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Sprint Dreams
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Read-to-Review - complete & old > Queer, Caribbean-American, College-set, YA Sports Novel ARC Ebook Giveaway

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message 1: by Faith (new)

Faith Dismuke | 2 comments I am giving away free 50 ARC Ebooks of my debut queer, college-set, YA sports novel until June 1 in exchange for Goodreads reviews before the novel's release date. Readers, message me or respond to this post if interested.

SPRINT DREAMS, announced to release June 1, 2020, is a story of self-love and perseverance. Eighteen-year-old Makeda Delane is determined to compete with the best of collegiate track and field. However, a move from the comfort of her inner city historically black university to a rural university leaves the athlete in an emotional mess. If Makeda does not get a hold of her careless decisions, her All-American dreams will be in jeopardy. This novel is one of few stories that accurately intersects the experience of student-athletes, queer students and Caribbean-American students. Readers will follow a character who not only grows in the sport but in the healthy and unhealthy relationships she forms along the way.

Fans of Track Series by Jason Reynolds, books by Nic Stone, and Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell will love these flawed yet relatable characters.

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message 2: by Kaje (new)

Kaje Harper | 17193 comments Sounds interesting - especially with the POC main characters. I don't do ARC reviews - I never want to promise a review for a book - but I will look it up when it releases.

message 3: by Faith (new)

Faith Dismuke | 2 comments Thank you. I appreciate the support.

Sebastian (sebastianpreads) I'm definitely interested! :)

message 5: by Clara (new)

Clara (the_greatest_star_) Faith wrote: "I am giving away free 50 ARC Ebooks of my debut queer, college-set, YA sports novel until June 1 in exchange for Goodreads reviews before the novel's release date. Readers, message me or respond to..."
I as well am interested 😁

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