2024 Reading Challenge discussion

ARCHIVE 2020 > Andrew's 2020 Book Challenge - 250 books

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message 1: by Fr. Andrew (new)

Fr. Andrew (nitesead) My goal is to do better than each of the previous years that I've logged here, by quite a bit. My record is 203 books. I read a lot of graphic novels and comic book collections, so that makes up for my not being a very fast reader. Thanks for the forum!

message 2: by Rachael (new)

Rachael (allons-y-bookworm) | 4320 comments Good luck with your reading challenge!

message 3: by Fr. Andrew (new)

Fr. Andrew (nitesead) Rachael wrote: "Good luck with your reading challenge!"

Many thanks!

message 5: by Blagica , Challenges (new)

Blagica  | 12698 comments This is my favorite quote of all time! I hope it brings you luck with your reading in 2020!

message 6: by Fr. Andrew (new)

Fr. Andrew (nitesead) Blagica wrote: "This is my favorite quote of all time! I hope it brings you luck with your reading in 2020!

I love it!

message 7: by Lisa, Cheerleader (new)

Lisa Grønsund | 5639 comments Good luck with your reading challenge :)

message 8: by Fr. Andrew (new)

Fr. Andrew (nitesead) Lisa wrote: "Good luck with your reading challenge :)"


message 9: by Fr. Andrew (new)

Fr. Andrew (nitesead) I have read 8 books in eleven days, and this puts me one book ahead of schedule according to goodreads. I now understand the pace I'll need to maintain the rest of the year! Right on!

message 10: by Fr. Andrew (new)

Fr. Andrew (nitesead) 23 books out of 250 so far. Looks like I'm on track!

message 11: by Fr. Andrew (last edited Mar 01, 2020 07:09AM) (new)

message 12: by Fr. Andrew (new)

Fr. Andrew (nitesead) 2 months done, 45 books out of 250. 18% done.
2 months out of 12 = 16.67% of the year.

message 14: by Fr. Andrew (last edited Apr 04, 2020 10:17AM) (new)

Fr. Andrew (nitesead) 3 months = 67 books done, 26.8% read. Right on track!

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