YA LGBT Books discussion

Pride Reads - name fav YA LGBTQ > 24 - What book would you like to write?

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message 1: by Kaje (new)

Kaje Harper | 17193 comments 24 - What book would you like to write? If you could sit down and the words would flow, what story do you want to tell? Autobiographical? As different from your own life as possible? (And no, the one that would sell a million copies isn't an OK answer :)

message 2: by Rez (new)

Rez Delnava (rez_delnava) I have several that I want to write, but the one that speaks the most to me is a semi-autobiographical book that answers the age-old question, "What if I did something differently when I was younger?" There's some sci-fi involved to keep things interesting. I don't want to go into too much detail because I haven't seen a book with a plot mechanic like it before, and I don't want someone else to write it before I have my shot at it.

message 3: by Kaje (new)

Kaje Harper | 17193 comments Yay! Go for it.

message 4: by Kaje (new)

Kaje Harper | 17193 comments I really want to do a SciFi with LGBTQ characters as a natural part of the society, and an alien contact with a species with non-binary biology.

message 5: by Benjamin (new)

Benjamin Appleby-Dean (benjaminappleby-dean) | 69 comments Speaking as someone who already writes books, there are still a few I'm struggling to get down on paper - I really want to write a big gothic fantasy about inter-country power struggles with a largely LGBTQ cast, but it takes a lot of preparatory work.

message 6: by Iamshadow (new)

Iamshadow | 334 comments Rez wrote: "I have several that I want to write, but the one that speaks the most to me is a semi-autobiographical book that answers the age-old question, "What if I did something differently when I was younger..."

That is exactly the story I'm going to write if I ever get the drive and the focus. I just love what if? AUs in fanfic, so I figure one of my own life has got to be more interesting than reality.

message 7: by Jacob (new)

Jacob Sutherland Something that inspired people to not judge so quickly and or throw insults at people with different opinions so quickly. I've been roasted even on GR's here for simply an opinion and it's been people claiming feminist ideals that tried canceling me. Seems women especially are very quick to attack men. I'd write a fictional novel around this idea but I'm not sure how I'd go about it but it'd prove a point that it's rude to attack or think you know someone based off only online information

message 8: by ✨scribbles and stars✨ (last edited Jan 14, 2023 11:17AM) (new)

✨scribbles and stars✨ | 19 comments I would love to write a dark YA fantasy. I would like to have the main character a strong female role model, who also has a girlfriend. I love writing, but it's hard to sound sophisticated and less like a Diary of a Wimpy Kid book. Any tips?

message 9: by Kaje (last edited Jan 14, 2023 03:13PM) (new)

Kaje Harper | 17193 comments Laurel wrote: "I would love to write a dark YA fantasy. I would like to have the main character a strong female role model, who also has a girlfriend. I love writing, but it's hard to sound sophisticated and less..."

The only tip I have is to read a lot of the genre you write (which is probably unnecessary advice to most folks here.) And to keep writing, practicing, can be just short sections, descriptions, conversations, it all helps with the flow. Read your stuff aloud or let your tablet or whatever read it to you - I find that helps a lot with picking up awkward phrasing, with making conversation sound more real, and catching word and phrase repeats.

Isha ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ | 4 comments I want to write a YA book about the realities of being a first generation kid in America. Complete with mixed language spoken in the house, going to one of the two Hindu temples in a 100 mile radius, and the group of all Indian family friends. Definitely some academic rivals to lovers, but with a heavier focus on relationships between family and friends. Maybe from two perspectives????

message 11: by Kaje (new)

Kaje Harper | 17193 comments Isha 🙄✋🏾 wrote: "I want to write a YA book about the realities of being a first generation kid in America. Complete with mixed language spoken in the house, going to one of the two Hindu temples in a 100 mile radiu..."

That's a great idea. We need more books with a wider perspective on America.

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