Let's Talk Love Stories! discussion

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Book of the Month > Schedule of Genres - 2016

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message 1: by Ipshita (last edited Dec 03, 2015 06:09AM) (new)

Ipshita (miss_romanceaholic) | 4744 comments Mod
Yep, it's a changed schedule this year ;)

Before reading this, I suggest you go through the "Here's How It Works" discussion in the same folder. It will help you understand things better.

Here's the schedule of Romance sub-genres for each month:

January - Historical Romance

February - Science Fiction Romance

March - Young Adult Romance

April - Romantic Suspense

May - Contemporary Romance

June - Fantasy Romance

July - Fairy Tale Romance

August - Chick-lit Romance

September - Classic Romance

October - Western Romance

November - Paranormal Romance

December - Holiday Romance

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