Gigi's Company discussion

Games > Guess the Title and Author

Comments Showing 151-200 of 7,653 (7653 new)    post a comment »

message 151: by ♥Tricia♥ (new)

♥Tricia♥ (siddie) | 60 comments T _ _ * _ _ t _ _ e s * o f * _ _ _ _ e


L a _ r a * S t a m _ s

Letters not in the title/author:

message 152: by Kathleen (new)

Kathleen Burket (kathleengigicompany) | 20125 comments Mod
I'll take an "i" please.

message 153: by ♥Tricia♥ (new)

♥Tricia♥ (siddie) | 60 comments T _ _ * _ i t _ _ e s * o f * _ i _ i e


L a _ r a * S t a m _ s

Letters not in the title/author:

message 154: by Kathleen (last edited Aug 01, 2009 05:49PM) (new)

Kathleen Burket (kathleengigicompany) | 20125 comments Mod
Okay, only one vowel left, I'll take a "u" please.

message 155: by ♥Tricia♥ (new)

♥Tricia♥ (siddie) | 60 comments T _ _ * _ i t _ _ e s * o f * _ i _ i e


L a u r a * S t a m _ s

Letters not in the title/author:

message 156: by ♥Tricia♥ (last edited Aug 01, 2009 05:57PM) (new)

♥Tricia♥ (siddie) | 60 comments Oh crap ladies I jsut realized I been leavign out one of the E's!!

/hides and cries, so sorry! here is the updated version lol

T _ e * _ i t _ _ e s * o f * _ i _ i e


L a u r a * S t a m _ s

Letters not in the title/author:

You guys were probably going "WTF is that first word?!" lol

message 157: by Kathleen (new)

Kathleen Burket (kathleengigicompany) | 20125 comments Mod
I'll take a "y" please.

message 158: by ♥Tricia♥ (new)

♥Tricia♥ (siddie) | 60 comments
T _ e * _ i t _ _ e s * o f * _ i _ i e


L a u r a * S t a m _ s

Sorry no*y*'s

Letters not in the title/author:

message 159: by Wendy T (new)

Wendy T Can I have a "u" please.

message 160: by Kathleen (new)

Kathleen Burket (kathleengigicompany) | 20125 comments Mod
I'll take a "h" please.

message 161: by Wendy T (new)

Wendy T Can I have a "p" please

message 162: by ♥Tricia♥ (last edited Aug 02, 2009 05:20PM) (new)

♥Tricia♥ (siddie) | 60 comments T h e * _ i t _ h e s * o f * _ i _ i e


L a u r a * S t a m p s

U was already chosen and in the phrase :)

Letters not in the title/author:

message 163: by Kathleen (new)

Kathleen Burket (kathleengigicompany) | 20125 comments Mod
The Witches of Dixie


Laura Stamps

message 164: by ♥Tricia♥ (new)

♥Tricia♥ (siddie) | 60 comments Yes!

Yay Kathleen!

message 165: by Kathleen (new)

Kathleen Burket (kathleengigicompany) | 20125 comments Mod
_ _ _ * _ _ _ _ * _ _ * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _*


_ _ _ * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _*

message 166: by ♥Tricia♥ (new)

♥Tricia♥ (siddie) | 60 comments Can I get a *t* please?

message 167: by Wendy T (new)

Wendy T Can I get an "a" please

message 168: by Kathleen (new)

Kathleen Burket (kathleengigicompany) | 20125 comments Mod
T _ _ * _ _ _ _ * _ _ * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t _*


_ a _ * _ _ _ _ _ t _ a _*

message 169: by ♥Tricia♥ (new)

♥Tricia♥ (siddie) | 60 comments Could I get a *g* please?

message 170: by Colleen (new)

Colleen (colleenct1) | 1537 comments Can I have an "H" please?

message 171: by Kathleen (new)

Kathleen Burket (kathleengigicompany) | 20125 comments Mod
"Th _ * _ _ g _ * _ _ * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t _*


_ a _ * _ _ _ _ _ tha _*

message 172: by Gina (new)

Gina (ginrobi) | 3325 comments Mod
Can I have an 'N' please?

message 173: by [deleted user] (new)

Can I have an *S* please?

message 174: by Kathleen (new)

Kathleen Burket (kathleengigicompany) | 20125 comments Mod
Th _ * _ _ g _ * _ _ * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t _*


_ a _ * _ _ s _ ntha _*

message 175: by Wendy T (new)

Wendy T Can I have an 'e' please

message 176: by Kathleen (new)

Kathleen Burket (kathleengigicompany) | 20125 comments Mod
The *E _ ge * _ _ * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ et _*


_ a _ * _ _ sentha _*

message 177: by Wendy T (new)

Wendy T Can I have an 'o' please.

message 178: by Kathleen (new)

Kathleen Burket (kathleengigicompany) | 20125 comments Mod
The *E _ ge * o_ * _ _ _ _ o _ _ _ et _*


_ a _ * _ osentha _*

message 179: by SamBFN (new)

SamBFN | 1857 comments I'll take a " m " please.

message 180: by Colleen (new)

Colleen (colleenct1) | 1537 comments Can I have an "F" please?

message 181: by ♥Tricia♥ (new)

♥Tricia♥ (siddie) | 60 comments Can I get an *r* please?

message 182: by Kathleen (new)

Kathleen Burket (kathleengigicompany) | 20125 comments Mod
The *E _ ge * of* _ m _ ro _ r _ et _*


_ am *Rosentha _*

message 183: by ♥Tricia♥ (new)

♥Tricia♥ (siddie) | 60 comments Can I get an *L* please?

message 184: by Kathleen (new)

Kathleen Burket (kathleengigicompany) | 20125 comments Mod
The *E _ ge * of* _ m _ ro _ r _ et _*


_ am *Rosenthal*

message 185: by ♥Tricia♥ (new)

♥Tricia♥ (siddie) | 60 comments The Edge of Impropriety


Pam Rosenthal ?

(If I am right gimme a few to come up with a new game, otherwise oops! lol)

message 186: by Kathleen (new)

Kathleen Burket (kathleengigicompany) | 20125 comments Mod
Yeppers, you have it. Please post the next game whenever.

message 187: by ♥Tricia♥ (new)

♥Tricia♥ (siddie) | 60 comments _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * _ _ _ _ * _ _ _ * _ _ _ _ _ _ _


_ _ _ _ * _ _ _ _

message 188: by Colleen (new)

Colleen (colleenct1) | 1537 comments Can I have an "R" please?

message 189: by ♥Tricia♥ (last edited Aug 05, 2009 10:37AM) (new)

♥Tricia♥ (siddie) | 60 comments _ _ _ _ r _ _ _ _ * _ _ _ _ * _ _ _ * _ _ _ _ _ r _


_ _ _ _ * R _ _ _

message 190: by Kathleen (new)

Kathleen Burket (kathleengigicompany) | 20125 comments Mod
I'll take an "e" please.

message 191: by ♥Tricia♥ (last edited Aug 05, 2009 01:15PM) (new)

♥Tricia♥ (siddie) | 60 comments _ _ _ e r _ _ e _ * _ _ _ _ * _ _ e * _ _ _ _ _ re


_ _ _ e * R _ _ e

message 192: by Colleen (new)

Colleen (colleenct1) | 1537 comments Can I have a "T" please?

message 193: by ♥Tricia♥ (new)

♥Tricia♥ (siddie) | 60 comments _ _ t e r _ _ e _ * _ _ t _ * T _ e * _ _ _ _ _ re


_ _ _ e * R _ _ e

message 194: by Kathleen (new)

Kathleen Burket (kathleengigicompany) | 20125 comments Mod
I'll take a "h" please.

message 195: by ♥Tricia♥ (new)

♥Tricia♥ (siddie) | 60 comments _ _ t e r _ _ e _ * _ _ t h * T h e * _ _ _ _ _ re


_ _ _ e * R _ _ e

message 196: by Gina (new)

Gina (ginrobi) | 3325 comments Mod
May I have an "N", please.

message 197: by ♥Tricia♥ (new)

♥Tricia♥ (siddie) | 60 comments _ n t e r _ _ e _ * _ _ t h * T h e * _ _ _ _ _ re


_ n n e * R _ _ e

message 198: by Gina (new)

Gina (ginrobi) | 3325 comments Mod
Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice?

message 199: by ♥Tricia♥ (new)

♥Tricia♥ (siddie) | 60 comments Yes! aww I make em so easy heheheh

message 200: by Gina (new)

Gina (ginrobi) | 3325 comments Mod
_ _ _ _ _ _ * _ _ * _ _ _ _ by

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * _ _ _ _ _ _

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