The Catholic Book Club discussion

Bearing False Witness: Debunking Centuries of Anti-Catholic History
This topic is about Bearing False Witness
Past Voting > February 2020 BOTM - Results

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message 1: by John (new)

John Seymour | 2220 comments Mod
A close race among the top three, but we did have a clear winner and Bearing False Witness: Debunking Centuries of Anti-Catholic History, by Rodney Stark is our February 2020 BOTM with 9 votes.

Strangers in a Strange Land received 8 votes and Doors in the Walls of the World received 7. The remaining votes were scattered among 11 other books, four of which received only one vote. Georgios was the only book that received no votes and will be removed from next month's list.

The new books on the list next month will be Europe and the Faith, by Hilaire Belloc, nominated by Fonch and The Mango Murders, by Mara Campos, nominated by Madeleine.

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