SciFi and Fantasy Book Club discussion

Members' Chat > Tor Reviewers Best of 2017... So Far

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message 2: by Veronica (new)

Veronica  (readingonthefly) I just bought Hunger Makes the Wolf the other day. I'm going to have to get to it soon.

message 3: by Trike (new)

Trike Impressive value-added post, Kim.

message 4: by Jack (new)

Jack Graham (jackdgraham) | 31 comments Two short comments:

1. Awesome to see Yoon Ha Lee on the list!

2. My reading list just got bigger.

message 5: by MadProfessah (new)

MadProfessah (madprofesssah) | 765 comments Thanks!! Only one I have read us SKULLSWORN, which was awesome!

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