Reading with Style discussion

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Archives > Winter 13/14 RwS Completed Tasks - Winter 13/14

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message 1: by Liz M (last edited Nov 30, 2013 08:38PM) (new)

Liz M Post your completed tasks here. In order to help us better manage our score keeping:

Please use the add book/author link for the book titles. When claiming combo points, tell how the book qualifies, and, if requested in the task description provide a link.

Reading w/Style (RwS) Sample Completed Tasks Post:

20.6 - 20th C:
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry Into Values by Robert M. Pirsig

--insert 100+ word review here--

+20 task
+5 combo (20.4 -Travel)
+10 review
+10 not-a-novel (non-fiction)
+5 oldies
+5 jumbo

Task total: 55 points
Grand Total: 785

(This assumes mid-challenge, and that you had previously posted 730 points)

message 2: by Liz M (new)

Liz M Travel the Pacific Rim sample completed post:

TtPR - Seafarer

15.4 (4th Stop): Russia
Fathers and Sons by Ivan Turgenev

+15 task
+10 bonus

Task total: 25 points
Grand Total: 635

(This assumes mid-challenge, and that you had previously posted 610 points)

message 3: by Karen Michele (new)

Karen Michele Burns (klibrary) | 5075 comments 20.6 – 20th C:

The Crucible by Arthur Miller, 1320 Lexile

The Salem Witch Trials have fascinated me since I was a young girl, but I had never read The Crucible. I was familiar with the main characters and recently read a short non-fiction account of the lead "players". I have recently come to enjoy plays more after listening to many in audio format. Now when I read a play, I concentrate on the dialogue and just glance quickly at who is speaking to keep track and this helps the drama unfold without interruption. I was drawn into this play from the beginning, but it was Act Four that I found most compelling as John and Elizabeth Proctor struggled with the meanings of truth, morality, pride and courage. I am baffled when I read of such injustices perpetrated in the name of religion and amazed at how often our world has and does suffer from these injustices.

+20 Task: #116 on list
+10 Review
+10 Not a Novel (play)
+ 5 Oldies (1953)

Task Total: 45
Grand Total: 45

message 4: by Theresa~OctoberLace (last edited Dec 01, 2013 10:05AM) (new)

Theresa~OctoberLace (octoberlace) | 518 comments TtPR - Seafarer

15.1 (1st Stop): Mexico - A, B, & C
Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel 12/1/13

+15 task

Task total: 15 points
TtPR Total: 15
RwS Total: 0
Grand Total: 15

Theresa~OctoberLace (octoberlace) | 518 comments 10.2 - Reindeer
The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman 12/1/13

This book has been shelved as Fantasy 3,377 times.


My first introduction to Neil Gaiman was an Audible Halloween freebie, Click-Clack the Rattlebag. It was a cute little children’s tale that I’d set aside, but finally listened to when I heard he had a new novel out for adults. I was surprised to hear his wonderful voice reading that little tale to me. Most writers do not do well narrating their own work, but his voice convinced me to put a hold on the new audiobook at my library.

My turn for The Ocean at the End of the Lane finally came, and I listened to it this afternoon. The book itself relates a fantasy told by a 47 year old man remembering events from when he was seven. It’s a cute story, but again it was Gaiman’s soothing story teller voice that kept me enthralled from beginning to end.

+10 task
+10 review

Task total: 20 points
TtPR Total: 15
RwS Total: 20
Grand Total: 35

message 6: by Coralie (last edited Dec 02, 2013 02:31AM) (new)

Coralie | 2681 comments TtPR - Seafarer

15.1 (1st Stop): Columbia
Memories of My Melancholy Whores by Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
+15 task

Task total: 15 points
Grand Total: 15

message 7: by Nick (last edited Dec 02, 2013 08:31AM) (new)

Nick (doily) | 417 comments TtPR

Here Goes! I'm going to start an Aviator's log.

My first trip, 15.1, is to Australia:

I read Death at Victoria Dock by Kerry Greenwood which fits criteria A, B, and C.

Task Total: 15 (1st stop)
Grand Total: 15

message 8: by Jade (last edited Dec 02, 2013 11:26AM) (new)

Jade (miss_jade) | 4 comments 20.5 Disturbing

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

Gone Girl was entertaining, to say the least. I found it hard to believe it was written by a female because it contained a lot of vulgar language (this doesn't particularly bother me, I just thought it worth mentioning). I thoroughly enjoyed this book up until the twist was revealed. I liked it much, much less after that.

It was one of those action books that had way too much going on. The story itself wasn't believable and I was okay with that. However, it went from being creatively fast-paced to incredibly cheesy.

With that being said, it was an easy read. I read it in two days. It was entertaining but not much else.

+20 task
+10 review

Task total: 30 points
TtPR Total: 0
RwS Total: 30
Grand Total: 30

message 9: by Karen Michele (new)

Karen Michele Burns (klibrary) | 5075 comments 20.3 – Post-Colonial:

Madmen and Specialists: A Play by Wole Soyinka

I was interested in trying something by an author other than Chinua Achebe on post-colonial Africa, so I got a hold of Madmen and Specialists by Wole Soyinka. It is an "absurdist" work and not a period of history in Nigeria that I know well, so I'm sure I missed some meaning along the way, but it was still well worth reading. I think it is a play that should be seen in order to catch more of the more subtle nuances and the "truth" of the varied characters. For example, the beggars cannot be taken at face value. Neither can the returning doctor turned politician (and cannibalism supporter). Soyinka won the Nobel Prize (I was glad to see that task pop up this morning!) for his activist political protest against the horrors occurring in his country and his literary work. I did have a few "laugh out loud" moments and some favorite phrases like "the end shall justify the meanness". I would recommend the play to theater lovers and those familiar with the history of Africa.

+20 Task: on given list of authors
+ 5 Combo: 10.9 – Nobel Prize
+10 Review
+10 Not a Novel (Play)
+ 5 Oldies (1971)

Task Total: 50
Grand Total: 95

message 10: by Connie (new)

Connie G (connie_g) | 1746 comments TtPR-Seafarer

15.1 (1st stop): Canada
A Student of Weather by Elizabeth Hay

+15 task

Task total: 15 points
TtPR total: 15
RwS total: 0
Grand total: 15

message 11: by Don (The Book Guy) (last edited Dec 03, 2013 06:26AM) (new)

Don (The Book Guy) (donthelibrarian) | 905 comments 20.8 Disastrous Reading

The Pox And The Covenant: Mather, Franklin, And The Epidemic That Changed America's Destiny by Tony Williams.

If you love reading history of the founding of America I highly recommend this book. It deals with the small pox epidemic of 1721 that hit Boston and the reactions to the first attempts at inoculating people against it in this country. I read a lot of American history but this opened up a whole area that I was not familiar with. You learn a lot about Cotton Mather, the Puritans, medical practices in colonial America, trade, and some of the early career of Benjamin Franklin. It changed my perceptions of the Puritans and I will look for more to read about them and Cotton Mather. I found his writing style engaging and not dry as some history writers can be.

+20 Task
+10 Not a Novel
+10 Review

Task total: 40
Grand total: 40

message 12: by Heather (new)

Heather (sarielswish) | 738 comments 20.4 - travel

Into Thin Air: A Personal Account of the Mt. Everest Disaster by Jon Krakauer

I, for one, am not usually one for travel books or non-fiction books that don’t involve medieval history or hard science. However, this book really struck a chord with me. Initially, I regarded it as just a memoir of the ascent of the tallest mountain in the world and the subsequent disaster that occurred but by the end, I was left with a completely different opinion. It is a heartfelt telling of a harrowing story and wonderfully written questioning of motives and reasons that human beings have for attempting and sometimes achieving the seemingly impossible. The author even goes so far as to include an additional chapter addressing the concerns and misconceptions that had arisen between himself and another of the survivors of that expedition. All in all, it’s definitely worth a read.

+20 task
+10 not a novel
+10 review
+5 combo (20.8)

task total: 45
grand total: 45

message 13: by Heather (last edited Dec 06, 2013 01:14PM) (new)

Heather (sarielswish) | 738 comments TtPR - Aviator

15.1 - Russia - Roadside Picnic by Arkady Strugatsky

+15 task

task total: 15
grand total: 60

note: I *was* going for seafarer but I can't make myself read things in order, it seems.

Elizabeth (Alaska) | 13909 comments Heather wrote: "TtPR - Aviator

Roadside Picnic by Arkady Strugatsky

+15 task

task total: 15
grand total: 60

note: I *was* going for seafarer but I can't make myself read thing..."

Is this your first task, so 15.1?

message 15: by Heather (new)

Heather (sarielswish) | 738 comments Oops. Yep, 15.1. I'll fix that when I get to a pc tomorrow.

message 16: by Coralie (new)

Coralie | 2681 comments 20.3 Post Colonial:
In a German Pension: 13 Stories by Katherine Mansfield

+20 task
+10 combo (10.6 Beginnings/Endings – first published work; 20.10 Between the Wars–born in 1888)
+10 not-a-novel (short stories)
+10 oldies (published 1911)

Task total: 50 points
Grand Total: 65

message 17: by Connie (new)

Connie G (connie_g) | 1746 comments 10.3 Edgar Allan Poe
Evil Eye: Four Novellas of Love Gone Wrong by
Joyce Carol Oates

Each of these four novellas features an insecure woman, and a manipulative man who has an inner creepy side to him. "So Near...Any Time...Always" shows a shy teenage girl who meets a man in his twenties. At first she is flattered by his attention, but then he is always lurking in the shadows with his camera...and worse. In "The Execution," a male college student plots to kill his father, and his overprotective mother acts to shield her son from the law. "The Flatbed" involves a woman who had a "little secret" that she had been sexually abused as a child. When she gets revenge, she has a new secret. My favorite was the title story, "Evil Eye," about a timid fourth wife who finds that her husband is not the charismatic man she married when he shows his domineering, angry side. After she finds out some terrible information from his first wife, her mind runs wild. The reader wonders what is truth and what is imagination.

All four of these novellas have a Gothic feel to them, horror stories with a twist. Some of the characters are mentally ill. The truly scary thing about these well-written stories is that they seem so realistic--newspaper stories feature the same types of abusers and manipulators who mistreat the fragile people who love them.

+10 task
+10 review
+10 not a novel (novellas/short stories)

Task total: 30
TtPR total: 15
RwS total: 30
Grand total: 45

message 18: by Tanya (new)

Tanya (xallroyx21) | 198 comments 10.2 - Reindeer

The Iron Daughter by Julie Kagawa

+10 Task (shelved 1392 as fantasy, Lexile 810)
+5 Combo (10.5 goodreads author)

Task Total = 15
Grand Total = 15 points

Theresa~OctoberLace (octoberlace) | 518 comments Now that all tasks have been posted, I have an update for Message #5, adding 10 combo points.

10.2 - Reindeer
The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman 12/1/13

This book has been shelved as Fantasy 3,377 times.

Review: (see message #5)

Add Combos:
10.5 - Neil Gaiman is a Goodreads Author
10.6 - The Ocean at the End of the Lane is his most recently published book

+10 task
+10 review
+10 Combo (10.5, 10.6)

Task total: 20 points + 10 Combo = 30
TtPR Total: 15
RwS Total: 20 + 10 = 30
Revised Grand Total: 35 + 10 = 45

message 20: by Coralie (last edited Dec 04, 2013 01:42AM) (new)

Coralie | 2681 comments 10.8 B I N G O
The First 20 Minutes: Surprising Science Reveals How We Can: Exercise Better, Train Smarter, Live Longer by Gretchen Reynolds

+10 task
+10 Combo (10.5 Goodreads author; 10.6 first & most recently published book)
+10 not-a-novel (non-fiction)

Task total: 30 points
Grand Total: 95

message 21: by Rosemary (last edited Dec 04, 2013 09:11AM) (new)

Rosemary | 3961 comments 20.4 - Travel

Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China by Jung Chang

I first read this when it took the publishing world by storm over 20 years ago. All I remembered from it was a few details from the mother's and grandmother's stories (like the bound feet! eek!) but most of the book is Jung Chang's memoir of growing up in China before and during the terror of the Cultural Revolution - although of course the stories of the older generation continue because they are a part of Jung Chang's life. She rather rushes through her last few years in China, her years at university, which makes makes the last 100 or so pages rather flat. But it gives a brilliant insight into what it's like to live under a regime where people were constantly turning on former colleagues and friends, teenagers were sent to work hundreds of miles away from their families and high status became low status in the blink of an eye.

+20 task (Favorite Travel Books #103)
+10 combo (20.6 #296, 20.9)
+10 review
+10 not-a-novel (biography/autobiography)
+ 5 jumbo (544 pages)

Task total: 55 points
Grand total: 55

message 22: by Joanna (new)

Joanna (walker) | 1924 comments 10.1 Reading Resolutions

Trying Cases to Win: Direct Examination by Herbert Jay Stern

Herbert Stern has done a fine job combining trial war stories with practical, how-to advice for trial lawyers. His theories for jury trials are contrary to much of the common received wisdom about what to do. I really enjoyed the first volume (opening statements, or, as Stern prefers, opening arguments) and was looking forward to following up with this volume on direct examination. He focuses on crafting a direct examination, particularly of key witnesses, to be a persuasive argument at the time of testimony and not merely the putting in of evidence to allow a strong closing. In particular, Stern rejects the idea that a good direct involves a witness telling his own story in chronological order. Highly recommended reading for trial lawyers. Not especially interesting for lay readers.

+10 Task
+10 Review
+10 Not-a-novel

Task total: 30
Grand total: 30

message 23: by Denise (new)

Denise | 1764 comments 10.6 - Beginnings/Endings

Tinkers by Paul Harding

Harding's first novel, published in 2009.

Task total=10
Grand total=10

message 24: by Sam (new)

Sam (theliteraryhooker) | 1008 comments Travel the Pacific Rim - Seafarer
15.1 - New Zealand

Mister Pip - Lloyd Jones (A&B)

+15 task

Post total: 15
Grand total: 15

message 25: by Kathleen (itpdx) (last edited Dec 08, 2013 07:06PM) (new)

Kathleen (itpdx) (itpdx) | 1644 comments 20.1 1964
The Swan Thieves by Elizabeth Kostova
This is a sweet story with a different premise but a number of disconnects. A psychiatrist, who is also an amateur painter, takes as patient a well known painter who was prevented from damaging a painting in a nearby museum by a guard. The patient, after a few words goes silent, and the doctor tries to find the source of patient's obsession. I don't know enough about mental illnesses to know if the course of this patient's illness is realistic.
I found a number of things irritating. For instance, the doctor interviews the patient's ex-wife. The "conversation" is unrealistic. I have never heard anyone talk the way Kostova writes this.
When the doctor interviews the patient's ex-girl friend, she chooses to write her response. She goes off on things that no one in a similar situation would ever write or think was relevant.
Kostova's very heavy handed treatment of aging throughout the book was another irritant.
I really wouldn't recommend this book.

+20 Task Kostova was born in 1964
+10 Review
+5 10 Combo 20.9 (565 pgs.) 10.6 (most recent)
+5 Jumbo (565 pgs.)
Task Total: 40
Grand Total: 40 45

message 26: by Coralie (new)

Coralie | 2681 comments TtPR – Seafarer

15.2 (2nd Stop): Peru
In Praise of the Stepmother by Mario Vargas Llosa

+15 task
+10 bonus

Task total: 25 points
Grand Total: 120

message 27: by Joanna (new)

Joanna (walker) | 1924 comments 10.2 Reindeer - shelved as fantasy 1000+ times

The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman

This was on my list to read last season, but I didn't quite get to it, so I'm glad that there was a spot for it here.

Many authors should not read their own books. But Neil Gaiman is an exception. Listening to him narrate this tale greatly improved the experience for me, even if we were driving on the dark roads of bitterly cold Iowa while listening. The tale captures wonderfully the fantasy of childhood monsters and fantasies. I wondered throughout whether we are supposed to believe this as a tale of a fantastical, but real, event or a memory of a fantasy made up in the mind of a seven-year-old. It worked for me on both levels and I very much enjoyed listening. My husband, who doesn't always enjoy audiobooks, seemed to enjoy listening to this one.

+10 Task
+10 Combo (10.5, 10.6 - most recent)
+10 Review

Task total: 30
Grand total: 60

Elizabeth (Alaska) | 13909 comments 20.5 Disturbing

The Secret History by Donna Tartt

+20 Task
+15 Combo (10.6 debut, 20.6, 20.9)
+ 5 Jumbo - MPE 559 pgs

Task Total = 40

Grand Total = 40

message 29: by Cory Day (last edited Dec 05, 2013 06:56PM) (new)

Cory Day (cors36) | 1205 comments 20.1 1964

Autumn Bones by Jacqueline Carey

Review: I read the first book in this series recently and wasn’t totally sold, but kept going. This one wasn’t significantly better, but I’m starting to grow attached to some of the side characters. I read a lot of urban fantasy, and there are some interesting differences in this one (mainly the types of supernatural creatures), but the main character reminds me of Sookie Stackhouse in the most annoying ways possible. I read all the Sookie books though, so it’s not likely I’ll drop this series for that reason. I also love the setting, but could do without the love triangle or the descriptions of Daisy’s tail….

+20 Task
+10 Combo (10.5, 10.6 – latest book)
+10 Review

Task Total: 40
Grand Total: 40

message 30: by Connie (last edited Dec 07, 2013 09:12PM) (new)

Connie G (connie_g) | 1746 comments 10.9 Nobel Prize for Literature Author

Sula by Toni Morrison

Toni Morrison has written a lush, earthy story, set in a segregated area of Ohio, about the black experience between 1919-1965. Nel, who has a very traditional childhood, becomes the best friend of Sula who lives in an unstructured environment. When they become adults, Nel got married, had children, and stayed in her hometown. Sula went away to college, and had affairs with many men, following the path of her sensual mother. Sula returned to her hometown after ten years, became the source of gossip because of her loose ways, and deeply hurt Nel. This is a story about female friendship, and about what constitutes good and evil.

The book is also a portrait of a small, vital black community facing hardship. The black men in the town have to deal with discrimination in hiring with even the government construction jobs closed off to them. I enjoyed Toni Morrison's complex characters and gorgeous writing.

+10 Task
+10 Review

Task Total: 20
TtPR total: 15
RwS total: 50
Grand total: 65

message 31: by Deedee (last edited Dec 07, 2013 12:27PM) (new)

Deedee | 2191 comments Task 15.1 - Travel the Pacific Rim - "Seafarer"
First Stop

A/ Author born in Australia
C/ Novel set in Australia

The Paperbark Shoe (2009) by Goldie Goldbloom

+15 Task

Task Total: 15

Grand Total: 00 + 15 = 15

Don (The Book Guy) (donthelibrarian) | 905 comments 10.4 Chinese New Year

The Tiger in the Smoke by Margery Allingham, published 1952, author born in 1904.

Allingham is considered one of the greats with Agatha Christie and Dorothy Sayers. This is my first book of hers and was quite enjoyable. Campion the detective while in this is not the main character and is almost a side character. It is more of a thriller than a pure detective story and done quite well. She even gets into a short musing on the source of evil and while I would have liked more, others who don’t care for that kind of thing shouldn’t be put off by it. Set in postwar London and a short trip to coastal France, the tiger is on the loose and who knows where he will strike. I like how she worked the tiger image in several times but in clever and appropriate ways. If you are looking for a detective novel for this challenge, I recommend this book. One last thought, while it seemed like it was all over the place with different stories at first, she brings them all nicely together and an unusual ending.

+10 Task
+10 Review
+5 Oldies
+10 Combo, 10.3 and 20.10

Task Total: 35
Grand Total: 75

message 33: by Karen Michele (new)

Karen Michele Burns (klibrary) | 5075 comments 10.8 – BINGO!: Cory (Bigler)’s task

October Mourning: A Song for Matthew Shepard by Lesléa Newman, no lexile

+10 Task: OctoBer mournING

Task Total: 10
Grand Total: 105

message 34: by Karen Michele (new)

Karen Michele Burns (klibrary) | 5075 comments 20.2 – Picaresque:

Tortilla Flat by John Steinbeck, no lexile, YA assignment

+20 Task: on the given list

Task Total: 20
Grand Total: 125

message 35: by Heather (new)

Heather (sarielswish) | 738 comments TtPR - Aviator

15.2 - Japan - Parasite Eve by Hideaki Sena

+15 task

task total: 15
grand total: 75

message 36: by Joanna (new)

Joanna (walker) | 1924 comments TtPR - Seafarer

15.1: Canada

MaddAddam by Margaret Atwood

+15 Task

Task total: 15
Grand total: 75

message 37: by Joanna (last edited Dec 06, 2013 02:41PM) (new)

Joanna (walker) | 1924 comments TtPR - Seafarer

15.2: US

Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk: A Modest Bestiary by David Sedaris

+15 Task
+10 Bonus

Task total: 25
Grand total: 100

message 38: by Rachel (new)

Rachel | 574 comments TPR : Seafarer

15.1 USA

Assholes Finish First by Tucker Max

+15 Task

Grand Total: 15 points

message 39: by Rachel (new)

Rachel | 574 comments 10.3 Detective Fiction Author

12th of Never by James Patterson

I am slightly addicted to these Women's Murder Club books. Patterson is always a quick read but I find his books enjoyable. They always have shocking crimes and lots of action. Lately the personal element to the girls has been getting rather annoying. I never liked Cindy so I just didn't care about her troubles and I'm kind of glad the way they turned out. Lindsay also felt a bit annoying. I think he portrays her emotions through her situation well but I can't get any real feelings going about her fictional character. I also like the legal aspect of these books. Its like watching an episode of Law and Order. He might not be accurately portraying a criminal investigation and trial but I feel like I am learning some cool stuff about the process anyway.
Sorry this review is a little rambling but I didn't want to give anything away!

+10 Task
+5 Combo 10.5 Goodreads Author
+10 Review

Task Total: 25 points
Grand Total: 40 points

message 40: by Theresa~OctoberLace (last edited Dec 06, 2013 09:37PM) (new)

Theresa~OctoberLace (octoberlace) | 518 comments 10.1 - Reading Resolutions
Winter's Heart by Robert Jordan 12/6/13

My resolution was to continue/complete The Wheel of Time Series. This is book 9 of the 14 volume series.


It was May of 2010 when I listened to The Eye of the World, Book One of The Wheel of Time. I’d purchased the audiobook after Book 12 of that series was chosen as the best audiobook of 2009 on Audible. The series has 14 books, begun by Robert Jordan and completed by Brandon Sanderson after his death. The audiobooks are read by Kate Reading and Michael Kramer, with each book running between 23 ½ to 42 hours.

Winter’s Heart is Book 9 of the series, and I’m still enjoying the series. The theme is pure fantasy, with characters such as Rand al’Thor (The Dragon Reborn), Elayne Trakand (The Daughter-Heir of Andor, now Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah), and The Dark One (Shai'tan, the source of all evil). Characters must deal with monsters, such as Trollocs and Myrddraals, followers of The Dark One, and persons of various cultures vying for power. Women such as Elayne who are Aes Sedai have special powers allowing them to channel from the source to heal, transport, levitate, and to perform many other actions we’d consider magic. All of this and more is woven into a magical series that has captured enough interest to keep ratings at and average 4 stars or more.

One of my goals is to read the remaining 5 books before the end of 2014.

10.2 - Shelved as Fantasy by 3,486 users on Goodreads
20.9 - Book has 780 pages

Note: I listened to the Audible version, so I'm using the most rated version for page count, which is the paperback at 780 pages, earning 10 style points.

+10 task
+10 review
+10 Combo (10.2, 20.9)
+10 Jumbo

Task total: 40 points
TtPR Total: 15
RwS Total: = 70
Grand Total: 85

message 41: by Rosemary (last edited Dec 07, 2013 07:57AM) (new)

Rosemary | 3961 comments 10.6 Beginnings/Endings

Our Picnics in the Sun by Morag Joss

Morag Joss is teaching the creative writing class that I’m currently attending and I won a copy of her latest book in a competition in class.

Deborah and Howard have been struggling to survive on their "back to the land" property on the wilds of Exmoor for years. After Howard has a stroke, the future seems bleak indeed, until a young man named Theo turns up to help. But is Theo too good to be true?

Morag Joss brings to life the bleak isolation of rural poverty and the terrible consequences of refusing to cut your losses and give up on an unachievable dream. I wouldn’t class this as mystery or suspense as the blurb suggests, but it’s very vivid and convincing.

+10 task (published November 26th, 2013)
+10 review

Task total: 20 points
Grand total: 75

message 42: by Bea (new)

Bea 10.10 Tis the Season

Genre = Holiday and Holiday>Christmas

A Christmas Visitor by Anne Perry

Points: 10

15.8 No Time to Waste

One of 10 shortest books on TBR - 113 pages

Jacob the Baker: Gentle Wisdom For a Complicated World by Noah Benshea

Points: 15

Total Points: 25

Elizabeth (Alaska) | 13909 comments Bea, are these books for a different challenge group?

message 44: by Rosemary (last edited Dec 07, 2013 08:02AM) (new)

Rosemary | 3961 comments 20.10 Between the Wars

The Exiles Return by Elisabeth de Waal

‘The Exiles Return’ focuses on three people arriving in Vienna from the USA after the Second World War. Kuno Adler is a Jewish scientist claiming his right under the reparation agreement to be reinstated in his old job. Theophil Karakis is a hugely wealthy businessman of Greek ethnicity who left because there was more money to be made in the States but now wants to find the perfect house and surround himself with antiques in the city of his birth. Marie-Theres Larsen is the disaffected American-born teenage daughter of emigrant parents, coming on a long visit to her Austrian aunts. You might say they all find what they are looking for but it’s a “be careful what you wish for” story.

Vienna is beautifully brought to life and that was the best thing about the book for me. The characters’ stories ranged from gentle and sweet to violently melodramatic, and if the book had had a more familiar literary setting like London, Paris or New York I don’t think I’d have enjoyed it so much. I felt that the city itself was the main character, war-ravaged but still beautiful.

+20 task (born 1899)
+ 5 combo (10.6 - this is her only published book)
+10 review

Task total: 35 points
Grand total: 110

message 45: by Deedee (last edited Dec 07, 2013 08:44AM) (new)

Deedee | 2191 comments Task 20.1 - Book first published in 1964

Louis L'Amour
Born: March 22, 1908
Died: June 10, 1988

Kiowa Trail (1964) by Louis L'Amour (Hardcover, 208 pages)
Review:Louis L’Amour is justly famous for his Western novels. In his novels, there are men (and, occasionally women) who are the good guys – hard-working, unpretentious, honest men (and, occasionally women) who ride a horse, use a gun (but only in 1) self-defense or 2) defense of the innocent) and tamed the West. There are also men (and, occasionally women) who are the bad guys – thieves who take rather than make. Bad guys are either scuzzy outlaws or pretentious money men from East of the Mississippi. There is always action, and, (not a spoiler!) the good guys always win. Native Americans are present – and mentioned by tribal name (Apaches are in this one); they are presented as mysterious and “worthy adversaries” who need to be defeated. Through remembrances of various characters, he includes several iconic Western short stories in between action sequences of the overarching story. I’d say that this is one of the best Western novels L’Amour wrote. Recommended for when you want to read a Western.

+20 Task
+05 Combination (#20.10 born (1866-1913))
+10 Review
+05 Oldies -25 to 75 years old: 5 points (1939-1989)

Task Total: 20 + 05 + 10 + 05 = 40

Grand Total: 15 + 40 = 55

message 46: by Ashley Campbell (last edited Dec 07, 2013 11:02AM) (new)

Ashley Campbell | 145 comments 10.5 - Goodreads authorized

Eve & Adam by Michael Grant and Katherine Applegate

Lexile: 560HL

+10 Task

Task Total: 10
Grand Total: 10

message 47: by Isabell (new)

Isabell (purzel) | 255 comments 20.10 Between the Wars
(Christie was born in 1890)

Peril at End House by Agatha Christie

There are many mystery authors. But so far I have found none that equal Agatha Christie. I love her books. This particular story features Hercule Poirot and Captain Hastings. They are on holiday in the seaside town St. Loo. There they meet the young Miss Nick Buckley, who has just escaped the fourth attempt on her life. Of course Hercule Poirot dedicates his little grey cells to the welfare of Nick and chases the would-be murderer.
Even though I had already seen the movie of the book, featuring David Suchet, I was sometimes led astray during the course of the book. As typical for Agatha Christie the reader gets all the necessary clues, but still it’s a near-impossible thing to figure out the truth before it is revealed. I enjoyed myself from the first page to the last.

+ 20 Task
+ 10 Review
+ 10 Oldies (pub. 1932)
+ 5 Combo (10.3)

Task Total: 45
Grand Total: 45

message 48: by Karen Michele (new)

Karen Michele Burns (klibrary) | 5075 comments TtPR Seafarer

15.1 (1st stop) Canada: A & B

The Year of the Flood by Margaret Atwood

+15 Task

Task Total: 15
Grand Total: 140

message 49: by Karen Michele (new)

Karen Michele Burns (klibrary) | 5075 comments 20.5 – Disturbing:

Go Ask Alice by Beatrice Sparks, 1010 Lexile

This book was written in 1971 before there were many fine YA authors out there writing realistic fiction for teens. It shows. If it helps a teen that reads it in 2013 stay away from drugs, then that's a good thing, but it needs to be read as what it is: a fictional diary of a young teen written by an author, Beatrice Sparks, whose beliefs led her to write this "cautionary tale". Because the 1971 copyright date puts it in a time period that is "ancient history" for today's teens, they may be able to get past the trite phrasing which was quite unrealistic. I graduated from high school in 1971 and I would never have said or written in a diary a phrase like " I really, really, really do!" I also found the views on homosexuality as a degenerate behavior resulting from drug use to be over the top even for the time period. I'm glad I finally read the book, but I will be leading my students to the fine writing in Ellen Hopkins' books Crank, Glass and Fallout for a more literary and realistic view of addiction through fiction directed at the intelligent teen reader.

+20 Task: shelved 17 times
+10 Review
+. 5 Oldies(1971)

Task Total: 35
Grand Total: 175

message 50: by Deedee (new)

Deedee | 2191 comments Task 10.5 - Goodreads authorized: Read a book written by a goodreads author.

The Dream Thieves (The Raven Cycle #2) (2013) by Maggie Stiefvater
(low lexile, so no combo points) Recommended for those who read and enjoyed book one in the series, The Raven Boys.

+10 Task

Task Total: 10

Grand Total: 55 + 10 = 65

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