Gail Carriger Fan Group discussion

Imprudence (The Custard Protocol, #2)
This topic is about Imprudence
2019 Parasolverse ReadAlong OVER > 06/10-06/23: Imprudence

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message 1: by Skye (Skye's Scribblings) (last edited Jun 11, 2019 06:49AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Skye (Skye's Scribblings) | 241 comments Mod
The Great 2019 Parasolverse Read-Along continues!
(See the Info & Schedule post here for all the details.)

For our next read, to be digested for two weeks June 10th through June 23rd, we continue the Custard Protocol series with Imprudence!

Ready? Set? Read!

Then come back to discuss! What was your favorite part? Best character & why? Favorite line/quote? Cameos? Share your beloved moments!

And don't forget to check out Lady Gail's extras: DVD Extras

Nicqui | 125 comments I'm still reading (got a bit behind with school related distractions) but the farewell between Rue and her parents always make me teary. Just had to state that. OK, gone to catch up!

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