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message 1: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (last edited Apr 21, 2017 12:50PM) (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32737 comments Mod


Mentor: Shannon

Shannon (Captain)
Cathy M. (Co-Captain)
Imke Sprengers
Stacey Crudden
Brittney Bradford

Laura Lavelle

message 2: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (last edited May 04, 2017 05:39AM) (new)

message 3: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32737 comments Mod

message 4: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32737 comments Mod

message 5: by Shannon (last edited Apr 30, 2017 03:15PM) (new)

message 6: by Shannon (last edited Apr 21, 2017 06:55PM) (new)

Shannon (countessmom) | 4087 comments POINT SYSTEM

For reading books
Books between 100 and 160 pages (100 pages or 25,000 words is the minimum) = 5 points
Books between 161 pages and 350 pages = 20 points
Books between 351 and 500 pages = 40 points
Books between 501 and 650 pages = 60 points
Books between 651 and 800 pages = 80 points
Books between 801 and 900 pages = 100 points
Books over 901 pages = 130 points

For current BOM (Book of the Month) discussions
Writing a day's worth of discussion questions = 40 points
Participating in a current BOM (participating in discussion) = 20 points
NOTE: We will accept one team member per book per team for writing a days DQs. If, by three days prior to the BOM starting, we don't have enough volunteers to write all DQs, then we will let more than one team member per team write questions. If we have more people than days sign up (prior to 3 days before start date) we will randomise the volunteers to determine those who can write

message 7: by Shannon (last edited May 12, 2017 10:27PM) (new)

Shannon (countessmom) | 4087 comments BOOKS OF THE MONTH

May Books of the Month

Strange the Dreamer (Strange the Dreamer, #1) by Laini TaylorA Gentleman in Moscow by Amor TowlesThe Circle by Dave Eggers

The Circle BOM - can participate for points until 6/2
A Gentleman in Moscow BOM - until 6/12
Strange the Dreamer BOM - until 6/22

June Books of the Month
The Gunslinger (The Dark Tower, #1) by Stephen KingThe Hate U Give by Angie ThomasYou (You, #1) by Caroline Kepnes

You BOM - until 7/2
The Hate U Give BOM - until 7/12
The Gunslinger BOM - until 7/22

message 8: by Shannon (new)

Shannon (countessmom) | 4087 comments res

message 9: by Shannon (new)

Shannon (countessmom) | 4087 comments res

message 10: by Shannon (last edited May 01, 2017 09:02PM) (new)

Shannon (countessmom) | 4087 comments Star Wars Character / Star Wars Name

• Shannon - Princess Leia - Shaba Quhou, TenDelta88 of Advil
• Cathy M.
• Imke Sprengers
• Stacey Crudden
• Hannah
• M - Boba Fett
• Sumit - R2D2
• Silje - Rey
• Pallavi
• Brittney Bradford - R2D2
• Claire - R2D2
• Don
• Juby
• Laura Lavelle

message 11: by Shannon (last edited Apr 21, 2017 01:06PM) (new)

Shannon (countessmom) | 4087 comments WELCOME TO TEAM GENERAL GREVIOUS!!

Cathy and I are super excited to have you in our droid army!

Sorry we experienced a few technical difficulties getting off the ground. But rest assured, the rebel saboteurs have been taken care of, and this journey demolishing all that come before us throughout the Republic has begun.

Looking forward to getting this party started!

message 12: by Shannon (new)

Shannon (countessmom) | 4087 comments As you check in for duty, if you could post your Tower shelf for me, that'd be great. ;)

Also love to hear a bit about you. I think I know a few of you, but mostly new faces. I'm looking forward to getting to know each an every one of you..

message 13: by Imke (new)

Imke (immie75) | 1644 comments Hi Team

I'm Imke and I'm from The Netherlands. My shelf is tower team v

I've been a member of NBRC a few years now and joined a few team challenges starting with TTII. I try to join a BOM at least once every month and my next one is Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman . Currently I'm reading Bot voor bot (Temperance Brennan, #1) by Kathy Reichs and I'm listening to Concealed in Death (In Death, #38) by J.D. Robb while I'm doing some home improvements (painting walls).

message 14: by Shannon (new)

Shannon (countessmom) | 4087 comments Hey Imke!!!

message 15: by Imke (new)

Imke (immie75) | 1644 comments Hey!!! Finally the thread is open. I was checking it out every day (I'm having a three week vacation so I have the time during breaks from removing old wallpaper, cleaning walls and painting) and saw all those teams chatting. I hope to see more teammembers soon they are all new to me.

message 16: by Nairabell (new)

Nairabell | 303 comments Hi all! I'm Claire and I'm from England. I'm new to Tower Teams but have been quietly lurking around NBRC for a couple of years. My shelf is Tower Teams V.

I am currently reading Poltergeist (Greywalker, #2) by Kat Richardson at the moment for Bookshelf Bingo over in the SOS group and looking forward to getting to know you all better :)

message 17: by Shannon (new)

Shannon (countessmom) | 4087 comments Hi Claire! Glad you're on this journey with us! Towers is pretty fun, but also laidback. It's a good one to get your feet wet with. :)

message 18: by Shannon (new)

Shannon (countessmom) | 4087 comments Imke wrote: "Hey!!! Finally the thread is open. I was checking it out every day (I'm having a three week vacation so I have the time during breaks from removing old wallpaper, cleaning walls and painting) and s..."

I'm about to do some painting myself. A couple of months ago I painted our living room and breakfast area. But my 15ft ceilings kinda kicked my tail so I had to take a several month break. Cause I'm old now (ha!) and generally a couch potato, and the up and down on the ladder basically took me out. But I think I'm finally ready to tackle another room. Bought the paint a few weeks ago, and it's been sitting there mocking me into getting off my tail.

message 19: by Stacey (new)

Stacey (boydsmom) | 1369 comments Yay! We're open!

I'm Stacey from North Carolina in the States. This will be my 3rd Tower Team. This one was my gateway challenge a few years ago, and now I'm hopelessly addicted. Claire, I'm in the midst of Bookshelf Bingo myself -- it seems like we may be getting down to the end!

I'm willing to read just about any genre, I've even finished a few non-fiction books this year-- but tend to go romance, UF, YA and PNR. I haven't been consistent with BOMs, but I'm willing to try a few during Towers.

My shelf is ttv

Good luck with the painting all! That's my leas favorite home improvement task ever. But so easy and rewarding when its done!

message 20: by Shannon (new)

Shannon (countessmom) | 4087 comments Hi Stacey!

I'm the States too, Louisiana, so looks like we've got an eclectic group going. Which makes me so excited! I love when that happens. Learning about each other, our lives, our books...

It's going to be fun!

message 21: by M (new)

M Beal | 1648 comments Hello everyone! So glad to be part of the dark side!

I am M from the beautiful city of Vancouver Canada. So excited to be doing Tower Teams again. I love all things Science Fiction and Fantasy with a little historical fiction thrown in. I am willing to expand to other genres.

I am just wondering if I am the only one who already has a partial TBR for the challenge? I have a mountain of books I want to climb this year. My shelf is Tower V.

message 22: by Shannon (new)

Shannon (countessmom) | 4087 comments Hey M!!! So glad you're here!! After Wobble, Tower is going to seem like a walk in the park! lol!

(M was my mighty co-captain in Wobble, and she is a powerhouse reader!!! It's going to be awesome!!!!)

message 23: by Silje (last edited Apr 22, 2017 05:21AM) (new)

Silje (sikna) | 1371 comments Hi everyone, I'm Silje from Norway an this is my second Tower challenge. I'm so excited to get started, just have to finish UNO challenge first.

I see some people I know already on our team and I look forward to get to know the rest=)

I read fantasy, romance and historical fiction mostly, but sometimes take a quick dive into other genres if the book sounds interesting enough=)

My shelf is towerteam5

message 24: by Cathy M. (new)

Cathy M. (mccathy77) | 5663 comments Hi everyone!! Welcome to the group :D

I'm Cathy from LA and this is my 2nd Tower Team challenge. I read pretty much any genre (usually to fit challenges) but prefer romance, UF, and thriller/mysteries.

Unfortunately I have to cut this short since I have to head to the airport soon - am taking a trip to Florida to visit family and RELAX!! I'll check in when I can but wanted to at least say Hi :)

message 25: by Brittney (new)

Brittney | 654 comments Hey ya'll, I'm Brittney from Texas and this is my first tower teams. This looks like it will be easy compared to WOBBLE. I pretty much will read anything but my favorites are suspense/thirller, historical fiction, and fantasy.

My shelf is Tower Teams

message 26: by Sumit (new)

Sumit Singla (sumitsingla) Hello everyone, I'm Sumit from India, and I do tend to lurk around looking for interesting challenges like this one. Till I participated in one such, I always thought I was doing phenomenally well by reading 2ish books a week.

Looking forward to knowing everyone better, and helping the dark side win this war.

Shelf: Tower Teams V

message 27: by Shannon (new)

Shannon (countessmom) | 4087 comments

Reminder about BOM participation points:

For current BOM (Book of the Month) discussions
Writing a day's worth of discussion questions = 40 points
Participating in a current BOM (participating in discussion) = 20 points
NOTE: We will accept one team member per book per team for writing a days DQs. If, by three days prior to the BOM starting, we don't have enough volunteers to write all DQs, then we will let more than one team member per team write questions. If we have more people than days sign up (prior to 3 days before start date) we will randomise the volunteers to determine those who can write DQs

May BOM threads have been posted:

The Circle - May 2
A Gentleman in Moscow - May 12
Strange the Dreamer - May 22
The Circle by Dave Eggers A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles Strange the Dreamer (Strange the Dreamer, #1) by Laini Taylor

There will be a challenge exception for participation in The Circle BOM as it starts prior the challenge, where the points for participation will count so long as the book is finished after May 4th.

message 28: by Shannon (new)

Shannon (countessmom) | 4087 comments Silje wrote: "Hi everyone, I'm Silje from Norway an this is my second Tower challenge. I'm so excited to get started, just have to finish UNO challenge first.

I see some people I know already on our team and I..."

Welcome to the dark side Silje!!!

message 29: by Shannon (new)

Shannon (countessmom) | 4087 comments Brittney wrote: "Hey ya'll, I'm Brittney from Texas and this is my first tower teams. This looks like it will be easy compared to WOBBLE. I pretty much will read anything but my favorites are suspense/thirller, his..."

Hi Brittney! I'm a displaced Texan living in Louisiana. Ha! So glad you found us!!

message 30: by Shannon (new)

Shannon (countessmom) | 4087 comments Sumit wrote: "Hello everyone, I'm Sumit from India, and I do tend to lurk around looking for interesting challenges like this one. Till I participated in one such, I always thought I was doing phenomenally well ..."

Hi Sumit! We are definitely going to win this war!

And have loads of fun while we destroy everything in our path. ;)

message 31: by Shannon (new)

Shannon (countessmom) | 4087 comments Cathy M. wrote: "Hi everyone!! Welcome to the group :D

I'm Cathy from LA and this is my 2nd Tower Team challenge. I read pretty much any genre (usually to fit challenges) but prefer romance, UF, and thriller/myste..."

Have a great time in Florida Cathy!

message 32: by M (last edited Apr 22, 2017 11:40AM) (new)

M Beal | 1648 comments So Glad to be on your team Shannon!!!

Also I was planning on reading The Circle for BOM, It looks really good.

message 33: by Shannon (new)

Shannon (countessmom) | 4087 comments

So teamies .... I figured while we wait to get started we could start getting to know each other a little bit better. Here's some "get to know you" questions.

1. What are your favorite book genres to read? What do you least like to read?

2. What are 5 of your favorite books?

3. What was your favorite book as a child?

4. What's your favorite kind of book challenge?

5. Favorite color?

message 34: by Shannon (last edited Apr 22, 2017 11:37PM) (new)

Shannon (countessmom) | 4087 comments 1. What are your favorite book genres to read? What do you least like to read?

I'm mostly paranormal & fantasy with the occasional smut thrown in. ;) Least favorite would probably be anything non-fiction or religious books.

2. What are 5 of your favorite books?

A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire, #1) by George R.R. Martin The Crown Tower (The Riyria Chronicles, #1) by Michael J. Sullivan Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter, #1) by J.K. Rowling Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry

It's so hard. Because I really have so many!!!

3. What was your favorite book as a child?

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë

4. What's your favorite kind of book challenge?

I tend to like challenges like this one where I can read really whatever I want. I'm not so great at reading for something specific.

5. Favorite color?


message 35: by Shannon (new)

Shannon (countessmom) | 4087 comments M wrote: "So Glad to be on your team Shannon!!!

Also I was planning on reading The Circle for BOM, It looks really good."

I'm kinda excited about May's BOMs. Several of them look pretty good.

message 36: by M (new)

M Beal | 1648 comments 1. What are your favorite book genres to read? What do you least like to read?
Science Fiction, Fantasy, Historical Fiction

2. What are 5 of your favorite books?
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien Terminal World by Alastair Reynolds The Princess Bride  by William Goldman The Last Herald-Mage (Valdemar The Last Herald-Mage, #1-3) by Mercedes Lackey Book of Shadows by Phyllis Curott

3. What was your favorite book as a child?
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien Charlotte's Web by E.B. White

4. What's your favorite kind of book challenge?
One where it can read whatever I am in the mood for.

5. Favorite color?

message 37: by Shannon (new)

Shannon (countessmom) | 4087 comments M wrote: "1. What are your favorite book genres to read? What do you least like to read?
Science Fiction, Fantasy, Historical Fiction

2. What are 5 of your favorite books?
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien [book..."

Added some of those to my TBR.

One of the awesome things about team challenges. ;)

message 38: by Imke (new)

Imke (immie75) | 1644 comments 1 My favorite genres are:
Fantasy (everything from urban to paranormal, I'm not a huge fan of sci-fi but have read some good ones)
Mysteries and thrillers ( with American psycho being the exeption that book made me ill).
These are some of my favorites, but I'll try anything.
2. My favorite series/books are
The complete Harry Potter series
The Rock Chick series
In Death series
Pride and Prejudice
The lord of the rings
3. My favorite book as a child was the BFG and anything by Enid Blyton

message 39: by Imke (new)

Imke (immie75) | 1644 comments 4. My favorite kind of challenge is the decades challenge and the team challenges.
5. My favorite color is pink.

message 40: by Imke (new)

Imke (immie75) | 1644 comments I'm on my way to Dutch YALfest going to meet some YA authors and I hope they have some fun goodies. I also signed up for a workshop reviewing. Have a good sunday everyone.

message 41: by Shannon (new)

Shannon (countessmom) | 4087 comments Imke wrote: "I'm on my way to Dutch YALfest going to meet some YA authors and I hope they have some fun goodies. I also signed up for a workshop reviewing. Have a good sunday everyone."

Sounds like an amazing day!! Have fun and be sure to come back and tell us all about it. I know I'd love to hear about it. ;)

Imke wrote: "4. My favorite kind of challenge is the decades challenge and the team challenges.
5. My favorite color is pink."

I did the Decades challenge once. It about killed me!! So kudos to you!

message 42: by Nairabell (new)

Nairabell | 303 comments 1. What are your favorite book genres to read? What do you least like to read?

Paranormal romance, urban fantasy, cozy mystery, YA and fantasy with some contemporary romance and MG occasionally sneaking in.

2. What are 5 of your favorite books?

5??? 5????? That's like impossible! There are way too many awesome books to pick just 5 as favourites so here are the first 5 I can think of lol:

Book of Shadows (Sweep, #1) by Cate Tiernan The Hollow (The Hollow, #1) by Jessica Verday The Kitchen Witch (Accidental Witch Trilogy, #1) by Annette Blair Poison Study (Study, #1) by Maria V. Snyder Bitten (Women of the Otherworld, #1) by Kelley Armstrong

3. What was your favorite book as a child?

The Little White Horse by Elizabeth Goudge which I had out from the library near constantly until someone else requested it and I had to return it and then I forgot the title. So I spent forever looking for a book with a place called Moonacre and a unicorn without success...until I was staying with my grandparents and they had the DVD of The Secret of Moonacre and I was able to find it again.

4. What's your favorite kind of book challenge?

I alternate between things with a little guidance like bookshelf bingo where you have to read books from certain shelves, and then ones where anything goes (like tower teams, I think?). Sometimes I need help figuring out what to read next which is where the former is handy, until I start to get frustrated with the categories and want to read whatever.

5. Favorite color?


message 43: by Nairabell (new)

Nairabell | 303 comments M wrote: "1. What are your favorite book genres to read? What do you least like to read?
Science Fiction, Fantasy, Historical Fiction

2. What are 5 of your favorite books?
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien [book..."

Ooh I love Phyllis Currott's Book of Shadows too :) I'm about to start rereading it.

message 44: by Brittney (new)

Brittney | 654 comments 1. What are your favorite book genres to read? What do you least like to read?
My favorite genres are mystery/thrillers, sci-fi, fantasy, and historical fiction. I have started to read more non-fiction lately but not my favorite. I am not a Romance type of girl.

2. What are 5 of your favorite books?
A Great and Terrible Beauty (Gemma Doyle, #1) by Libba Bray The Lions of Lucerne (Scot Harvath, #1) by Brad Thor The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock Holmes, #3) by Arthur Conan Doyle Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter, #1) by J.K. Rowling I Am Pilgrim (Pilgrim, #1) by Terry Hayes

3. What was your favorite book as a child?
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas

4. What's your favorite kind of book challenge?
I love the long team challenges. They make me read books I never thought I would and I find new authors because of it.

5. Favorite color?

message 45: by Silje (last edited Apr 23, 2017 04:53AM) (new)

Silje (sikna) | 1371 comments 1. What are your favorite book genres to read? What do you least like to read?
Fantasy (of all kinds), paranormal romance, some YA, romance and historical fiction. The genre I least like to read is poetry. Non-fiction isn't really popular with me either, unless it is a really interesting author or a fascinating subject.

2. What are 5 of your favorite books?
5 books is practicly impossible, so I'll go for the books in 5 favourite series in stead:P
A Court of Mist and Fury (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #2) by Sarah J. Maas Queen of the Darkness (The Black Jewels, #3) by Anne Bishop Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles, #1) by Marissa Meyer Trollbundet (Sagaen om Isfolket, #1) by Margit Sandemo Kushiel's Dart (Phèdre's Trilogy, #1) by Jacqueline Carey

3. What was your favorite book as a child?
Skammerens Datter (Skammerens børn, #1) by Lene Kaaberbøl , but I also had a thing for stories from Norse Myhtology

4. What's your favorite kind of book challenge?
Team challenges, without a doubt. Whether it is spesific tasks or reading lengt isn't too important.

5. Favorite color?
It shifts between green, red and purple on a daily basis:P

message 46: by Stacey (last edited Apr 23, 2017 12:20PM) (new)

Stacey (boydsmom) | 1369 comments 1. What are your favorite book genres to read? What do you least like to read? I'm a sucker for romance (historical, contemporary, PNR --doesn't matter), urban fantasy and YA fantasy. I haven't gotten into high fantasy because I'm always intimidated by the page length, but would love some recs from the fantasy lovers here. I haven't done much non-fiction, but I have read some that were truly fascinating.

2. What are 5 of your favorite books?
Into Thin Air A Personal Account of the Mount Everest Disaster by Jon Krakauer Watchers by Dean Koontz Heart of Obsidian (Psy-Changeling, #12) by Nalini Singh Devil in Winter (Wallflowers, #3) by Lisa Kleypas The Boys in the Boat Nine Americans and Their Epic Quest for Gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics by Daniel James Brown

3. What was your favorite book as a child?
I loved the Trixie Belden series when I was younger. Anyone who is not from the states and not my age probably has never heard of it, but it had a Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys kind of thing going on.

4. What's your favorite kind of book challenge?
I love team challenges -- especially when they make me read something I wouldn't normally.

5. Favorite color?
Pink. Gosh, I'm such a girl.

message 47: by Stacey (new)

Stacey (boydsmom) | 1369 comments Shannon wrote: "

Reminder about BOM participation points:

For current BOM (Book of the Month) discussions
Writing a day's worth of discussion questions = 40 points
Participating in a current BOM (participating ..."

I'm going to try to read The Circle by Dave Eggers for BOM if I can get it from the library in time. I'll probably try Strange the Dreamer (Strange the Dreamer, #1) by Laini Taylor as well. Not sure about writing questions though....

message 48: by Silje (new)

Silje (sikna) | 1371 comments Shannon wrote: "

Reminder about BOM participation points:

For current BOM (Book of the Month) discussions
Writing a day's worth of discussion questions = 40 points
Participating in a current BOM (participating ..."

I must admit I rarely do BOMs, mostly because I never have the books that are read and they can be a bit tricky to get a hold of in time without spending money. But if it is a book I plan on reading anyway I might participate!

message 49: by Nairabell (new)

Nairabell | 303 comments Stacey wrote: "1. What are your favorite book genres to read? What do you least like to read? I'm a sucker for romance (historical, contemporary, PNR --doesn't matter), urban fantasy and YA fantasy. I haven't got..."

I'm a newbie to fantasy but my gateway books were Poison Study and Graceling. I also loved Seraphina which could totally work to wet your feet before jumping into a massive high fantasy (which I still find super intimidating). Oh or Terry Pratchett! His books tend to be more normal book length :)

message 50: by Shannon (last edited Apr 23, 2017 02:15PM) (new)

Shannon (countessmom) | 4087 comments I love that we have so many paranormal, UF, fantasy readers on this team. I'm imagining my TBR is going to definitely grow over the next few months. ;)

I'll second the Pratchett.

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