You'll love this one...!! A book club & more discussion

YLTO Member Zone > Almeta's 2016 Reading Goals

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message 1: by Almeta (last edited Jan 01, 2017 07:02AM) (new)

message 2: by Almeta (last edited Dec 28, 2016 04:08AM) (new)

Almeta (menfrommarrs) | 11146 comments  photo DoubleDogDare_zpsc6784819.jpg

Double Dog Dare = 64/60
Shelving Unit (Sai King Recommends) = 22/20

✔January You'll Love This One! Group Read ~ The Sherlockian 12 Jan
 photo FrogPointer_zpskp09irur.jpg January You'll Love This One! Group Challenge ~ Sacred Monster 27 Jan
 photo FrogPointer_zpskp09irur.jpg January/February Sai King Recommends Group Read ~ The Killer Next Door 10 Jan
✔February You'll Love This One! Group Read ~ Dodger 14 Feb
✔February You'll Love This One! Group Challenge ~ 61 Hours = number 7 19 Feb
February You'll Love This One! Toppler ~
Up Your Banners: A Comedy of Controversy 27 Feb
My Sister's Keeper 26 Feb
How I Killed Pluto and Why It Had It Coming 24 Feb
All the Bright Placess 23 Feb
Never Let Me Go 21 Feb
 photo FrogPointer_zpskp09irur.jpg March You'll Love This One! Group Read ~ A Fatal Grace 24 Mar
✔March You'll Love This One! Group Challenge ~ The Melting Clock 27 Mar
 photo FrogPointer_zpskp09irur.jpg March/April Sai King Recommends Group Read ~ Night Has a Thousand Eyes 3 Apr
✔April You'll Love This One! Group Read ~ The Girl on the Train 21 Apr
✔April You'll Love This One! Group Challenge ~ The Little Sister (view spoiler)
April You'll Love This One! Toppler ~
Florida Roadkill 17 Apr
Mort 16 Apr
✔May You'll Love This One! Group Read ~ Murder at the Vicarage 21 May
✔May You'll Love This One! Group Challenge ~ Death of a Tart Mayor 29 May
 photo FrogPointer_zpskp09irur.jpg May/June Sai King Recommends Group Read ~ The Poison Artist 23 May
✔June You'll Love This One! Group Read ~ The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender 20 Jun
✔June You'll Love This One! Group Challenge ~ A Deeper Darkness 15 Jun
June You'll Love This One! Toppler ~
Galápagos, Kurt Vonnegut 18 Jun
Sharp Teeth, Toby Barlow 19 Jun
The Seventh Richard Stark a.k.a. Donald E. Westlake 19 Jun
The Third Man 19 Jun
The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender 20 Jun
Raptor Red 20 Jun
A Malady Of Magicks 21 Jun
The Thirteen Problems a.k.a. The Tuesday Club Murders 21 Jun
Coraline 22 Jun
Zazie in the Metro 22 Jun
Brother Cadfael's Penance 23 Jun
 photo FrogPointer_zpskp09irur.jpg I Am Legend 24 Jun
Holmes on the Range 24 Jun
Murder on the Yellow Brick Road 25 Jun
✔July You'll Love This One! Group Read ~ The Library at Mount Char 28 Jul
✔July You'll Love This One! Group Challenge ~ The Drowning Pool 23 Jul
✔July/August Sai King Recommends Group Read ~ HEX 14 Aug
✔August You'll Love This One! Group Read ~ Louisiana Longshot 26 Aug
✔Aug. YLTO! Group Challenge ~ The Knife of Never Letting Go /It's Now or Never 22 Aug
August You'll Love This One! Toppler ~
 photo FrogPointer_zpskp09irur.jpg Blockade Billy, Stephen King 20 Aug
 photo FrogPointer_zpskp09irur.jpg Caught Stealing, Charlie Huston 20 Aug
When Rain Clouds Gather 21 Aug
✔September You'll Love This One! Group Read ~ Last Rituals 12 Sep
✔September You'll Love This One! Group Challenge ~ The Map of Chaos 28 Sep
✔September/October Sai King Recommends Group Read ~ Life or Death 10 Oct
✔October You'll Love This One! Group Read ~ True Grit 26 Oct
✔October You'll Love This One! Group Challenge ~ The Sharpshooter- Western 29 Oct
October You'll Love This One! Toppler ~
The Monkey Thief= Toto, animal as a character 28 Oct
Mr Wong Goes West = Glinda the Good Witch of the North, crown 28 Oct
The Coral Turtle Mystery = Scarecrow, children's book 22 Oct
Wicked= Follow the Yellow Brick Road, fantasy 23 Oct
 photo FrogPointer_zpskp09irur.jpg Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? =Tin Man, artificial intelligence 27 Oct
Eileen = I’ll get you my pretty, and your little dog too, thriller book 25 Oct
Farewell, Dorothy Parker = "Follow the Yellow Brick Road", fantasy 25 Oct
The Last Policeman = "We're Off to See the Wizard" – sci fi 26 Oct
True Grit ="If I Only Had the Nerve" – genre you rarely read, westerns 26 Oct
 photo FrogPointer_zpskp09irur.jpg Crank ="If I Only Had the Nerve" – genre you rarely read, poetry 25 Oct
Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress - Ruby Slippers 23 Oct
✔November You'll Love This One! Group Read ~ Britt-Marie Was Here 30 Nov
✔November You'll Love This One! Group Challenge ~ On the Wrong Track 11 Nov
November/December Sai King Recommends Group Read ~
Big Little Lies 10 Dec
✔December You'll Love This One! Group Read ~Pollyanna 28 Dec
✔December You'll Love This One! Group Challenge ~ Jacob's Folly 27 Dec
✔December You'll Love This One! Toppler ~ Carol of the Bells A Christmas Carol 18 Dec

message 3: by Almeta (last edited Jan 02, 2017 02:16PM) (new)

Almeta (menfrommarrs) | 11146 comments

┊  ┊  ☆
┊  ★

chain link photo: IMG_0456.jpg

Chain Link Fence (got-connections) = 31/31
Got Connections
10/1 - 9/30/16
minimum 150 pages
Level 5: 31 books/30 connections
No Plurals
author, title, published date
only two consecutive authors or publishing dates

✔0. Die Trying, Lee Child Lee► 5 Oct
Lee Child's Tripwire, Lee► 18 Nov
Lee Farewell My Concubine (1985), Lilian Lee► 3 Dec
Lee The Book of the Damned Tanith Lee ► 6 Feb
Lee The Book of the Beast Tanith Lee ► 8 Feb
Lee The Investigation, Jung-Myung Lee ►12 Feb
Lee The Book of the Dead Tanith Lee ► 16 Feb
Lee The Book of the Mad Tanith Lee ► 17 Feb
Lee Child, 61 Hours Lee► 19 Feb
Lee Yu Ovidia, Aunty Lee's Delights Lee 1 Mar
Lee Doing Max Vinyl (Annie Ogden, #1) (2011), Frederick Lee Brooke► 11 Mar
Lee Echo Burning, Lee Child► 13 Mar
Child The Fifth Child► 15 Mar
Child The Last Child (2009), John Hart John► 17 Mar
John Station Eleven, Mandel, Emily St. 2014► 29 Mar
2014 2 A.M. at The Cat's Pajamas, Marie-Helene Bertino (2014) Pajamas► 4 Apr
Pajamas Cat's Pajamas, Ray Bradbury) 2004► 13 Apr
2004 Garden of Beasts Garden► 1 May
 photo FrogPointer_zpskp09irur.jpg Garden of Evening Mists 2011► 2 May
2011 Chasing Fire, Nora Roberts Chasing ► 5 May
20. Chasing Eden, Sharon Linnea 2007 ► 10 May
2007 Leante, Luis , See How Much I Love You(2007) Love► 12 May
Love Lies and Liquor #17, M.C. Beaton 2006► 15 May
2006 Linda Francis Lee's The Devil in the Junior League (2006) Devil► 17 May
Devil Horacio Moya , She Devil in the Mirror (2000) Devil► 18 May
Devil s Arithmetic, Jane Yolen, 2000► 25 May
2000 Daughter of the Forest (Vaginal Fantasy) Juliet Marillier Daughter► 27 May
Daughter Maron's Bootlegger's Daughter (1992) Daughter► 31 May
Daughter The Hangman's Beautiful Daughter (1992), Sharyn McCrumb Beautiful 2 Jun
Beautiful Mrs. Seidenman, Szczypiorski, A Beautiful► 4 Jun
✔30. Beautiful Lies (2006), Lisa Unger 3 Jul


message 4: by Almeta (last edited Dec 24, 2016 03:15AM) (new)

Almeta (menfrommarrs) | 11146 comments
 photo vowel-sounds_zps0a275f9f.jpg
I'd Like to Buy a Vowel

At least 150 pages long



message 5: by Almeta (last edited Jan 01, 2017 07:05AM) (new)

message 6: by Almeta (last edited Dec 31, 2016 12:33AM) (new)

Almeta (menfrommarrs) | 11146 comments
far away photo: Far Far Away farfaraway.jpg

World Tour: = 70/50

In A Land Far Far Away

In 2011, the year I joined Goodreads, I signed on for a challenge to read a book from each of the 50 member states that signed the first United Nations charter on June 26th, 1945. I never completed that challenge and intend to finish it up this year.

50 Original United Nations Members

message 7: by Almeta (last edited Sep 27, 2017 03:23AM) (new)

Almeta (menfrommarrs) | 11146 comments
 photo Cereal_Killer28bDetail_zps3184bc7e.png

Perpetual Serial Killer Challenge !
Serial Eyes = 105/55 toward series', 6 completed

Crazy Challenge Cereal

Serial Killers Are Not Recoverable

message 8: by Almeta (last edited Dec 28, 2016 05:51AM) (new)

message 9: by Almeta (last edited Dec 28, 2016 06:08AM) (new)

Almeta (menfrommarrs) | 11146 comments Left Over Stew = 19/10  photo 05943dfd-0970-4bf8-9da4-8b17cdd39413_zps4c3140cb.jpg

The Song of Achilles
Blood Poison: A C.S.U. Investigation
Dying on the Vine
The Alchemist Coelho, Paulo 1 Apr
The Collaborator of Bethlehem Rees, Matt 16 Nov
Doing Max Vinyl, Frederick Lee Brooke 11 Mar
The Orkney Scroll , Lyn Hamilton, 10 Jun
Chasing Eden (Eden Thrillers, #1)Linnea, Sharon
Pago Pago Tango, 13 May
The She-Devil in the MirrorMoya, Horacio Castellanos 18 May
The Orphan Master's Son 27 May
The Beautiful Mrs. Seidenman, Szczypiorski, Andrzej 4 Jun
Beneath a Panamanian Moon21 Nov
 photo FrogPointer_zpskp09irur.jpg The Garden of Evening Mists 2 May
 photo FrogPointer_zpskp09irur.jpg Burial Rites Kent, Hannah 20 Jul
Major Pettigrew's Last Stand ], Helen imonson 25 Dec
See How Much I Love You 12 May
Mission Canyon 4 Feb

message 10: by Almeta (last edited Dec 28, 2016 05:39AM) (new)

Almeta (menfrommarrs) | 11146 comments
cat at window photo: Cat Watching Rain Through Window cat_rain.gif
Home Alone =19/30
The Fifth Child 15 Mar
The Last Child, John Hart 17 Mar
The Kite Runner, Hosseini, Khaled 6 Apr
Doing Max Vinyl, Frederick Lee Brooke 11 Mar
61 Hours, Child, Lee 19 Feb
Matthew Flinders' Cat, Courtenay, Bryce 8 Jul
Major Pettigrew's Last Stand ], Helen imonson 25 Dec
Turning Angel, Iles, Greg 7 Nov
The Potato Factory 16 Sep
The Case of the Missing Servant 9 Jul
Look Out For Space 7 Jul
I Am Legend 24 Jun
Garden of Beasts 1 May
The Bat 10 Feb
The Book of the Damned 6 Feb
The Book of the Beast 8 Feb
The Book of the Dead 16 Feb
The Book of the Mad 17 Feb
Cockroaches 8 Mar

message 11: by Almeta (last edited Dec 28, 2016 05:14AM) (new)

Almeta (menfrommarrs) | 11146 comments Reserved
emoticon eek photo: spider Eek__A_Spider_by_Nekoori.gif

message 12: by Almeta (last edited Dec 28, 2016 05:08AM) (new)

Almeta (menfrommarrs) | 11146 comments Reserved
emoticon eek photo: spider Eek__A_Spider_by_Nekoori.gif

message 13: by Janice, Moderator (new)

Janice (jamasc) | 57286 comments I am reminded that 2016 is just 3 months away and I had better screw the electric-conducting brain booster on so that I can dream up a new truly twisty challenge for 2016.

message 14: by Almeta (last edited Nov 15, 2015 05:14AM) (new)

Almeta (menfrommarrs) | 11146 comments Janice wrote: "I am reminded that 2016 is just 3 months away and I had better screw the electric-conducting brain booster on so that I can dream up a new truly twisty challenge for 2016."

I knooow! It is creeping up quickly.

AND I'll need to make the YLTO! Yearly Challenge fit in with all of these others!☻

message 15: by Deborah (new)

Deborah Pickstone | 529 comments *mystified but interested*

message 16: by Almeta (new)

Almeta (menfrommarrs) | 11146 comments Deborah wrote: "*mystified but interested*"

lol! Just lists.☻

message 17: by Cherie (new)

Cherie (crobins0) | 21484 comments I was at the library Saturday and picked up a review magazine on the table. There was a review about a mystery book written by a Korean writer named Lee, but I cannot remember the title now. I thought it sounded very good. I will add the title when I get home tonight.

Oh, and one of your lists needed a character name with a "T" and I thought of Theodosia Throckmorton. Did you read any of the series books with her? I killed her off in one of my levels. Check out my series thread at the top.

message 18: by Almeta (new)

Almeta (menfrommarrs) | 11146 comments Cherie wrote: "I...Oh, and one of your lists needed a character name with a "T" and I thought of Theodosia Throckmorton. Did you read any of the series books with her?..."

Thanks for the tip. I've added her. The series does sound like something I would enjoy.

message 19: by Cherie (new)

Cherie (crobins0) | 21484 comments It was fun.

message 20: by Cherie (last edited Sep 29, 2015 11:30AM) (new)

Cherie (crobins0) | 21484 comments So, here is the mystery book. The Investigation by Jung-Myung Lee.

Another book that I thought sounded good too. Last Bus to Wisdom by Ivan Doig. The reviewer mentioned that this author had died earlier this year. He wrote 16 books.

message 21: by Almeta (last edited Sep 30, 2015 12:21PM) (new)

Almeta (menfrommarrs) | 11146 comments Cherie wrote: "So, here is the mystery book. The Investigation by Jung-Myung Lee.

Another book that I thought sounded good too. Last Bus to Wisdom ..."

I just bought The Investigation! and added Last Bus to Wisdom, which I think I can read on-line at some point.

Both do sound good.

message 22: by Cherie (new)

Cherie (crobins0) | 21484 comments Glad to help!

message 23: by Sarah (new)

Sarah | 18485 comments God! Did I read the title of this thread right?!? 2016?!? That is way too organised for my liking ;-

message 24: by Almeta (new)

Almeta (menfrommarrs) | 11146 comments Sarah wrote: "God! Did I read the title of this thread right?!? 2016?!? That is way too organised for my liking ;-"

Had to. Some of my challenges began the first of October!

message 25: by Janice, Moderator (new)

Janice (jamasc) | 57286 comments Sarah wrote: "God! Did I read the title of this thread right?!? 2016?!? That is way too organised for my liking ;-"

I'm still trying to gopher for the toppler, let alone 2016.

message 26: by Ariane (new)

Ariane | 921 comments I am speechless... but this is beautiful ;-

message 27: by Almeta (last edited Dec 19, 2015 06:23AM) (new)

Almeta (menfrommarrs) | 11146 comments Ariane wrote: "I am speechless... but this is beautiful ;-"

FRAGILE! I never end up following my big plans!

message 29: by Cherie (new)

Cherie (crobins0) | 21484 comments I might have to steal one of your toppler titles, if I decide to do it. I can't think what I want to know about, only what I don't care to think about. I feel more and more like the ostrich with his head in the sand.

message 30: by Janice, Moderator (new)

Janice (jamasc) | 57286 comments Almeta wrote: "February Toppler ideas:

The World Without Us
48 Hours to Chaos: An Engineer Looks at Life and How the World Really Works
[book:The Magic of Reality: How We Know What'..."

Hmm... I think I'm in a brain fog. Maybe I should read that one.

message 31: by Almeta (last edited Feb 07, 2016 10:36PM) (new)

Almeta (menfrommarrs) | 11146 comments Now that jax has made a clarification, most of my "science" books and all the rest won't work!

Deeper into the gopher hole, I must go!

message 32: by Almeta (last edited Feb 08, 2016 01:55AM) (new)

Almeta (menfrommarrs) | 11146 comments Cherie wrote: .... I can't think what I want to know about, only what I don't care to think about. I feel more and more like the ostrich with his head in the sand. hi..."

Cherie, I know exactly what you mean.

In the end I will likely choose the more lighthearted subjects.

message 33: by Almeta (new)

Almeta (menfrommarrs) | 11146 comments Janice wrote: "Hmm... I think I'm in a brain fog. Maybe I should read that one. ..."

Should be an interesting book....but not for the Toppler, unfortunately!☻

message 34: by Almeta (last edited Jul 08, 2016 06:40AM) (new)

Almeta (menfrommarrs) | 11146 comments Try again...

Pluto demoted as a planet - How I Killed Pluto and Why It Had It Coming
Alternative Energy vs Fossil Fuels -Renewable Energy Systems
Environmental impact of hydraulic fracturing - The Boom: How Fracking Ignited the American Energy Revolution and Changed the World
Climate Change/Global warming - Meltdown
Climate Change/Global warming - An Inconvenient Truth: The Crisis of Global Warming
Climate Change/Global warming - Global Warming-Alarmists, Skeptics & Deniers: A Geoscientist looks at the Science of Climate Change
Genetically Modified Foods - Green Phoenix: A History of Genetically Modified Plants
Genetically Modified Foods - Uncertain Peril: Genetic Engineering, Future of Seeds

Genetic engineering - My Sister's Keeper
Euthanasia/Assisted suicide - The Future of Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia
Mental Illness - All the Bright Places
Cloning - The Second Creation: Dolly and the Age of Biological Control
Cloning - Never Let Me Go

Ebonics - Talkin that Talk: Language, Culture and Education in African America
Afghanistan - The Kite Runner
Human Rights - The Screaming of the Innocent
Human Rights - The Investigation
Illegal Immigration - Citizens, Strangers, And In-between
Immigrants/Refugees - Little Bee
☭ African gem trade - The Sapphire Sea
Black History - Go Tell It on the Mountain

Black History - Up Your Banners
Otherness - Out of My Mind

Gun Control - Open Fire: Understanding Global Gun Cultures

Queer America: A GLBT History of the 20th Century

Harry Potter Controversy - The Mystery of Harry Potter Family Guide
Shakespeare Controversy - Case for Shakespeare: End of the Authorship Question

message 35: by Janice, Moderator (new)

Janice (jamasc) | 57286 comments I left you a suggestion in the main toppler thread for cloning, but maybe it would be better here - Never Let Me Go. I gave it 1 star, but really should have given it 5 because it had such an impact on me.

message 36: by Almeta (new)

Almeta (menfrommarrs) | 11146 comments Janice wrote: "I left you a suggestion in the main toppler thread for cloning, but maybe it would be better here - Never Let Me Go. I gave it 1 star, but really should have given it 5 because it had s..."

Thanks for the suggestion.

I had it on my TBR shelf, but it would not have surfaced for a long while, without prompting!

message 37: by Almeta (last edited Jul 08, 2016 06:36AM) (new)

Almeta (menfrommarrs) | 11146 comments Gophering for June 2016 Toppler

Without Fail (Jack Reacher, #6), Lee Child

takes place in the Middle East
*The Blood of Flowers, Anita Amirrezvani

a main character over 60
The Thirteen Problems- Miss Marple, Agatha Christie (TUESDAY CLUB MURDERS)

Read a classic
Zazie in the Metro, Raymond Queneau

humor on its GR homepage
Cops and Robbers , Donald E. Westlake

was made into a movie
I Am Legend, Richard Matheson
Pop. 1280, Jim Thompson
Coraline, Neil Gaiman

Read a book with a character dealing with a mental health issue.
Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend

Read a true crime thriller.
*Girl Waits with Gun

Read a book set during the Middle Ages (the 5th to the 15th century)
Brother Cadfael's Penance

Fame – Read a book with a celebrity in it. They don’t have to be a main character, but have to be more than a mention.
Murder on the Yellow Brick Road, Stuart M. Kaminsky

China Girl – Read a book that takes place in China, or where a main character is Chinese
The Chinese Alchemist, Lyn Hamilton

Rebel Rebel - Read a GLBT book
The Back Passage, James Lear

Read a book about a larger than life character
The BFG, Roald Dahl or
*Mademoiselle Chanel

Conscientious objector – Read a book that shows a character dealing with war (objector, living in war zone, aid worker…)
The Beautiful Mrs. Seidenman

Parkinson’s disease – read a book with a main character dealing with a life threatening condition
Bleed for Me, Michael Robotham

Read a book by a bestselling female author
Lisa Unger, Beautiful Lies

Desperado – Read a western.
Holmes on the Range

message 38: by Janice, Moderator (new)

Janice (jamasc) | 57286 comments Are you really going to hold off till 2017 to read End of Watch? Are you sure you don't want to join us the end of July 2016 in the buddy read? Can I tempt you?

message 39: by Almeta (last edited Jun 09, 2016 10:13AM) (new)

Almeta (menfrommarrs) | 11146 comments Janice wrote: "Are you really going to hold off till 2017 to read End of Watch? Are you sure you don't want to join us the end of July 2016 in the buddy read? Can I tempt you?"

lol! No I won't be waiting. ☺

Will have to wait until July to commit to the Buddy Read.

message 40: by Janice, Moderator (new)

Janice (jamasc) | 57286 comments Phew! Glad to hear it. I couldn't fathom how someone could hold off for almost a year to read it.

message 41: by Almeta (new)

Almeta (menfrommarrs) | 11146 comments Janice wrote: "Phew! Glad to hear it. I couldn't fathom how someone could hold off for almost a year to read it."

I'm number five in line at the library. ☻

message 42: by Janice, Moderator (new)

Janice (jamasc) | 57286 comments Ah well, that's all good then.

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