Rated YA-MA discussion

Recommendations and Book Lists > Inspiring Books

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message 1: by Melanie, managing mischief since 2017 (last edited Aug 31, 2019 06:00AM) (new)

Melanie | 1732 comments Here is the list of books that were nominated for the August BOTM.
Members were asked to recommend a book that promotes warm feelings, or that motivates one to stand up for a cause.

Dear Evan Hansen by Val Emmich Steelheart (The Reckoners, #1) by Brandon Sanderson Whale Talk by Chris Crutcher Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe (Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe, #1) by Benjamin Alire Sáenz The Virtue of Sin by Shannon Schuren

What other books (YA or MA) should be part of this list?

message 2: by Diane (new)

Diane | 1234 comments Standing up for a cause would definitely be The Hate You Give. I would have to think more on heart warming for a YA book.

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