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Archives > **Winter Reading Challenge - 2014**

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message 1: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (last edited Jun 26, 2014 04:03AM) (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
Winter is on us once again, so to combat the chilly weather delve into the fantastic world of books!

 photo winterchallenge_zpseafe93b2.jpg

1a. Buddy Reads - Choose an AR friend who has similar tastes to you, pick a book and read it together.. (if you do pick the Buddy Read option please post who your "buddy" is, as well as the book you'll both be reading)

1b. Choose a book which has been on your TBR for a very long time - and finally get it READ!

2. Choose a New Release by an Aussie author which is published in June, July or August 2014

3. Miles Franklin winner announced 26th June - read any one of the winners from previous years (see link below) or wait until the 2014 winner is announced, and read it! All the Birds, Singing by Evie Wyld All the Birds, Singing by Evie Wyld (announced 26th June)

OR Read a title authored by Miles Franklin herself!

4. It's International Children's Day on June 1st - choose a Young Adult book to read

 photo October6.jpg

5. Real and Fake - (a) Read a Non-Fiction PLUS (b) a Fiction book (any choices)

6. Choose a book which has a cover depicting Winter or has a Winter word in the title

7. With National Tree Day on July 27th, BORROW a book from the library or a friend, or read an ebook - no purchases for this one! It MUST be an Aussie author as well:)

8. Choose a favourite author, head to the Literature Map and pick the closest!

9. Find a book written by an Aussie author showing a warm, summery cover - this will make you cozy!

10. Naughty and Nice - (a) Read a murder/suspense/thriller/mystery book PLUS (b) a romance/chick lit/comedy book

Some links to help your choices:

Miles Franklin Past Winners
Best Young Adult
Best Non Fiction
Lists of Aussie Author titles
Winter Reads

The total above is 12 books - but if you'd like to add more:

11. Lower the long suffering TBR

12. Lower the still long suffering TBR

When you have chosen your list, please link it in here so everyone else can see your choices:)

 photo winterchallenge4_zps14853f36.jpg

Curl up, relax and enjoy the latest seasonal challenge!

message 2: by Sharon (new)

Sharon | 5235 comments This looks like another fun challenge. Now the extra fun part is deciding which books to choose :)

message 3: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
Sharon wrote: "This looks like another fun challenge. Now the extra fun part is deciding which books to choose :)"

Good luck (I bet you have plenty to cover it on the TBR;)) Can't wait to see your list!

message 4: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
Sharon, did you receive your invitation?

message 5: by Sharon (new)

Sharon | 5235 comments Yes I should've responded to that first. Sorry I got excited I'll do it now :)

message 6: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
Oh no that's OK - no-one has yet and so I wondered if people had received it! With all the GR problems and email notifications not arriving, I wondered if this had happened here:) So no rush!

message 7: by Sharon (new)

Sharon | 5235 comments All good here I received mine and have now responded :)

message 8: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod

message 9: by Sally906 (last edited Aug 24, 2014 05:23PM) (new)

Sally906 | 22 comments Caught me home today. Dog having another operation - so as soon as I got my invitation I started the hunt!

Here's my list:

1. (b) Long time TBR - The Seventh Witch by Shirley Damsgaard

2. New Release - When the Night Comes by Favel Parrett (August release)

3. Miles Franklin winner - All the Birds, Singing by Evie Wyld

4. Young Adult - The Garden of Darkness by Gillian Murray Kendall

5. Real and Fake –
(a) I, Migrant by Sami Shah
(b) The Ghoul Next Door by Victoria Laurie

6. Cover depicting winter - Good Tidings (Mary O’Reilly Paranormal Mystery #2) by Terri Reid Good Tidings by Terri Reid

7. Library Book - Boy, Lost by Kristina Olsson

8. Literature Map - Curtsies & Conspiracies by Gail Carriger (search term was Maria V Snyder)

9. A warm, summery cover - A Ring Through Time by Felicity Pulman A Ring Through Time by Felicity Pulman (the young girl on the cover is lying on the grass – something very summery and is set in summer)

10. Naughty and Nice -
(a) Containment by Vanda Symon
(b) No Sex in the City by Randa Abdel-Fattah

11. TBR - Takedown Twenty by Janet Evanovich

12. TBR - Hollow City by Ransom Riggs

message 10: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (last edited May 14, 2014 07:18PM) (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
Very nice Sally! Some great choices there!

Hope your dog is OK??

message 11: by Sally906 (new)

Sally906 | 22 comments Having an infected dew claw removed - minor for vet - major for us when he comes home to stop him chewing stitches!!!

message 12: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
Oh poor puppy! He'll need one of those collars!

message 13: by Kira (new)

Kira (kirajessup) | 234 comments Great challenge. I will BBL with my list.

message 14: by Valerie (new)

Valerie (nicehotcupoftea) | 814 comments I'd like to join please Brenda. Twelve books in three months sounds about right.
Would anyone like to do a buddy read for no. 1 with me?

message 15: by Christy (new)

Christy (mrscrich) | 219 comments Valerie wrote: "I'd like to join please Brenda. Twelve books in three months sounds about right.
Would anyone like to do a buddy read for no. 1 with me?"

I'll do the buddy read with you Valerie - seems we have a few of the same books on our TBR list :)

message 16: by Valerie (last edited May 14, 2014 10:55PM) (new)

Valerie (nicehotcupoftea) | 814 comments Christy wrote: "Valerie wrote: "I'd like to join please Brenda. Twelve books in three months sounds about right.
Would anyone like to do a buddy read for no. 1 with me?"

I'll do the buddy read with you Valerie -..."

Thanks Christy! That's great. I'll have a look at our books in common and message you.

message 17: by Jenn (new)

Jenn (jumpapa) | 754 comments Hi Brenda will A Shiver of Light (Merry Gentry, #9) by Laurell K. Hamilton be ok for No 6 Cover depicting winter?

message 18: by Carolyn (new)

Carolyn | 9452 comments Oooh Brenda! You do like to challenge us! Fantastic list - will have to give it some thought to sort out what to read.

message 19: by Tien (last edited Aug 17, 2014 05:19PM) (new)

Tien (tiensblurb) | 628 comments I'm tentatively joining in...

My list:

1a. Bitter Greens -buddy read with Phryne Read 19/06
2. Luna Tango –expected pub 1 Aug -Read 07/17
3. Carpentaria (2007) Read 4/7
4. Disruption Read 24/7
5. a. I Am Malala Read 03/07
b. Someone Read 04/06
6. The Bronze Horseman Read 30/7
The Bronze Horseman (The Bronze Horseman, #1) by Paullina Simons
7. Dancing on Knives -ebook Read 17/08
8. Suzanne Collins --> Veronica Roth; Allegiant Read 14/7
9. The House on Burra Burra Lane -Read 23/06
10. a. I Came to Say Goodbye Read 14/06
b. Sense & Sensibility Read 12/06
11. As Darkness Falls (Dungirri 1) Read 17/06
12. The Girl in the Steel-Capped Boots -Read 24/06

Progress: COMPLETED on 17/08/14

message 20: by [deleted user] (last edited Jul 07, 2014 05:10AM) (new)

1b. Ged Maybury – Into the Storms Domain

2. Colin Taber – Loki’s Revenge and/or Red Winter (not on Goodreads yet, external link)(both due in that timeframe, well one is past due already)

3. Tim Winton – Breath

4. John Marsden – Tomorrow when the war began

5. (a) Rodney Pepe – Automata and mechanical toys
(b) Joe Abercrombie – The Blade Itself

6. Jo Spurrier – Winter be my Shield

7. Glenda Larke – The Last Stormlord

8. The Literature Map doesn’t want to recognise most Ausssie Authors, or * hasn’t found a place on the map yet. Doh! Try a non-Aussie favourite author, and the results are totally different genre/style. Not liking this tool at all, so will use a floor map, from a recent convention, and read Rachel Drummonds – The South Forsaken.

9. Gail Jones – Five Bells

10. (a) Scott Baker – The Rule of Knowledge
(b) Marianne De Piers – Burn Bright

message 21: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
Jennifer wrote: "Hi Brenda will A Shiver of Light (Merry Gentry, #9) by Laurell K. Hamilton be ok for No 6 Cover depicting winter?"

Definitely Jennifer!

Jülie ☼♄  (jlie) | 6556 comments A couple of questions:
As I understand it, they don't have to be Aussie authors unless otherwise stated?
Can borrowed be an audiobook?

message 23: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
Glenn wrote: "1b. Ged Maybury – Into the Storms Domain

2. Colin Taber – Loki’s Revenge and/or Red Winter (both due in that timeframe, well one is past due already)

3. Tim Winton – Breath

4. John Marsden – To..."

Glenn, would you please edit your post to link your books? Thanks!

message 24: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
Tien wrote: "I'm tentatively joining in...

My list:

1b. Nights at the Circus
2. Dancing on Knives –expected pub 2 June
3. Carpentaria (2007)
4. Allegiant
5. a. Canton Elegy
b. [..."

Are you able to link your complete list Tien? Thanks!

message 25: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
☼♄Jülie wrote: "A couple of questions:
As I understand it, they don't have to be Aussie authors unless otherwise stated?
Can borrowed be an audiobook?"

Correct Julie and yes to the second question!

Liam || Books 'n Beards (madbird) Anybody got a Fantasy/Sci-Fi they wanna buddy read with me? Otherwise I'll finally read Dune.

message 27: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (last edited Aug 05, 2014 04:51AM) (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
1. Buddy Read Stardust by Neil Gaiman Stardust by Neil Gaiman with Liam 4s
2nd Buddy Read Cicada by Moira McKinnon Cicada by Moira McKinnon 5s (with Sharon)

2. New Release Aussie author - Deeper Water by Jessie Cole Deeper Water by Jessie Cole (1/8/14) 4.5s
Lethal Sky (Marika Hartmann #3) by Greg Barron Lethal Sky by Greg Barron (1/7/14) 5s

3. Miles Franklin - My Brilliant Career by Miles Franklin My Brilliant Career by Miles Franklin 3s
Drylands by Thea Astley Drylands by Thea Astley 4s

4. International Childrens - YA - Coraline by Neil Gaiman Coraline by Neil Gaiman 5s
The Dragon Tree (The Dragon Tree Chronicles #1) by A.C. Kavich The Dragon Tree by A.C. Kavich 4s

5. Real & Fake - (a) Non-Fiction - Judy A Dog In A Million by Damien Lewis Judy: A Dog In A Million by Damien Lewis 4s
Another Chapter by David J. Delaney Another Chapter by David J. Delaney 4s

(b) Fiction - Once Upon A Lie (Alistair Fitzjohn, #3) by Jill Paterson Once Upon A Lie by Jill Paterson 4s
(b) Fiction - Ridgeway Murder by Robin Hillard Ridgeway Murder by Robin Hillard 3s

6. Winter cover or word in title - Winter Sea, The by Di Morrissey The Winter Sea by Di Morrissey 5s
Breaking Silence (Kate Burkholder, #3) by Linda Castillo Breaking Silence by Linda Castillo 5s

7. National Tree Day - Aussie author - ebook
Lord Somerton's Heir by Alison Stuart Lord Somerton's Heir by Alison Stuart 5s
Dance with the Devil by Sandy Curtis Dance with the Devil by Sandy Curtis 5s

8. Literature Map - Karin Slaughter = Tess Gerritsen Harvest by Tess Gerritsen Harvest 5s
Alex Kava = P.D. Martin = Kiss Of Death (Sophie Anderson, #5) by P.D. Martin Kiss Of Death 4.5s

9. Warm summery cover - Aussie author - Wattle Creek by Fiona McCallum Wattle Creek by Fiona McCallum 3s
The Dying Trade by Peter Corris The Dying Trade by Peter Corris 3s

10. Naughty & Nice - (a) Murder etc! Standoff (Vin Cooper, #6) by David Rollins Standoff by David Rollins 4s
Phantom Instinct by Meg Gardiner Phantom Instinct by Meg Gardiner 4s
(b) Romance etc! Nobody But Him by Victoria Purman Nobody But Him by Victoria Purman 4s
Moonlight Plains by Barbara Hannay Moonlight Plains by Barbara Hannay 4s

11. TBR - Justice for Sara by Erica Spindler Justice for Sara by Erica Spindler 5s
Strictly Murder by Lynda Wilcox Strictly Murder by Lynda Wilcox 3s

12. TBR - The Silent Sea A Novel of the Oregon Files. Clive Cussler with Jack Du Brul by Clive Cussler The Silent Sea: A Novel of the Oregon Files. Clive Cussler with Jack Du Brul by Clive Cussler 5s
Deadly Virtues by Jo Bannister Deadly Virtues by Jo Bannister 4s

All subject to change as per usual!

message 28: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
Liam wrote: "Anybody got a Fantasy/Sci-Fi they wanna buddy read with me? Otherwise I'll finally read Dune."

I've got three on my TBR which you have on yours Liam - Stardust by Neil Gaiman
Neverwhere also by Neil Gaiman
The Fall of Ossard by Colin Taber

If you'd like to do any one of those, I'll buddy read with you...

message 29: by Christy (new)

Christy (mrscrich) | 219 comments Valerie wrote: "Christy wrote: "Valerie wrote: "I'd like to join please Brenda. Twelve books in three months sounds about right.
Would anyone like to do a buddy read for no. 1 with me?"

I'll do the buddy read wi..."

Valerie wrote: "Christy wrote: "Valerie wrote: "I'd like to join please Brenda. Twelve books in three months sounds about right.
Would anyone like to do a buddy read for no. 1 with me?"

I'll do the buddy read wi..."

Sounds good!!

message 30: by Elaine (last edited Jul 01, 2014 03:11PM) (new)

Elaine | 2001 comments So after answering "maybe" to this event, I have now convinced myself that I should do it. I'm such a sucker for a decent challenge.

My choices, which are more than likely subject to change are:

1. Buddy Read- The Cuckoo's Calling Dekut Burung Kukuk by Robert Galbraith with my friend Kathryn.
2. Aussie New Release- Big Little Lies Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty
3. Miles Franklin- 2013 Questions of Travel Questions of Travel by Michelle de Kretser
4. YA- The Messenger The Messenger by Markus Zusak OR Jasper Jones Jasper Jones by Craig Silvey
5. Real and Fake- Non-fiction Eugenia Eugenia by Mark Tedeschi
Fiction- The Shack: Where Tragedy Confronts Eternity The Shack Where Tragedy Confronts Eternity by Wm. Paul Young
6. Winter Cover- A Breath of Snow and Ashes A Breath of Snow and Ashes (Outlander, #6) by Diana Gabaldon
7. Borrow an Aussie Book: Cicada Cicada by Moira McKinnon
8. Literature Map- Put in Liane Moriartyand got Gillian Flynn so will read Sharp Objects Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn OR Dark Places Dark Places by Gillian Flynn
9. Summery Cover- Simmering Season Simmering Season by Jenn J. McLeod
10. Naughty/Nice-(a). Save Yourself Save Yourself by Kelly Braffet
(b). Romance/chicklit/humour- The Hypnotist's Love Story The Hypnotist's Love Story by Liane Moriarty
11. TBR- The Burial The Burial by Courtney Collins
12.TBR- The Promise The Promise by Tony Birch

message 31: by Nikki ☁ (last edited Jun 15, 2014 12:01AM) (new)

Nikki ☁ (nikkicloud) Here is my list I'm not to sure about no. 3 if i can get one but i will try for the rest of the list!

1.City of Ashes Cassandra Clare ✔
2. TBA
3. TBA
4. The Indigo Spell Richelle Mead
5. Boundless Cynthia Hand
+The Diary of a Young Girl Anna Frank
6. Hallowed Cynthia Hand ✔
7. Eon: Dragoneye Reborn Alison Goodman
8. Just One Day Gayle Forman (I searched Lauren Oliver)
9. Halo Alexandra Adornetto ✔
10.Confessions of a Murder Suspect James Patterson ✔
+ Looking for Alaska John Green
11. Gone Girl Gillian Flynn
12. Allegiant Veronica Roth

City of Ashes (The Mortal Instruments, #2) by Cassandra Clare Hallowed (Unearthly, #2) by Cynthia Hand Halo (Halo, #1) by Alexandra Adornetto Confessions of a Murder Suspect (Confessions, #1) by James Patterson

Liam || Books 'n Beards (madbird) Brenda wrote: "Liam wrote: "Anybody got a Fantasy/Sci-Fi they wanna buddy read with me? Otherwise I'll finally read Dune."

I've got three on my TBR which you have on yours Liam - [book:Stardust|167..."

You pick, Brenda :P

message 33: by Bec (new)

Bec (gecko-girl) | 281 comments what a great lot of topics to pick books for - now to decide what to read??? This time I WILL start earlier lol (well i'll try) Think I will try and choose some that were on my other list I had to substitute

message 34: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
Nikki wrote: "Here is my list I'm not to sure about no. 3 if i can get one but i will try for the rest of the list!

1. City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare
2. TBA
3. TBA
4. The Golden Lily by Richelle Mead
5. Hallo..."

Could you please link your books Nikki? Thanks!

message 35: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
Elaine wrote: "So after answering "maybe" to this event, I have now convinced myself that I should do it. I'm such a sucker for a decent challenge.

My choices, which are more than likely subject to change are:


Great list Elaine! Do you want to change your choice from "maybe" to "yes" on the invitation??!!

message 36: by Elaine (new)

Elaine | 2001 comments Brenda wrote: "Elaine wrote: "So after answering "maybe" to this event, I have now convinced myself that I should do it. I'm such a sucker for a decent challenge.

My choices, which are more than likely subject t..."

Oh, yes I better! Thanks Brenda. Didn't even think of that. :)

message 37: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (last edited May 15, 2014 02:34AM) (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
Liam wrote: "Brenda wrote: "Liam wrote: "Anybody got a Fantasy/Sci-Fi they wanna buddy read with me? Otherwise I'll finally read Dune...."

How about Stardust then? And you let me know when you'd like to pick it up:) I have never done a "buddy read" before, so help me along the way;)

message 38: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
Elaine wrote: "Brenda wrote: "Elaine wrote: "So after answering "maybe" to this event, I have now convinced myself that I should do it. I'm such a sucker for a decent challenge.

My choices, which are more than l..."

:) Are there any particular rules with Buddy Reads Elaine? You and Kathryn do it now and then, so you're both experts!

message 39: by Elaine (new)

Elaine | 2001 comments Brenda wrote: "Liam wrote: "Brenda wrote: "Liam wrote: "Anybody got a Fantasy/Sci-Fi they wanna buddy read with me? Otherwise I'll finally read Dune...."

How about Stardust then? And y..."

They're a lot of fun, Brenda. Depending on how you guys organise it, you can even chat about it while you're reading. Enjoy! :)

message 40: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
Elaine wrote: "Brenda wrote: "Liam wrote: "Brenda wrote: "Liam wrote: "Anybody got a Fantasy/Sci-Fi they wanna buddy read with me? Otherwise I'll finally read Dune...."

How about [book:Stardust|167..."

So there's no particular rules then...yay!!! Can't mess up too much then;)

message 41: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
And what's the "shudder" for Liam - me or the book?? lol

Why don't we decide to both START at the same time, as I'd prefer to read it all in one go if I could. As in, no other book in between!

Nice list though:)

message 42: by Bec (new)

Bec (gecko-girl) | 281 comments Brenda I was looking through the list for non-fiction and it had Wonder by R.J. Palacio but I thought that was fiction (I think it says 'realistic fiction'
Also wasn't too sure about the Literature Map one? what do we do for that??

message 43: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
Bec wrote: "Brenda I was looking through the list for non-fiction and it had Wonder by R.J. Palacio but I thought that was fiction (I think it says 'realistic fiction'
Also was..."

I'm not sure how Wonder got on that list Bec, it's definitely fiction!

Go to the link in the first post and click on Literature Map. Then you type in a favourite author and click....a whole lot of different authors will float around the screen with yours in the centre - you pick the one closest to yours:)

Liam || Books 'n Beards (madbird) Brenda wrote: "And what's the "shudder" for Liam - me or the book?? lol"

I'm not the biggest fan of Neil Gaiman :P At least he isn't Pratchett, though.

Yeah that sounds fine. Probably one you can knock off in a day. Or like, an hour and a half for you :P

message 45: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
Liam wrote: "Brenda wrote: "And what's the "shudder" for Liam - me or the book?? lol"

I'm not the biggest fan of Neil Gaiman :P At least he isn't Pratchett, though.

Yeah that sounds fine. Probably one you ca..."

Haha! I thought you must like him as you had him on your TBR?

Doubtful an hour and a half;) Ok - you decide when you'd like to read it and let me know - I'll hassle you if it gets too close to the end of the challenge;P

message 46: by Liam || Books 'n Beards (last edited May 15, 2014 03:05AM) (new)

Liam || Books 'n Beards (madbird) It's mainly cos I have a lot of friends who love him and tell me that he's the greatest and how his books are new fantasy bibles and yadayada. Also they're on a few Top 100 lists I follow. Pretty sure Stardust is on NPR's Top 100 SFF

I'll order it from work right now since I'm here :P

EDIT okay it's on the shelf actually so let me know when you wanna start :)

message 47: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
Liam wrote: "It's mainly cos I have a lot of friends who love him and tell me that he's the greatest and how his books are new fantasy bibles and yadayada. Also they're on a few Top 100 lists I follow. Pretty s..."

OK:) I don't even know if I'll enjoy him anyway - I've never read any of his work! But I have a few on my kindle so we will see!!

message 48: by Phrynne, Series Queen! (new)

Phrynne | 14667 comments Mod
Brenda wrote: "Liam wrote: "It's mainly cos I have a lot of friends who love him and tell me that he's the greatest and how his books are new fantasy bibles and yadayada. Also they're on a few Top 100 lists I fol..."

Stardust is a good book but certainly not his best.

message 49: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77619 comments Mod
Ooh Phrynne?? I hope I enjoy it!

message 50: by Phrynne, Series Queen! (last edited Aug 17, 2014 08:22PM) (new)

Phrynne | 14667 comments Mod
1. Buddy read with Tien Bitter Greens by Kate Forsyth 2 stars

2. New release Aussie book Present Darkness by Malla Nunn 5 stars

3. Miles Franklin winner Bliss by Peter Carey 5 stars

4. YA book Wonder by R.J. Palacio 5 stars

5. Non fiction Vet in a Spin by James Herriot 4 stars
Fiction Balancing Act by Joanna Trollope 3 stars

6. Winter cover The Snowman by Jo Nesbø 5 stars

7. Put Ursula Le guin into Lit Map and got China Miéville Embassytown 4 stars

8. Library book The Fathomless Caves by Kate Forsyth 4 stars

9. Aussie author, summery cover. The Hypnotist's Love Story by Liane Moriarty 3 stars

10.Thriller Web of Deceit by Katherine Howell 4 stars
Romance/comedy Shadow Spell by Nora Roberts 4 stars

11. July TBR City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare 4 stars

12. August The Book of Life by Deborah Harkness 3 stars

Bitter Greens by Kate Forsyth Present Darkness (Detective Emmanuel Cooper, #4) by Malla Nunn Bliss by Peter Carey Wonder by R.J. Palacio Vet in a Spin by James Herriot Balancing Act by Joanna Trollope The Snowman (Harry Hole, #7) by Jo Nesbø Embassytown by China Miéville The Fathomless Caves (The Witches of Eileanan, #6) by Kate Forsyth The Hypnotist's Love Story by Liane Moriarty Web of Deceit by Katherine Howell Shadow Spell (The Cousins O'Dwyer Trilogy, #2) by Nora Roberts City of Heavenly Fire (The Mortal Instruments, #6) by Cassandra Clare The Book of Life (All Souls Trilogy, #3) by Deborah Harkness

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