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Perfiditas (Roma Nova, #2)
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ARCHIVES - ARRs Completed > 3512. - PERFIDITAS by Alison Morton

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message 1: by Tana (new)

Tana (tana_t) | 14676 comments Mod
Perfiditas (Roma Nova, #2) by Alison Morton Alison Morton

Genre: Thriller


Book Description:

Present day, alternate reality. Captain Carina Mitela of the Praetorian Guard Special Forces is in trouble – one colleague has tried to kill her and another has set a trap to incriminate her in a conspiracy to topple the government of Roma Nova. Founded sixteen hundred years ago by Roman dissidents and ruled by women, Roma Nova barely survived a devastating coup d’état thirty years ago. Carina swears to prevent a repeat and not merely for love of country.

Seeking help from a not quite legal old friend could wreck her marriage to the enigmatic Conrad. Once proscribed and operating illegally, she risks being terminated by both security services and conspirators. As she struggles to overcome the desperate odds and save her beloved Roma Nova and her own life, she faces the ultimate betrayal…

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Alison Thanks for posting, Tana.
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message 3: by Connie (new)

Connie Cliff | 3 comments I would like to review this book

Alison Hi Connie,

I'd love to send you the file. Could you let me have your email address, please?

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