Children's Books discussion

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message 1: by Kathryn, The Princess of Picture-Books (last edited Dec 09, 2013 05:36PM) (new)

Kathryn | 7212 comments Mod
Welcome to the Children's Book Group! If you haven't already done so, please check out our official "Welcome" Thread to familiarize yourself with all the offerings of our group.

And now, please introduce yourself! (Even if you are a long-time member, we encourage you to introduce yourself again as this thread is beginning anew.)

***AUTHORS: Please note that this is the place for personal introductions only. Feel welcome to mention that you are an author (that is, after all, a big part of who you are!) but please refrain from mentioning your book(s) by title or giving us a description of them here. The place for that is our GR Author's Folder, "Author's Corner." Thank you!

message 2: by Kathryn, The Princess of Picture-Books (last edited Dec 09, 2013 05:23PM) (new)

Kathryn | 7212 comments Mod
Hello! I am co-moderator Kathryn, and I lead the Picture Book Club here. I've been on GR since 2007 and co-mod here with the Children's Book Group for the past few years.

Though I've had a love of reading from a young age, my love of picture books was rekindled several years ago when I was looking for some cute, cozy holiday books to read. Somehow, the memories of picture books was stirred up in my holiday memories and I found myself browsing the children's book section of the library for the first time many a year. Even though I had no children of my own at the time, I was completely captivated by the fine writing and wonderful illustrations in many of these books and I've been hooked ever since. Now that I have a baby of my own, I'm even more devoted to finding and discussing fine picture books to share with him (though right now I'm looking at a lot of board books--he's in that stage where he chews everything, LOL!) I also love children's novels (including middle grade and some young adult). I look forward to meeting you all and sharing some wonderful discussions together!

message 3: by Cheryl, Newbery Club host (new)

Cheryl (cherylllr) | 8042 comments Mod
Hi! I'm a new moderator here, but I do have experience in other groups.

I grew up in a v. small town and there were lots and lots of books our tiny library just didn't have. I'm still catching up on childhood reading - but more and more good books for all ages are being published every year, so it's a lifelong adventure! My sons are mostly grown, with no grandkids in sight, but that's ok - I'll just read whatever I like for my own pleasure.

I joined this group as a member shortly after the Newbery Club got started. Unfortunately, I was not able to get many of the oldest books that were first discussed, but I look forward to exploring as many of these classics as we can find, together in our revamped 'New Newbery Club.'

I also love to read the books chosen by Kathryn's Picture-Book club along with y'all there, and I'm excited about Jasmine's and Jane's plans for group reads of children's novels.

message 4: by Tricia (last edited Nov 23, 2013 01:00PM) (new)

Tricia Douglas (teachgiftedkids) | 312 comments I've been with Goodreads for about three years and love it. I'm active in the Picture Book group, Newbery, and cozy mysteries and whatever groups I can sneak a peek in. I'm a retired teacher. I taught 30 years with Los Angeles Unified schools in a gifted/high achieving magnet. So even though my children were in third grade many of the books I read to them or they read were above grade level. To this day every room in my house has bookshelves stuffed to the max. I have three grandchildren to whom I give my books, but recently my daughters have told me to STOP since they are running out of room. Needless to say, I LOVE BOOKS. In my next life I want to be a library or author. Until then, I'll just read to my heart's content.

message 5: by Lisa (last edited Nov 21, 2013 09:24PM) (new)

Lisa Vegan (lisavegan) | 1077 comments Hi, I'm Lisa and I've been a member of Goodreads since May 2007 and a member of this group since August 2008. I used to be very active here, but my activity level in all groups is down, as is my reading, hopefully temporarily.

I read books in many, many genres, and I've always enjoyed children's and young adult books. I never stopped loving them. But I'd stopped reading picture books. This group and some Goodreads friends rekindled my love of picture books, and I've read a huge number of them in the past 5+ years.

I appreciate Kathryn, and the three new mods, for helping re-grow this group.

message 6: by Beverly, Miscellaneous Club host (last edited Nov 21, 2013 09:45PM) (new)

Beverly (bjbixlerhotmailcom) | 3032 comments Mod
Howdy from Texas. I'm Beverly and I found this group just a few months ago. I am a children's services librarian, and so I have been reading children's books of all grade levels for more than 30 years. I also read adult and young adult books; my favorite genres are mysteries, fantasy, and science fiction, although I also read many other types of books as well. I have found Goodreads to be so useful for remembering on my behalf which books I have read!
I am currently participating in the picture book club, and may participate in the Newbery club if I have the time. I also thank the moderators for keeping this group and the discussions going.

message 7: by Jasmine (new)

Jasmine | 160 comments Hi, I'm Jasmine, co-moderator of the Fiction Club. I've been on GoodReads for a few years now and love being able to track what I've read, be introduced to books I would not have known about before as well as chat with those with similar interests. I reside south of Boston and have 3 kids who I am LOVING introducing to my childhood favorites as well as explore new or forgotten titles. I am looking forward to a great new launch of the Fiction club and hope that many of you will join us for some excellent children's books.

message 8: by Steve (new)

Steve Shilstone | 190 comments Hi, I'm Steve Shilstone, an elderly vintage hippie lite. I loved participating in the Newbery club and look forward to its resumption. Love all middle grade stuff (probably because I'm one of them there middle grade authors).

message 9: by Vanessa (last edited Nov 22, 2013 11:38AM) (new)

Vanessa (nesshawk) Hi, I'm Vanessa, new to Goodreads, so am unfamiliar with the apparent turbulence you have encountered lately with reading clubs, etc! But I am so excited with the opportunity to read along with all these great groups. I have three kids, two boys, 8 & almost 6, and baby girl just turned 3. With the age span and advanced reading levels of the kids, we read a huge range of books. So we love that there is a club for every level!

We're all set for November and December selections for the Picture Book Club, the transition book for the Newberry club (having a little trouble finding the older Newberry books in our library system), and Jasmine's selection for the Children's Fiction Club. Any others clubs I should know about? :) Cheryl mentioned in another thread about Caldecott? Is that a separate group or part of the Picture Book club? We love recommendations, too!

message 10: by Kathryn, The Princess of Picture-Books (new)

Kathryn | 7212 comments Mod
For now, the Caldecott will be part of the Picture Book Club, appearing quarterly in place of one of the themes. Depending on member response, we might make it a separate club eventually. I'm planning to start January in PBC with the early Caldecott winners so I hope you can join us then, too :-)

message 11: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer (teacherrose) I'm Jennifer, a long-time elementary school teacher and now mom of a not-quite-2-year-old. I am glad this club is continuing, especially the picture books. Though I've been quiet lately, I will be chiming in on the Trucks discussion soon because my little guy LOVES anything with wheels.

message 12: by Tricia (new)

Tricia Douglas (teachgiftedkids) | 312 comments Kathryn wrote: "For now, the Caldecott will be part of the Picture Book Club, appearing quarterly in place of one of the themes. Depending on member response, we might make it a separate club eventually. I'm pla..."

GREAT idea.

message 13: by Scott (new)

Scott H H. | 1 comments Hi, my name is Scott Hendricks, from Sioux Falls, South Dakota. I write mystery novels and just completed my first mystery for children target age 9 - 14. It was a challenge by my granddaughter -- "Papa will you write a book I can read". I am also a voracious reader usually completing 2 - 3 books per week. I am adding children's chapter books to my list of reading to help improve my craft.

message 14: by Marybeth (new)

Marybeth (Zelinko) | 2 comments Hello! I'm Marybeth, and I'm finishing my degree up in early childhood/special education. I love children's books, especially at the PK, Kindergarten level. I have a 3 1/2 year old daughter of my own who has a huge fascination with books. She loves to be read to, and to independently read as well.

message 15: by Manybooks (last edited Nov 24, 2013 08:04AM) (new)

Manybooks | 12598 comments Mod
I'm Gundula and I love reading children's literature (all kinds and in both English and German, I've even read some in French and Spanish). Because of the recent issues with Amazon/GR and censorship, I am no longer actively reviewing on GR and will from now on likely be reviewing mostly on Library Thing and Booklikes (and I am in the process of actually removing my books and reviews from GR, but if anyone does want to save some of my reviews offline, I really do not mind that as long as it is done for his/her own interest and not used for academically problematic purposes). I have decided that at least for now, I will remain at GR and to participate in group discussions (especially if not mostly in this group). If that ever changes, I will let group members know ahead of time (so that they can save my comments, such as book suggestions, book discussions and the like off site before I leave, before I permanently delete my account).

Anyway, looking forward to discussing books and while I am still royally ticked at Amazon/Goodreads and the fact that reviews are being censored (and miss reviewing on GR, but that is my own choice), I am also not going to let it interfere that much with participating in and contributing to the group.

message 16: by David (new)

David | 101 comments Hello, I'm David from Chicago. I am a former teacher and retired public library Youth Services Librarian and am always interested in all types of children's literature. I do also read adult mysteries, science fiction, history & biography. I joined GR in May 2010 and have participated mainly in Picture Book Club and discussions. Due to changes in GR I am in a slow process of moving my book reviews to Library Thing and or Booklikes. I do intend to stay on here for discussions and hope to be more active in them here.

message 17: by Manybooks (new)

Manybooks | 12598 comments Mod
David wrote: "Hello, I'm David from Chicago. I am a former teacher and retired public library Youth Services Librarian and am always interested in all types of children's literature. I do also read adult mysteri..."

Sounds like you are doing what I am in the process of doing.

message 18: by Jane (new)

Jane | 69 comments Hi,
I am Jane from New Jersey and I am the new co-moderator of the fiction book club along with Jasmine.
In my career I have worked in public and school libraries. My school district currently has me teaching computers. So not amused. Anyway I am a huge fan of middle grade to ya fiction. At this time, I do not have a favorite genre, I like to mix up my reading.
I have been a member of goodreads since 2008. I have three children (teenagers really). Life is hectic and crazy but, I love spending time talking about books.

message 19: by Kathryn, The Princess of Picture-Books (new)

Kathryn | 7212 comments Mod
Welcome, welcome! Thank you all for introducing yourselves. Pleasure to officially "meet" you.

Happy Thanksgiving to our US members!

message 20: by Jasmine (new)

Jasmine | 160 comments Laura wrote: "My name is Laura Remson Mitchell. I have no background in children's literature, but I wanted to tell people in this group about a wonderful little book titled Sunny Finds Her Smile, by Linda J. Nu..."
Laura, thank you for introducing yourself. We are excited to have you in our group. Please note that there is another folder labeled 'Author's Corner' that allows you or your friend to discuss their work and promote it's themes and message. It has the same visibility as this thread but it solely dedicated to authors. Thank you!

message 21: by Jenny (new)

Jenny | 722 comments There used to be a folder that was specifically about characters with disabilities. The title that Laura shared would fit perfectly there... I can recreate that folder because it was a good resource.

I am Jenny. I am a public school teacher. This is my 16th year teaching in an inner city school. I currently teach second grade, but I have taught 3rd, 5th and 6th in the past. I am also a mom. I have three daughters, ages 5, 8, and 10. And I love to read. I love historical fiction, in particular. But I read a pretty wide variety of books.

message 22: by Manybooks (new)

Manybooks | 12598 comments Mod
Jenny wrote: "There used to be a folder that was specifically about characters with disabilities. The title that Laura shared would fit perfectly there... I can recreate that folder because it was a good resour..."

If the book is illustrated, it could also fit into the "characters with challenges" theme (master list) that we had in the picture book club a while back.

message 23: by Andrea (new)

Andrea Gardiner (andreagardiner) | 2 comments Hello I am ANdrea GArdiner and I am British but live in Ecuador. I love to reread my favourite children´s book from childhood and now have the great pleasure of reading them to my daughters. Some of my favourite books are Anne of Green Gables, Swallows and Amazons and Little House on the Praire.

message 24: by Jasmine (new)

Jasmine | 160 comments Welcome Andrea, we look forward to having you in our group!

message 25: by Brenda (last edited Dec 05, 2013 12:37PM) (new)

Brenda | 192 comments Hi I am Brenda. I've been a member of this group since 2009 but thought I would chime back in again. I'm a mom and volunteer at the school library. I think the two go well together. I love to read fantasy, adventure, mystery and fairy tale retellings, although I do get wrapped into a well illustrated cover so my interests vary considerably.

message 26: by Jasmine (new)

Jasmine | 160 comments Welcome back Brenda, we are so glad to have you in the group!

message 27: by Brenda (new)

Brenda M. (haygram) sorry I didn't know about authors corner. I'm still trying to figure Goodreads out. Seems like every thing I do is wrong. I'll look on the site for authors corner.

message 28: by Lisa (new)

Lisa Vegan (lisavegan) | 1077 comments Brenda, When you go to the group's home page, and you post a post, you can select new, and then there is a drop down menu with folders to select and there is a authors' corner folder. Or you can scroll down the group's home page and you'll see the authors' corner folder with threads in it. If you already have one there, or anything to say in the others, you can post in existing threads. I hope that makes sense. It will eventually, as you get to know Goodreads.

message 29: by Manybooks (new)

Manybooks | 12598 comments Mod
Helen wrote: "Hello, my dear colleagues, friends and readers! I'm a publisher from Animedia Company, a small and young publishing house from Czech Republic and Russia. We publish ebook on Russian, Czech and Engl..."

You should really be posting this in the author's corner and not in the welcome thread.

message 30: by Kathryn, The Princess of Picture-Books (new)

Kathryn | 7212 comments Mod
Hi, Bonnie. Congratulations on persevering and finding a way to continue creating your books. Very inspiring!

Please note that this thread is just a place for personal introductions, not to go into detail about your books. We do have an Author's Corner for that purpose, please move your discussion of your books to that thread. Thank you so much.

message 31: by Kathryn, The Princess of Picture-Books (new)

Kathryn | 7212 comments Mod
Helen, please move your comment to the Author's Corner. You are welcome to post there but your comment will be deleted from this thread as it is only for personal introductions. Thank you.

message 32: by Cheryl, Newbery Club host (new)

Cheryl (cherylllr) | 8042 comments Mod
Thank you, all, for your participation in the Children's Books Group. Please note that the rules say that we have a folder for authors, called "Authors' Corner," and all promotional material belongs there. I have deleted your promotional content from the Readers' area of the group. If you choose to post in Authors' Corner, please read the introductory post there.

message 33: by Carolien (new)

Carolien (carolien_s) I'm Carolien from Johannesburg, South Africa. I have always loved reading and love children's books. My daughters are 4 and 6 so I have every excuse I need to indulge my passion.

I've been a member of Goodreads for 2 years and will participate where possible. I am planning on reading as many of the Newbery award winners as possible. However, not all the books discussed in this Group are easily available in South Africa.

message 34: by Cheryl, Newbery Club host (new)

Cheryl (cherylllr) | 8042 comments Mod
Welcome Carolien! How wonderful you have children with whom to share the books we read. I look forward to learning their reactions, especially, of course, to the picture-books... they're probably a bit young for many of the Newberys, of course. And of course *any* level of participation is appreciated.

message 35: by Bonnie (new)

Bonnie Ferrante (bonnieferrante) Kathryn wrote: "Hi, Bonnie. Congratulations on persevering and finding a way to continue creating your books. Very inspiring!

Please note that this thread is just a place for personal introductions, not to go in..."

I can't find it. Did you erase it or move it?

message 36: by Cheryl, Newbery Club host (new)

Cheryl (cherylllr) | 8042 comments Mod
Bonnie, I'm sorry, but per the established rules I needed to delete it. I would have moved it, but there is actually no way for moderators to move individual comments (only threads can be moved).

message 37: by Andrea (new)

Andrea Renfrow | 3 comments Hi, I'm Andi Klemm - homeschool mom to a very awesome, tiny person.

message 38: by Kathryn, The Princess of Picture-Books (new)

Kathryn | 7212 comments Mod
Welcome, A.K.! That's so great that you're homeschooling. I was homeschooled and loved it :-) I'm so glad it is more well-known these days than it was "back then." I hope the group will introduce you to many wonderful books to share with your little one.

message 39: by Aimee (new)

Aimee | 54 comments Hello, everyone!

I'm a lifelong lover of picture books, so I'm delighted to join this group and get to know you.

message 40: by Brenda (new)

Brenda | 192 comments Welcome to all the new members, I hope you will enjoy the group as much I do.

message 41: by Aimee (new)

Aimee | 54 comments Thanks for the welcome, Brenda.

message 42: by Cheryl, Newbery Club host (new)

Cheryl (cherylllr) | 8042 comments Mod
Do you have kids or plan to, Aimee? It's certainly not a requirement, but we always love hearing reactions from the little ones to the books.

message 43: by Aimee (new)

Aimee | 54 comments Hi, Cheryl,

Yes, I have three children, ages 11, 8, and 6. They all love reading or being read to. The youngest is doing pretty well at reading easy readers, which is a stage I love.

We are all fond of picture books. Our shelves are crammed with them.

message 44: by Aimee (new)

Aimee | 54 comments I find it interesting to learn what children's responses are, as well. I will try to share the books with my family.

message 45: by Daniel (new)

Daniel Spencer | 8 comments I am Daniel, living in Japan. My interest is mainly picture books - I teach English as a foreign language to kids and adults. I love finding new picture books, and creative ways to use them with ALL ages.

message 46: by Kathryn, The Princess of Picture-Books (new)

Kathryn | 7212 comments Mod
Welcome, Aimee and Daniel! Great to have you here. Picture books hold a special place in my heart, too. I hope you will check out our Picture Book Club :-) We have a few years' worth of themed picture book lists in that folder you might like to look back on, too.

message 47: by Cheryl, Newbery Club host (new)

Cheryl (cherylllr) | 8042 comments Mod
Welcome! Glad to have you both on board, to add some more diverse reactions. I look forward to learning what the kids, and the EFL students, think of the various children's books.

message 48: by Melissa (last edited Jan 01, 2014 07:00AM) (new)

Sticky Note Book Recs Melissa (mchoneyb) Hello all! My name is Melissa, I'm from Oklahoma. I love reading, and I really love reading children's books. I've been looking for an active group that appreciates the children's/picture book genre.
I was an avid reader when I was a child, it was an excellent escape, and within the past few years, have discovered the joy of reading all over again! I have 3 kids, so I am doing my best to read, read, read to them so they will have a love for books too. So, we read a lot of picture books. :)
I am a bit frustrated with the other adults in my life, who hear that I've read x amount of books, but many of them are children's titles, and then they roll their eyes and say "oh"... as if those books shouldn't count because they are 'kids' books. That's craziness, to me. There are so many timeless lessons to be learned from children's books, whether you are 1 or 80!
So, I'm very happy to be among a group of adults who appreciate good children's books for what they truly are.
I look forward to participating with you all this year!

message 49: by Jane (new)

Jane | 69 comments Melissa wrote: "Hello all! My name is Melissa, I'm from Oklahoma. I love reading, and I really love reading children's books. I've been looking for an active group that appreciates the children's/picture book genr..."
We look forward to having you. The book for the month of January will be Treasure Island.

message 50: by Melissa (new)

Sticky Note Book Recs Melissa (mchoneyb) Oh, I was wondering about that, thanks!!

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