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Reviews > Authors of Fantasy and SciFi Seeking Reviews

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message 1: by Catherine (new)

Catherine Milos | 67 comments Mod
Authors of Fantasy genre works seeking reviews post here.

message 2: by Kayla (new)

Kayla Krantz (authorkaylakrantz) | 2 comments Catherine wrote: "Authors of Fantasy genre works seeking reviews post here."


I’m currently in the process of getting things together to release the first book of my Witch’s Ambitions Trilogy, The Council.

It’s a dark epic fantasy with some romance and adventure. The preorder is 99 cents on Amazon or free with KU.

If you're interested in reviewing it, I'll send you a free PDF, MOBI, or Epub copy. Either email me at [email protected] or DM me on here.


The Council by Kayla Krantz

The Council (Witch's Ambitions Trilogy Book One) by Kayla Krantz

Genres: Epic Fantasy, New Adult, Romance

Summary: The Council is the governing Coven over the Land of Five, a region entirely inhabited—and split apart—by witches with varying powers. Lilith Lace, a witch thought to be born powerless, happily resides in Ignis, the Coven of Fire, until she suddenly develops telekinesis, an ability only seen in some witches born in Mentis, the Coven of the Mind. When The Council finds out about her odd development, she’s taken under their wing and is finally told the truth—everything she’s learned about the Land of Five, herself included, have been nothing but lies.

Thank you for taking the time to read this!

message 3: by Martyn (last edited Feb 21, 2017 02:02PM) (new)

Martyn Stanley | 4 comments I'm looking for reviews for my fantasy series. A limited number of review copies are available of the sequels. The first book is currently free though.

The Last Dragon Slayer (Deathsworn Arc, #1) by Martyn Stanley

The Last Dragon Slayer

Martyn Stanley

message 4: by Mellissa (new)

Mellissa | 4 comments Hi, Martin, how many books in the series?

message 5: by Anthony (new)

Anthony Jones | 2 comments I am seeking reviews of "The Bloodline Chronicles" I have copies available and will ship for free. All I ask is an honest review.

The Sword of Goliath

The Wizard of Nod


message 6: by Ellie (new)

Ellie Mitchell (elliemitchell) | 2 comments Hi everyone.

In about a weeks time, I will be offering ARC copies of my
Young Adult Fantasy novel, Phoenix (2nd Edition.) An honest review is always appreciated if anyone would like to be the first readers.

You can contact me via my profile, or at:
Daccarim93 (at) yahoo.co.uk

message 7: by Deshna (last edited Jun 25, 2017 05:08AM) (new)

Deshna Shah | 1 comments Anthony wrote: "I am seeking reviews of "The Bloodline Chronicles" I have copies available and will ship for free. All I ask is an honest review.

The Sword of Goliath

[book:The Wizard of Nod|336..."

I would love to review it if it is still available and only if you are comfortable ending it all the way India.

message 8: by John (new)

John Morris (john-jonno-morris) | 2 comments Hello all,
I am prepared to give free reviews of free books. No catch, other than I am looking for similar, and not necessarily by return. Try me.

There will be a little more to follow, but please allow me a week or more to set things up properly.

best wishes,

message 9: by Scerina (new)

Scerina Elizabeth (lisascerina79) | 3 comments I am currently in search of a few honest reviewers to read and review my second book Spellbound: The Awakening

*FREE COPY* to those who can read and review it

If you are interested, please contact me. Thank you very much in advance.

Spellbound: The Awakening is not just a Paranormal Romance Erotica story but also a fantasy story. It has both mystery and suspense as well as a touch of thriller. Featuring witches, warlocks, and shifters (dragon shifters). Filled with romance and love. Journey with three cousins as they try to solve the mystery surrounding the grisly murder of the two brother's parents. While all this is happening, a new witch who just received her powers must learn how to use and control her new powers. Meanwhile in the underworld an evil powerful witch queen who happen to be their aunt plots against them


From within me, I could feel the familiar stirring of my panther form. She was anxious to come out and play. Walking through the forest on this beautiful starry night, the air smells of rain after the last fall only hours ago. I clear my head, letting my panther take over, to free herself from the inner prison that held her tightly within. I could feel her slowly coming out, as I smoothly transitioned from human to panther form.

Within seconds, I was on all fours: a gorgeous raven-black coat of fur covered my body, and my eye sight became more refined as it adjusted to the darkness. My sense of smell more enhanced, and my sense of hearing was so heightened, I could hear even the most distant sound. My eyes now glow in the dark, the intense green-yellow of my eyes could see straight into your soul. Licking my fangs, I let out a loud roar. I was on the hunt for a tiny creature to feast on.

In the distance, in a clearing not too far away, I sense movement. I moved towards the sound cautiously, and soon heard a shallow breathing. It sounded as if someone was in trouble, but it did not sound natural. It could have been another shifter, in the process of transitioning from human to animal form. I wondered if it was anyone I knew. I proceeded with more caution, not wanting to draw attention to myself. I was on the very edge of the forest, in the dark shadows. Peering out from the shadows, I could see an enormous silver dragon. He was breathing so heavy that he breathed flames, it was a magnificent sight. Backing up slowly till I was almost in the forest, I shifted back into my human form, creeping back out on the edge of the forest to continue watching the dragon in admiration. The creature began to shift back into his human form. Silver scales soon became human flesh, as the creature shrank down to normal human height, his talons retracting back into human hands. His beautiful fiery eyes returned back to a deep shade of golden amber. In the last stage of his transition, he let out a rumbling roar, that could shake the heavens.

The man he became was no other than Heath Wolfe. I stared at his beautiful nude body. Chiseled muscles, golden tan skin…

You can get a *FREE COPY* of this book on my official site @ https://www.scerinaelizabeth.net/onli...

Use this coupon code at checkout to receive the book for *FREE*: CZK7YRF4WFYT

If you are purchasing via Amazon Kindle Unlimited the link to the Amazon Version is https://www.amazon.com/SPELLBOUND-AWA...

message 10: by Caitlin (new)

Caitlin | 2 comments Hi everyone,

I'm seeking pre-release reviews for Absence of Blade. The book is the start of a new space opera series set against a backdrop of interstellar strife.

Summary: This isn’t about victory. This is about survival.

Mose Attarish isn’t used to making mistakes. As an intelligence agent on the contested world Olios 3, he gathers the intel to direct the Osk’s operatives into every chink in the Terran forces’ armor. Through sabotage, espionage, and assassinations, the Osk have held their own in the war for Olios 3 – barely. Every failed mission brings the war’s end nearer, and when faulty intel nearly kills one of his operatives, Mose takes it hard.

Gau Shesharrim doesn’t blame Mose for what happened. Bad intel is one of the risks of the job, and it’s a job Gau wouldn’t trade for any other. But his latest brush with death has made even this seasoned assassin consider the merits of early retirement. Too bad the top brass don’t care what Gau wants.

Shomoro Lacharoksa follows a mission apart from the rest of the colony. In a lonely base, she researches the technologies that give the Terrans their invisible edge, hoping to bolster the Osk’s foundering campaign.

It might not be enough. The Terrans are doing research of their own, and no one—not even the Terrans themselves—is prepared for what they will unleash.

vector image depicting Za, an alien colony

The book will be released September 14th, 2017. 50 advance review copies are available for download through Instafreebie in the file type of your choice (mobi, epub, or PDF).

Many thanks,

message 11: by D (new)

D Joshua wrote: "I have a short story that is permafree on Amazon that I have available for reviews. If you have the time, feel free to check it out.


Thanks for the reading! Lots of potential in this world of yours, I'll surely keep reading as soon as I take some other stuff out of my reading queues

message 12: by Catherine (last edited Mar 09, 2019 07:45PM) (new)

Catherine Milos | 67 comments Mod
Seeking Reviewers
Advanced or existing review copies available for NA Paranormal/Urban Fantasy:
Angels and Avalon (Angels and Avalon #1) by Catherine Milos Demons and Destiny (Angels and Avalon #2) by Catherine Milos Innocence and Ire (Angels and Avalon #3) by Catherine Milos

and YA Fantasy:

Through Dragon Eyes by Catherine Milos

Email [email protected] or DM if interested!

message 13: by Alex (new)

Alex Rodriguez | 1 comments Hello, readers & fellow authors!

My name is Alex Rodriguez. I'm an indie author looking for reviews for my first book Lapse! My book is best suitable for those who enjoy YA, time travel, sci fi or romance. Any other readers are welcome! I’d gladly send a free copy in exchange for an honest review. The novel is currently available in a PDF or ePub file. Please get in touch with which format you prefer.

The synopsis is as follows:

Nora knows the rules.

Find the time marker, never reveal the secrets of the universe, don't get involved in the time marker's lives.

However, in nearly every single life cycle, they're paired together, when it comes to Mason, she breaks all the rules again and again.

She found him when he was twelve. In high school, Nora taught him his place in the universe. And their lives were thoroughly intertwined-now more than ever.

Despite her mistakes, Nora's job was easy enough, until everything took a sharp turn. Mason is angry with her, with the universe telling her who she ought to be. Nora knows her role, and what that responsibility means. She isn't about to start questioning why things are the way they are, though in her heart her efforts are beginning to unfurl a fog over her judgment.

To add to their cosmic dysfunction, Mason and Nora are only one time warp away from being discovered by time travelers, who would like nothing more than to see Mason restart a life cycle, or thrown out of time completely...

Please feel free to send me a message on Goodreads.

Find Lapse on Amazon

Follow me on Instagram @alexrdt_writes

I look forward to hearing from you!

Alex Rodriguez

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