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Arts Services > Art Services For Hire

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message 1: by Catherine (new)

Catherine Milos | 67 comments Mod
Those artists, graphic designers, photographers and illustrators seeking clients should post here.

Please remember to follow the rules:
Be Polite
Be Kind
Do Your Research

message 2: by Carrie (new)

Carrie Lucas | 2 comments I have book covers available from $0 for some free covers to $105 for custom covers. Check out my work: www.freeebookcovers.com. Most covers are around $35. My website has a large selection and if you do not find something you like, feel free to email me: [email protected].

message 3: by Jon (last edited May 28, 2020 10:01AM) (new)

Jon Stubbington | 3 comments Hello. I'm Jon Stubbington and I'm an illustrator based in Devon, England.

I create illustrated custom covers for ebook and print. And, as of spring 2020, I am also offering a range of affordable premade covers across a range of genres.


I also know that creating a cover can be a complicated process for any self-publishing author (you're a writer, not a designer) so I've pulled together my top tips and other information all about cover design. You can read it right here: https://www.jonstubbington.com/catego...

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words so I'll save myself some typing and leave you with a few examples of the type of covers I can create. Leave a comment, send me a message, or check out the Contact page on my website to have a chat about how I can help create your next killer cover.

example covers by Jon Stubbington

NB Cover images updated May 2020

message 4: by Aidana (new)

Aidana WillowRaven (aidanawillowraven) | 4 comments Hello,

I'm a book cover artist, designer, illustrator, and editor; specializing in original artwork (vs modified stock imagery). Links to my website, blog, and social media networks can be found below.

I love reading and being a part of books coming to life. My personal library fills seven six-foot tall shelves full of hardcover tomes of everything from David Eddings, Terry Brooks & Robert Jordan to Stephen King, Robert B Parker & Shakespear. Needless to say, I don't have enough time to read as much as I want to.

I'd love to be a part of your book, too.

Aidana WillowRaven
WillowRaven Illustration & Design Plus
Book Cover Art, Illustration & Design
Website: http://WillowRaven.weebly.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WillowRaven
Blog: http://willowraven-illustration.blogs...
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AidanaWillow...

message 5: by Miblart (last edited Oct 09, 2018 01:42AM) (new)

Miblart | 2 comments MiblArt is a team of professional book cover designers. We create custom book covers designs as well as illustrated covers in all genres. You can check our works here https://miblart.com/portfolio/

MiblArt offer three book cover design packages:

E-book cover design
Ready for print book cover design
The price of an illustrated book cover

You may check all the details about each of the packages on our website https://miblart.com/

Except of that, we will help you with the design of additional marketing materials such as:

banner design
logo design
bookmark design

Here are some examples of our work

MiblArt book cover design MiblArt book cover design

MiblArt book cover design MiblArt book cover design

MiblArt book cover design MiblArt book cover design

MiblArt book cover design MiblArt book cover design

message 6: by Harrison (new)

Harrison Lamb (harrisonjlamb) | 1 comments Hello Goodreads authors,

I am a book cover designer with affordable rates and high-quality premade covers for sale. To see my portfolio, check out my website at https://hlambdesign.uk.

Good luck in all your writing endeavours. I hope to get the chance to work with some of you to bring your book visually to life.

- Harry

message 7: by Oliwia (new)

Oliwia | 2 comments Hello there!

I'm an amateur fantasy map maker and I draw maps for writers to accompany their books.

Maps are hand drawn in ink. Maps done in Photoshop are also available, though I specialize in hand drawn maps. You can check out my Deviant Art account to see my work: https://www.deviantart.com/dimleek

If you're a writer that would love to have a map (or several) in your book to help your readers enjoy your story even more, let me know.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

message 8: by Mfonemana (new)

Mfonemana Uduak | 5 comments If you want to get Your book cover designed for 25 dollars, ebook, paperback and hardcover included set to any trim size, You can order and get get two mock up covers with changes included. https://www.fiverr.com/s/rRa8ly

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