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Archived:2016 Challenges & Goals > Gisela's Challenges for 2016

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message 1: by Gisela, Moderator (new)

Gisela (chicadorlando) | 4022 comments Let's see how many I finish this year!

message 2: by Gisela, Moderator (last edited Dec 21, 2015 12:42PM) (new)

Gisela (chicadorlando) | 4022 comments Monthly Challenges 2016

message 3: by Gisela, Moderator (last edited Jun 08, 2016 10:25PM) (new)

Gisela (chicadorlando) | 4022 comments WYA Chess Challenge 2016

Duration: 6 mths from start for 16 books, a year for 32 books. Don't forget to put your start & finish dates on your challenge.

Goal: Read the specified number of books per category. PNR/UF/Fantasy books are preferred, all formats allowed, re-reads allowed. There are 16 chess pieces per side so of course you need to read 16 books OR you can read both sides of the board by doubling each category and that's 32 books.

Total # of Books: 16

King ♔ - 1 book - Male Lead, or has a King as a character, or King is in the title
Queen ♕ - 1 book - Female Lead, or has a Queen as a character, or Queen is in the title
Bishop ♗ - 2 books - 3rd book in series, or UF, or someone with a Hat on the cover
Knight ♘ - 2 books - Characters that are Warriors/Protectors/Knights, or PNR, or has a Sword on the cover
Rook ♜ - (also known as castle) 2 books - Buildings/Castle on cover or in title, or black or white cover, or 5th book in a series
Pawn ♟ - 7/8 books - one each of the following:
Vampire - The Immortal Rules
Werewolf - Fire Touched
Other shifter - Jezebel's Lion
Angel or Demon
Magic User such as Fae/Witch/Wizard - Grave Visions
Human with or without special abilities - Marked in Flesh
Sci-Fi - Grimspace
Fantasy - Eidolon

message 4: by Gisela, Moderator (last edited Nov 22, 2016 05:32PM) (new)

Gisela (chicadorlando) | 4022 comments 16 in 2016
Take a bite out of your TBR stacks

Duration: January 2016 - January 2017
Read: 2 books

Just a Taste = 4 categories of your choice
Picky Reader = 8 categories of your choice
Glutton = all 16 categories

Goal: Choose your Level and Read a book for each category as listed. No duplicates - each category must have a unique read, even if one or more books will fit multiple categories. All formats allowed - audio, PB, HC, eBook. Full re-reads are allowed. Anthologies are allowed only if all stories are read.

Reading all 16 categories? That's 100 books crossed off your TBR list!
*If you go for all 16 categories/100 books, you may choose to extend your challenge to 18 months - or keep it at 12 months for the extra motivation*

1. Serious Series Addiction 7/20
Read 20 books from 16 different series
(view spoiler)

2. How I ❤ Thee
Read 4 books by your favorite author, from your favorite series, in your favorite genre and/or featuring your favorite supernatural being

3. Supe of the Day 6/16
(view spoiler)

4. Genre Relations
Read 4 books within one or all of the following genres: Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy, Sci-Fi Romance, and/or Fantasy

5. Fiction2Film
Read 2 books (stand alone or series) that have been or will be made into a TV series or a movie (examples: Collins' Hunger Games, Martin's Game of Thrones, Armstrong's Women of the Otherworld, Harris' Sookie Stackhouse, Gabaldon's Outlander, Clare's Mortal Instruments, etc. / Ref Lists: Books Becoming Movies in 2016, Popular TV Series Books, Book to Film lists)

6. Happy Birthday!
Read 4 books published in 2016

7. Climbing Mt. TBR 1/8(view spoiler)
8. Job Related 1/4
(view spoiler)

9. Color Coded 6/6(view spoiler)

10. iSpy 3/4
(view spoiler)

11. Best of ...
Read 4 books from either/both of the following lists: SOS' Best of UF Series Listopia and/or SOS' Best of PNR Series Listopia (Both lists contain the first-in-series book only, however you may read any book within any series listed on either list)

12. Seasons of Love 2/4
Read 4 books, 1 for each season
WINTER ~ Wanderlust

SPRING ~ Radiance

SUMMER ~ Read 1 book in either category
❂ Red cover
❂ ½ nekked dude/tte on the cover
❂ Series # correlates to one of your region's "summer months"

FALL ~ Read 1 book in either category
✣ Orange cover
✣ New release (any month)
✣ Series # correlates to one of your region's "fall months"

13. Orderly
Read 2 series books one for each of the following:
- SIX: Read book #6 in a series
- TEEN: Read book #TEEN (13-19) in a series

14. Double Decker
Draw 8 cards from two randomly shuffled card decks. Enter 8 cards from 2 decks, select all suits, number cards only, no jokers. Read 1 series book for each card drawn: # = # of the book within a series; Hearts and Diamonds = PNR; Spades and Clubs = UF.
EXAMPLE: Ace Spades = Book #1 in a UF series, Eight of Hearts = Book #8 in a PNR series, etc.

15. Bad Boys and Bad-Ass Girls 1/4
Flip a coin (you can choose any coin, just make sure it's one you can identify heads or tails)
- Heads: Read 4 books featuring a bad-ass heroine Fire Touched
- Tails: Read 4 books featuring a bad boy hero

16. Year of the Monkey (Source)
Read 1 book (6 total) with title, author's first or last name, or series beginning with each the following letters: M-O-N-K-E-Y
Read 2 books that fit any of the following:
- Lucky Numbers: 1, 7, 8 (series number)
- Lucky Colors: white, gold, blue (cover color)
- Lucky Flowers: chrysanthemum, alliums (cover item)
- Lucky Directions: north, northwest, west (setting)

message 5: by Gisela, Moderator (last edited Dec 31, 2016 11:26AM) (new)

Gisela (chicadorlando) | 4022 comments Double-Decker Alphabet Bus Z-A

~ Double-Decker Alphabet Bus: Z-A ~
Duration: January 1- December 31
Completed: 25/26

*ZZ - Jezebel's Lion (title & MC)★✩✩✩✩
*YY - Eye Candy★★★✩✩
*XX - Grimspace★★★★✩ (Series & Mc)
WW - When the Duke Was Wicked★★✩✩
VV - Viscount Vagabond ★★★✩✩
*UU - Wanderlust by Ann Aguirre★★★✩✩
TT - The Twisted Tale of Stormy Gale★★★✩✩
SS - Snowdrops and Scandalbroth ★★✩✩✩
RR - Ruined by Rumor ★★✩✩✩
QQ -QQ Sweeper 1 ★★★✩✩
PP - Pelican Point★★✩✩✩
OO - Out of Control★✩✩✩✩
NN - Uprooted by Naomi Novik★★★★✩
MM -Miss Milton Speaks Her Mind★★★★✩
LL - Ill Wind Character -Lewis Levander ★★★✩✩
KK -Kit and Kisses★★✩✩✩
JJ - Nice Girls Don't Live Forever★★★✩✩
II -A Blush With Death by India Ink★★✩✩✩
HH -Her Hesitant Heart★★★★✩
GG - The Capture Series: Guardians of Ga'hoole ★★★★✩
FF -First Time in Forever★★★★✩
*EE - Angel's Rest★★★✩✩
DD -Sweep in Peace-MC Dinah Demille★★★★★
CC -The Year We Fell Down- MC Corey Callahan ★★★★★
BB -Wild Child★★★★✩
AA -
Jezebel's Lion (Sin City Shifters, #2) by Hazel Gower Eye Candy (City Chicks, #1) by Tera Lynn Childs Grimspace (Sirantha Jax, #1) by Ann Aguirre When the Duke Was Wicked (Scandalous Gentlemen of St. James, #1) by Lorraine Heath Viscount Vagabond (Regency Noblemen, #1) by Loretta Chase Wanderlust (Sirantha Jax, #2) by Ann Aguirre The Twisted Tale of Stormy Gale (Stormy Gale, #1) by Christine Bell Snowdrops and Scandalbroth (Regency Romance) by Barbara Metzger Ruined by Rumor by Alyssa Everett QQ Sweeper 1 (QQ Sweeper, #1) by Kyousuke Motomi Pelican Point (Bachelors of Blueberry Cove #1) by Donna Kauffman Out of Control (Kincaid Brides, #1) by Mary Connealy Uprooted by Naomi Novik Miss Milton Speaks Her Mind by Carla Kelly Ill Wind (Weather Warden, #1) by Rachel Caine Kit and Kisses by Karen Rose Smith Nice Girls Don't Live Forever (Jane Jameson, #3) by Molly Harper A Blush With Death (A Bath and Body Mystery, #2) by India Ink Her Hesitant Heart by Carla Kelly The Capture (Guardians of Ga'Hoole, #1) by Kathryn Lasky First Time in Forever (Puffin Island, #1) by Sarah Morgan Angel's Rest (Eternity Springs, #1) by Emily March Sweep in Peace (Innkeeper Chronicles, #2) by Ilona Andrews The Year We Fell Down (The Ivy Years, #1) by Sarina Bowen Wild Child (Boys of Bishop, #1) by Molly O'Keefe

message 6: by Gisela, Moderator (last edited Jan 12, 2016 05:26PM) (new)

Gisela (chicadorlando) | 4022 comments WYA Read 3 Books Quickie Challenge

Duration: January 2016

Rules: Read at least 3 books from the options given

1. Read a book from the PNR/UF/Fantasy genre
2. Read a book with a Red cover
3. Read a book with a shifter of any kind-Jezebel's Lion
4. Read a book with a gun on the cover

message 8: by Gisela, Moderator (last edited Nov 22, 2016 05:29PM) (new)

Gisela (chicadorlando) | 4022 comments Color Coded

Primary- The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman Uprooted by Naomi Novik Magic Binds (Kate Daniels, #9) by Ilona Andrews
Secondary- The Forever Song (Blood of Eden, #3) by Julie Kagawa Magic Shifts (Kate Daniels, #8) by Ilona Andrews Jabril (Vampires in America, #2) by D.B. Reynolds

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