Romance Lovers for the Challenge-Impaired discussion

The Fight for Dolores
This topic is about The Fight for Dolores
Author Announcements > Catherine E. Chapman - Contemporary Romance

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message 1: by Catherine (new) - added it

Catherine Chapman (catherineechapman) I have two books that are free this week. Both have elements of romance and comedy. 'The Beacon Singer' has been described as a quirky romance. 'Clifton' is a shorter, darker story. If group members read and enjoy either book, I would really appreciate reviews, recommendations and ratings here on Goodreads, on Amazon & Smashwords and elsewhere.

Clifton by Catherine E. Chapman The novella, 'Clifton,' will be free on Kindle 1st-5th November:


The Beacon Singer by Catherine E. Chapman The novel, 'The Beacon Singer,' is currently free to download on Smashwords:

The Beacon Singer

message 2: by Lisa Kay, Moderator (new)

Lisa Kay (lisakayalicemaria) | 20787 comments Thanks for the info, Catherine

message 3: by Catherine (new) - added it

Catherine Chapman (catherineechapman) You're welcome, Lisa!

Lisa Kay wrote: "Thanks for the info, Catherine"

message 4: by Catherine (new) - added it

Catherine Chapman (catherineechapman) Clifton by Catherine E. Chapman My novella, 'Clifton,' is currently free from Smashwords & their retailers. It's part- romance, dark comedy and tragedy:


message 5: by Catherine (new) - added it

Catherine Chapman (catherineechapman) Elizabeth Clansham by Catherine E. Chapman My novel, 'Elizabeth Clansham,' is currently free on Smashwords and can be downloaded for free from Amazon too:

Described as a quirky romance, it's a contemporary story set in the Scottish Highlands.

Elizabeth Clansham

message 6: by Lisa Kay, Moderator (new)

Lisa Kay (lisakayalicemaria) | 20787 comments Thanks for the info, Catherine.

message 7: by Catherine (new) - added it

Catherine Chapman (catherineechapman) You're welcome, Lisa!

Lisa Kay wrote: "Thanks for the info, Catherine."

message 8: by Catherine (new) - added it

Catherine Chapman (catherineechapman) The Laird's Right-Hand Lady by Catherine E. Chapman 'The Laird's Right-Hand Lady,' a contemporary romance set in the Scottish Highlands, is newly-published on Amazon and currently available on Kindle Unlimited:

The Laird's Right-Hand Lady

message 9: by Catherine (new) - added it

Catherine Chapman (catherineechapman) The Laird's Right-Hand Lady by Catherine E. Chapman 'The Laird's Right-Hand Lady,' a contemporary romance set in the Scottish Highlands, will be free on Amazon 29th December through 2nd January 2017:

It's a perfect read for the Holidays!

The Laird's Right-Hand Lady

message 10: by Catherine (new) - added it

Catherine Chapman (catherineechapman) The Laird's Right-Hand Lady by Catherine E. Chapman 'The Laird's Right-Hand Lady,' my contemporary romance set in the Scottish Highlands, is free on Amazon Kindle from 13th to 17th April:

The Laird's Right-Hand Lady

If you enjoy the book, reviews would be appreciated.

message 11: by Catherine (new) - added it

Catherine Chapman (catherineechapman) The Fight for Dolores by Catherine E. Chapman 'The Fight for Dolores,' a short, contemporary romance, will be free on Kindle from 25th to 29th May:

If you enjoy the book, reviews would be appreciated.

The Fight for Dolores

message 12: by Catherine (new) - added it

Catherine Chapman (catherineechapman) The Fight for Dolores by Catherine E. Chapman 'The Fight for Dolores,' my short contemporary romance set in Ireland, is newly-published and currently free on Nook, iTunes, Kobo and Smashwords:

If you read the book, reviews and ratings would be appreciated.
The Fight for Dolores

message 13: by Catherine (new) - added it

Catherine Chapman (catherineechapman) The Laird's Right-Hand Lady by Catherine E. Chapman 'The Laird's Right-Hand Lady,' a seasonal contemporary romance set in the Scottish Highlands, is only 99c on Kindle Countdown thru
11th December:

The Laird's Right-Hand Lady

message 14: by Catherine (new) - added it

Catherine Chapman (catherineechapman) All of my books that are normally priced over 99c are reduced in the Smashwords End of Year Sale thru Jan 01:

'The Fight for Dolores,' a short contemporary romance, is free from Smashwords and its retailers thru New Year:

And, if you're looking for a seasonal romance, 'The Laird's Right-Hand Lady' is still free via Kindle Unlimited on Amazon:

message 15: by Catherine (new) - added it

Catherine Chapman (catherineechapman) The Laird's Right-Hand Lady by Catherine E. Chapman 'The Laird's Right-Hand Lady,' a contemporary romance set in the Scottish Highlands, is newly available on Nook, iBooks, Kobo and Smashwords for $2.99:

“Who doesn't love a Scottish castle and a handsome Laird-in-waiting? Easy to read and entertaining.”

If you’re looking for a snowy romantic read to escape into, why not retreat, with Jess & Cameron, to the Highlands?

The Laird's Right-Hand Lady

message 16: by Catherine (last edited Jun 02, 2019 03:04PM) (new) - added it

Catherine Chapman (catherineechapman) The Laird's Right-Hand Lady by Catherine E. Chapman My contemporary romance, 'The Laird's Right-Hand Lady,' is available on NetGalley throughout June:

If you read and enjoy the book, I would appreciate reviews on NetGalley, Goodreads and elsewhere.

The Laird's Right-Hand Lady

message 17: by Catherine (new) - added it

Catherine Chapman (catherineechapman) The Laird's Right-Hand Lady by Catherine E. Chapman 'The Laird's Right-Hand Lady,' a contemporary romance set in the Scottish Highlands, is currently free on Nook, iBooks, Kobo and Smashwords:

"A solid romance; the characters are well done and the read is engaging."

If you’re looking for a romantic read to get you into a seasonal mood, join Jess & Cameron in the Highlands!

The Laird's Right-Hand Lady

message 18: by Catherine (new) - added it

Catherine Chapman (catherineechapman) The Laird's Right-Hand Lady by Catherine E. Chapman As the Holidays approach, 'The Laird's Right-Hand Lady,' a contemporary romance set in the Scottish Highlands, is free on Nook, iBooks, Kobo and Smashwords:

"A solid romance; the characters are well done and the read is engaging."

If you’re looking for a romantic read to get you into a seasonal mood, join Jess & Cameron in the Highlands!

The Laird's Right-Hand Lady

message 19: by Catherine (new) - added it

Catherine Chapman (catherineechapman) The Laird's Right-Hand Lady by Catherine E. Chapman 'The Laird's Right-Hand Lady,' a contemporary romance set in the Scottish Highlands, is free on Nook, iBooks, Kobo and Smashwords until New Year:

"A solid romance; the characters are well done and the read is engaging."

If you’re looking for a romantic read for Hogmanay, join Jess & Cameron in the Highlands!

The Laird's Right-Hand Lady

message 20: by Catherine (new) - added it

Catherine Chapman (catherineechapman) The Fight for Dolores by Catherine E. Chapman Why not mark St Patrick's Day with a free short contemporary romance, set in rural Ireland? 'The Fight for Dolores' is free on Nook, Apple, Kobo, Scribd and Smashwords:

The Fight for Dolores

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