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General SF&F discussion > What are you reading in June 2016?

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message 51: by Kathi, Moderator & Book Lover (new)

Kathi | 3995 comments Mod
I have finished the current book in our Deverry read, The Dragon Revenant, and am starting one of our July books of the month, The Infernal City. I thought The Dragon Revenent was excellent, possibly my favorite of these first 4 books.

message 52: by Alissa (last edited Jun 26, 2016 03:30AM) (new)

Alissa | 171 comments I've read The Wheel of Osheim, the last book of Mark Lawrence's latest trilogy, and I'm very satisfied, I'm sure it wasn't easy to write since it had to be coherent with the Emperor of Thorns.
I've recently discovered Sherwood Smith thanks to her standalone The Trouble with Kings, a solid YA story, then I've picked A Stranger to Command and I'm currently reading Crown Duel. I love YA tales with a smart twist, exactly what I needed right now.

message 53: by Christine (new)

Christine | 634 comments Couldn't get in to The Raft so quit and decided to move on to Malice but with only fair reviews and several books on my shelf, decided to move on to Otherbound

message 54: by Justine (new)

Justine (justinescholefield) | 568 comments Sorry you didn't like The Raft, Christine. I liked it, but I can see how it wouldn't be for everyone. Malice is good, but the next two books in the series, Valour and Ruin are excellent, so keep that in mind if you decide to read the series. I haven't read Otherbound yet but I'm sure it will be excellent if On the Edge of Gone is any indication.

message 55: by Viv (new)

Viv JM I'm listening to 70s sci-fi Dreamsnake, which I'm quite enjoying though it does feel a bit dated.

Next up is Infomocracy, which I am really looking forward to.

message 56: by Christine (new)

Christine | 634 comments Justine wrote: "Sorry you didn't like The Raft, Christine. I liked it, but I can see how it wouldn't be for everyone. Malice is good, but the next two books in the series, Valour and Ruin are excellent, so keep th..."

When I have five library books on my shelf, I tend to be impatient with books that don't "grab" me so move on. I'll think about Malice

message 57: by Chris, Moderator (new)

Chris (heroncfr) | 868 comments Mod
I read Dreamsnake last year. It surprised me a bit; I thought it was going to be a fantasy read for some reason. But I liked the world building, and I enjoyed the story quite a bit.

message 58: by Kathi, Moderator & Book Lover (new)

Kathi | 3995 comments Mod
I finished The Infernal City and am still deciding what to read next. I'll save my comments about the book until our discussion in July.

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