiful

I can't stand insta-love, but here it is!"

You are right thou the cover is very pretty!!

Falling for the Backup

Cute little read

message 20: by Rebecca, The Constant Reader (new)

Rebecca (hobbitual_reader) | 340 comments Mod
Hush, Hush (Hush, Hush, #1) by Becca Fitzpatrick - 3 Stars

'I told myself a lot of things could cause scars like Patch's. Gang fight, prison scars, skid marks - just like Vee said. Unfortunately, all the excuses felt like lies. Like the truth was staring me in the face, but I wasn't brave enough to look back.'

message 21: by Cora, Tea Party Princess (new)

Cora Tea Party Princess (corazie) | 661 comments Mod
Confessions of an Almost-Girlfriend
Lovely, slow building romance. No insta-love here!
My Review:

message 22: by Cora, Tea Party Princess (new)

message 23: by Rebecca, The Constant Reader (new)

Rebecca (hobbitual_reader) | 340 comments Mod
The White Queen (The Cousins' War, #1) by Philippa Gregory - 4 stars

'Everyone knows that these wars have torn our country apart, have destroyed our prosperity, our friendliness between neighbours, our trust of strangers, the love between brothers, the safety of our roads, the affection for our king; and yet nothing seems to stop the battles.'

My review

message 24: by Jennie (new)

Jennie  Coull | 42 comments My review of Allure (Spiral of Bliss, #2) by Nina Lane byNina Lane

I am also giving away giving this book and arouse on my blog.

message 26: by Rebecca, The Constant Reader (new)

Rebecca (hobbitual_reader) | 340 comments Mod
Crash (Crash, #1) by Nicole Williams - 4 stars

'I danced until the sun set and the sky grew dark. I danced until I tore through the same CD three times. I danced until I'd chugged down two liters of water. But no matter how hard I danced, or how intensely I concentrated on perfecting each and every step, I never stopped thinking about Jude.'

message 28: by Rebecca, The Constant Reader (last edited Aug 20, 2013 08:44AM) (new)

Rebecca (hobbitual_reader) | 340 comments Mod
A Shade of Vampire (A Shade of Vampire, #1) by Bella Forrest - 4 stars

'I'd never felt more vulnerable than I did the moment Derek Novak's electric blue eyes settled on me. His gaze betrayed the thoughts roaming his mind. I was a lamb - a lamb ready for slaughter.'

message 29: by Rebecca, The Constant Reader (new)

Rebecca (hobbitual_reader) | 340 comments Mod
Switched (Trylle, #1) by Amanda Hocking - 4 stars

'Everything felt way too big in this house. With all this vast space between everything, it felt like I was trapped on an island. I always thought that's what I wanted, to be my very own island. But here I was, and I felt nothing but isolated and confused.'

message 30: by Rebecca, The Constant Reader (new)

Rebecca (hobbitual_reader) | 340 comments Mod
Under the Full Moon (Swamp Magic, #2) by Bobbi Romans - 4 stars

'If not for his beady eyes and puny size, he may have been considered distinguished looking by some. But she was all about the eyes, and his held a madness within the squinty glare.'

message 31: by Rebecca, The Constant Reader (new)

Rebecca (hobbitual_reader) | 340 comments Mod
Slammed (Slammed, #1) by Colleen Hoover - 5 stars

'Does he treat you with respect at all times? That's the first question. The second question is, if he is the exact same person twenty years from now that he is today, would you still want to marry him? And finally, does he inspire you to want to be a better person? You find someone you can answer yes about to all three, then you've got yourself a good man.'

message 32: by Rebecca, The Constant Reader (new)

Rebecca (hobbitual_reader) | 340 comments Mod
4/5 stars to Chosen (House of Night, #3) by P.C. Cast

'It was the most horrible thing I'd ever seen. At first my mind wouldn't even register what it was. Later I thought that must have been some kind of instant defense mechanism. Unfortunately, it didn't last long. I blinked and peered into the darkness. Something looked slick and wet and -'

message 34: by Rebecca, The Constant Reader (new)

Rebecca (hobbitual_reader) | 340 comments Mod
4/5 stars to Ruin by Rachel Van Dyken

'His smile lit up my world. It shattered my previous existence, and again the same eerie feeling washed over me. Like I was running out of time, or maybe like the darkness was coming again.'

message 36: by Rebecca, The Constant Reader (new)

Rebecca (hobbitual_reader) | 340 comments Mod
5/5 stars to Rumours that Ruined a Lady by Marguerite Kaye

'Her hair was as vibrant as ever, shimmering in the flame of the candlelight, and her eyes were still that remarkable shade of summer blue. Four years. He thought he had forgotten her. He was mistaken.'

message 37: by Rebecca, The Constant Reader (new)

Rebecca (hobbitual_reader) | 340 comments Mod
4/5 stars to A Scandalous Regency Christmas by Annie Burrows

'Susanna's stomach did a little flip-flop. It was the eyes.Though the lines at the corners seemed less pronounced, and the hard edge of pain was no longer there, they were his eyes, a strange colour that must be hazel but looked amber. Was it really him?'

message 38: by Rebecca, The Constant Reader (new)

Rebecca (hobbitual_reader) | 340 comments Mod
5/5 stars to Losing Hope (Hopeless, #2) by Colleen Hoover

'My whole world turned from a place full of vibrant colors to a dull,lifeless gray. The sky, the grass, the trees...all the things that were once beautiful were stripped of their magnificence the moment I realized I was responsible for our best friend Hope's disappearance.'

message 39: by Rebecca, The Constant Reader (new)

Rebecca (hobbitual_reader) | 340 comments Mod
4/5 stars to Infatuated by Elle Jordan

'The air in the room became thick and hot. It made me dizzy and breathless. I didn't fall for quick and easy words like a gullible teen, but man I was falling for his.'

message 40: by Rebecca, The Constant Reader (new)

Rebecca (hobbitual_reader) | 340 comments Mod
4/5 stars to The Edge of Always (The Edge of Never, #2) by J.A. Redmerski

'I've learned during my time with Andrew that being spontaneous and breaking free from the mold is often a good thing. After all, we wouldn't be together today if I myself didn't have some firsthand experience with being spontaneous.'

message 41: by Rebecca, The Constant Reader (new)

Rebecca (hobbitual_reader) | 340 comments Mod
4/5 stars to Hopeless For You by Hayden Hill

'She was always there, no matter if I was awake or asleep, the idea of her lingering in the back of my mind. The way her cheeks dimpled when she smiled. The curve of her body. Her mysterious eyes. Her secrets.'

message 42: by Rebecca, The Constant Reader (new)

Rebecca (hobbitual_reader) | 340 comments Mod
5/5 stars to Lost and Found (Lost and Found, #1) by Nicole Williams

'My whole life was shifting, like I was experiencing my own personal earthquake. I felt the plates shifting and rearranging below the surface. I felt the fire and heat molding and shaping them. I felt change, whether I wanted it or not. It was happening, and I might as well embrace it.'

message 43: by Rebecca, The Constant Reader (new)

Rebecca (hobbitual_reader) | 340 comments Mod
5/5 stars to Sleigh Bells in the Snow (O'Neil Brothers,#1) by Sarah Morgan

'She'd discovered long before that loneliness could be a dull background ache or it could be sharp and painful. It could bite into the soft parts of a person leaving bruises, or it could just nip gently at the edges of your subconscious. She'd learned to live with it, but tonight the O'Neils had ripped away all the protection she'd so carefully wrapped around herself, leaving her vulnerable and exposed.'

message 44: by Rebecca, The Constant Reader (new)

Rebecca (hobbitual_reader) | 340 comments Mod
2/5 stars to Baby It's Cold Outside (Flirting for Fun) by Carly Carson

'His hot eyes gazed down at her face and she took a second to marvel at her good fortune. She'd fantasized about this moment for five long years. He'd been a mirage, a dream, a symbol of the only treasure she ever wanted to find at the end of the rainbow.'

message 45: by Rebecca, The Constant Reader (new)

Rebecca (hobbitual_reader) | 340 comments Mod
4/5 stars to A Groom for Christmas by Cara Marsi by Cara Marsi

'He raised his head as she approached. His eyes, blue as a bright winter sky, lit with awareness. He brazenly scanned her in the same way he used to check out some of the other girls in school, but never her. Her heart pounded, the sound pulsing in her ears.'

message 46: by Cora, Tea Party Princess (new)

message 48: by Rebecca, The Constant Reader (new)

Rebecca (hobbitual_reader) | 340 comments Mod
5/5 stars to Fractured by Dani Atkins

'All the facts and characters were present but the details and events were twisted into such a bizarre parallel reality. It was my life, but not as I knew it, for here it was all so much better.'

message 49: by Rebecca, The Constant Reader (new)

Rebecca (hobbitual_reader) | 340 comments Mod
3/5 stars to Addicted to You (Addicted, #1) by Krista Ritchie

'I've trained myself to self-medicate with sex for so long that stopping seems so unfeasible, like trying to brake a high-speed train before it crashes into a cement wall. So I'll crash. I'll splinter and break. But it'll feel damn good going two hundred miles an hour beforehand.'

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