YA LGBT Books discussion


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message 1: by Vee (last edited Jun 25, 2014 01:28PM) (new)

Vee S (find_me_reading) | 18 comments So I run a website called GayYA.Org

Our mission is: to promote current LGBTQ+ YA and get titles into the hands of people who need them-- too often we hear people say that they've only found a single book with a character like them in it; to show publishers that the market for LGBTQ+ YA is bigger than they think, and expanding everyday; and to provide a safe space for fans of LGBTQ+ YA. We have forums and a tumblr through which we seek to do this.

We also have a Twitter that's very active and the easiest way to keep up with us.

A few of our features:

Book of the Month: Every month we choose one of our favorite Gay YA books to feature as our Book of the Month. This includes a chapter by chapter discussion on our forums, a guest post or interview by the author, a giveaway of the book (usually signed copies), and a monthly Twitchat with discussion topics inspired by the book.

Ultimate Reading List: We have an Ultimate Gay Reading List , but we have decided to expand it and format it differently to make it more inclusive and easier to find exactly what you're looking for. If you're interested in helping us out, check out our Wiki.

Teen Voices: We have a small collection of teens who guest post or review books for us regularly. If you're 13-18 and interested in doing this, please email at [email protected]

Guest Posts: We are primarily run by guest posts by authors, industry workers, and fans of Gay YA. If you're interested in writing for us, check out our guidelines here.

Wooh, that was long! I'll probably edit it later, but I have to go out the door now.

message 2: by Vee (new)

Vee S (find_me_reading) | 18 comments Grr, so I just figured out how to do the links thing and it won't let me edit. I'll fix it soon!!

message 3: by C. (new)

C. Kennedy | 184 comments This is great, Vicky!

message 4: by Vee (new)

Vee S (find_me_reading) | 18 comments Thank you!! And I fixed the links. :D

message 5: by C. (new)

C. Kennedy | 184 comments Followed!

message 6: by Kaje (new)

Kaje Harper | 17193 comments Sounds like a great place - a nice fit with our members too.

message 8: by Mel (new)

Mel (melleach) What a great site!!

message 9: by Vee (new)

Vee S (find_me_reading) | 18 comments Thank you all so much! It's great to have your support. :)

I just wanted to add that today we moved our LGBTQIA+ YA Masterlist from our Wiki to our site, which I am really really excited about: http://www.gayya.org/?page_id=1713

Also, my contact email is now [email protected]!

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