Gail Carriger Fan Group discussion

How to Marry a Werewolf (Claw & Courtship, #1)
This topic is about How to Marry a Werewolf
Claw & Courtship Novellas > How to Marry a Werewolf (in 10 Easy Steps)

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Skye (Skye's Scribblings) | 241 comments Mod
As of 7/17: Coming sometime 2018, the first in the Claw & Courtship Novellas featuring a certain white werewolf we all love to hate! This story will be set chronologically after Competence, so it will probably be released after that book (although the two are not tied together). More information to come!

message 2: by Ann (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ann Brookens | 3 comments Definitely looking forward to this! I just began rereading the Parasol Protectorate with this in mind!

message 3: by [deleted user] (new)

Finally Channing Channing of the Chesterfield Channings (and you have no idea how much fun that was to type) gets some love! Can't wait!!!

Gail Carriger (gail_carriger) | 103 comments Tara wrote: "Finally Channing Channing of the Chesterfield Channings (and you have no idea how much fun that was to type) gets some love! Can't wait!!!"

Actually that's the one next year, this one is Biffy & Lyall. Channing's book is called: How To Marry A Werewolf (In 10 Easy Steps).

message 5: by Wolf (new)

Wolf | 9 comments Gail wrote: "Tara wrote: "Finally Channing Channing of the Chesterfield Channings (and you have no idea how much fun that was to type) gets some love! Can't wait!!!"

Actually that's the one next year, this one..."

But this thread is about How to marry a werewolf (in 10 easy steps), right..? The book coming out at the end of december 2018? I'm confused

Melissa (veruna) | 49 comments Wolf wrote: "Gail wrote: "Tara wrote: "Finally Channing Channing of the Chesterfield Channings (and you have no idea how much fun that was to type) gets some love! Can't wait!!!"

Actually that's the one next y..."

Romancing the Werewolf is coming out November 2017 and is Buffy and Lyall's story.

How to Marry a Werewolf is Channing, but there's no official release date, just 2018 sometime.

I'm not sure how the confusion happened, but that's the lay of the land as I understand it to be.

Gail Carriger (gail_carriger) | 103 comments I'm so confused, sorry!

Nicqui | 125 comments Tara wrote: "Finally Channing Channing of the Chesterfield Channings (and you have no idea how much fun that was to type) gets some love! Can't wait!!!"

His name really is so much fun to say. I can't wait. He's one of my favourites.

Bookworm Erica (bookworme2014) | 16 comments I love biffy so much <3

message 10: by Skye (Skye's Scribblings) (last edited Oct 11, 2017 12:45PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Skye (Skye's Scribblings) | 241 comments Mod
The page for the Biffy/Lyall novella, Romancing the Werewolf, is here. Apparently the whole Supernatural Society Novellas folder dropped off the home page from inactivity.

If a title is missing from the Group Home page, click "Discussion Board" at the top or "More discussions" at the bottom for all folders/topics! There should be a topic page for every Carriger title.

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