Just One More Chapter discussion

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Archived Buddy Reads > Archived Buddy Reads

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message 1: by AttWaq, Head Mod (last edited Aug 09, 2018 09:45AM) (new)

AttWaq | 598 comments Mod

Archived Buddy Reads

We will not be deleting Buddy Reads, instead we will be sending Buddy Reads that have not received activity in over 50 days here (to the Archived Buddy Reads), so that if you want to view it again it is available.

Here you can find all of the Archived Buddy Reads

message 2: by AttWaq, Head Mod (last edited Aug 09, 2018 09:47AM) (new)

AttWaq | 598 comments Mod
1.Here is the archived Buddy Read of:

Buddies: Hanya and ley

book: Now I Rise.

link: Hanya and Ley's Buddy Read for Now I Rise

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