YA LGBT Books discussion

Self-Promotion > Jonathan Hill - new book out now!

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message 1: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Hill | 14 comments Hi,

I'm fairly new to the group but have been writing gay books for several years now. Admittedly, I'm not sure I could call them all YA but my latest Christmas story is definitely suitable for young adults and it's currently number one in several categories including LGBT, gay and short stories. :)

I'm also pleased to announce that it's currently free as a new release for a limited time, so enjoy! I look forward to chatting on here and around the forum :)

A Christmas Outing

It's that time of year again, when Mum insists on dragging us to the Christmas markets. This year is a bit different, though, as my friend Jamie is coming too.

Mum is so stressed about enjoying the evening that she probably won't enjoy it, Dad has conveniently developed a sudden fear of crowds to try to get out of it, and I'm waiting for the right moment to tell them both that Jamie is more than just a friend...

A feel-good comedy short story of around 10,000 words.

***Please note that the 'Look Inside' formatting may display incorrectly but the book itself is correctly formatted.***

Universal Amazon Link: http://authl.it/B01MRNXJPV?d

A Christmas Outing by Jonathan Hill

Thanks for looking.

message 2: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer Oliveira (justmypipedream) | 65 comments ohhh it sounds good! thanks for telling us!

message 3: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Hill | 14 comments Jennifer (Alex) wrote: "ohhh it sounds good! thanks for telling us!"

My pleasure. Thanks for dropping in :)

message 4: by Mel (new)

Mel (melleach) Jonathan wrote: "Hi,

I'm fairly new to the group but have been writing gay books for several years now. Admittedly, I'm not sure I could call them all YA but my latest Christmas story is definitely suitable for yo..."

Thanks for sharing this with us, Jonathan!

message 5: by Kaje (new)

Kaje Harper | 17193 comments Don't forget to link it on the "Free reads" thread too - https://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/...

message 6: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Hill | 14 comments You're welcome, Mel. And thanks, Kaje! :)

message 7: by Jason (new)

Jason (jason_williams) | 732 comments Mel wrote: "Jonathan wrote: "Hi,

I'm fairly new to the group but have been writing gay books for several years now. Admittedly, I'm not sure I could call them all YA but my latest Christmas story is definitel..."

Thanks Jonathan for making this available. I love the holiday season! :~)

message 8: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Hill | 14 comments Thanks, Jason! :)

My latest blog post is about my Christmas book launch.


message 9: by Jonathan (last edited Jan 04, 2017 05:28AM) (new)

Jonathan Hill | 14 comments Happy New Year, everyone!

I'm currently working on my next gay release, which will be suitable for YAs! Looking forward to sharing details soon. :)

All the best for 2017!

message 10: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Hill | 14 comments Just blogged for the first time in a while. The post is an update on my writing and also contains an exclusive extract from my next book, the follow-up to my YA LGBT book, A Christmas Outing. Enjoy!


message 11: by Kaje (last edited May 13, 2017 10:46AM) (new)

Kaje Harper | 17193 comments When is the book coming out? Or is "soon" as close as you have for now?

message 12: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Hill | 14 comments Hi Kaje! Apologies for not replying. I somehow missed your reply! Well, soon is actually now! :) Here's the info. Thanks for your interest x

Delighted to announce that my new book is now available!

Enjoy and thanks for all your support!


Presenting... This Crazy Thing I Call My Life

And I thought the hard part was coming out to Mum and Dad and introducing them to my boyfriend Jamie!

That's all in the past now and both sets of parents are about to meet. They'll get on, right? Or not...

But Jamie has a suggestion to bring our families together. And it appears he has something else planned too...

A stand-alone feel-good comedy story of around 15,000 words, following on from the No. 1 smash hit A Christmas Outing.

UK Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B071W9T554
Rest of the World: http://authl.it/B071W9T554?d

message 13: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Hill | 14 comments After several years off writing, I'm back and have a new novel on the horizon. An update is on my blog. Also, most of my Christmas stories are free for a limited time, including a laugh out loud coming out short story. A Christmas Outing

A Christmas Outing by Jonathan Hill


Hope you all have a good festive season :)

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