Self Published Fantasy Month discussion

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message 1: by Justine (new)

Justine (its_justine) Need some recs? Want to share some of your favorites? Let everyone know here!

message 2: by L.A. (new)

L.A. (authorbebedora) | 3 comments Hey, all! I'm looking for adult fantasy recs. Lay 'em on me! Thanks!

message 3: by Sibil (new)

Sibil | 2 comments Some good books I have read this year:
1) Tavern (Dargath Chronicles, #1) by Deston J. Munden /this one was amazing!)
2) Sufficiently Advanced Magic (Arcane Ascension, #1) by Andrew Rowe
3) The Demons We See (The Dark Abyss of Our Sins, #1) by Krista D. Ball (this is original and with a fantastic MC!)
4) The First of Shadows (The Riven Realm #1) by Deck Matthews
They are great, and I recs them every chance I get!

message 4: by L.A. (new)

L.A. (authorbebedora) | 3 comments I'm reading The First of Shadows right now and LOVE IT! Tavern is also on my list!

message 5: by Noor (new)

Noor Al-Shanti | 3 comments Yeah, I read and enjoyed First of Shadows as well!

Here are a few of my favourites:

The Eagle's Flight: The Chronicles of Adalmearc

An Elegy of Heroes: The Agartes Epilogues Complete Trilogy



message 6: by K.A. (last edited Sep 02, 2020 05:13PM) (new)

K.A. Wiggins (kaiespace) | 2 comments My indie TBR is endless, but here's two I can definitely recommend:

M.K. Wiseman has an appealingly complex YA historical fantasy series that starts with

The Bookminder (The Bookminder #1) by M.K. Wiseman

Tiana Warner has a stunningly polished, exciting, and successful YA series about vicious mermaids off the coast of BC:

Mermaids of Eriana Kwai (3 Book Series) by Tiana Warner

message 7: by William (new)

William | 12 comments So many great reads... I'll just toss out a few off the top of my head:

I really loved Richard Nell's recently concluded Kings of Ash and Sand series. Brutal epic fantasy, and the second book has one of my favorite wizard battles ever. It starts with Kings of Paradise.

Benedict Patrick writes some great mythic fables, though so far I've only read They Mostly Come Out at Night.

Quenby Olson's The Half Killed is a brilliant Victorian ghost/detective story with creepy supernatural elements and beautiful prose.

Kingshold by D.P. Woolliscroft is a fun adventure story marrying a fantasy setting and messy civic politics in a democracy.

message 8: by Beth (new)

Beth Tabler (scottveg3) | 9 comments Mod
I just finished both Orconomics, and The First of Shadows and both were well done stories. I'd recommend them to anyone.

message 9: by Stephen (last edited Sep 05, 2020 11:17AM) (new)

Stephen Richter (stephenofskytrain) | 4 comments Blood of Heirs, by Alicia Wanstall-Burke , Lisa Cassidy's A Tale of Stars and Shadow which just released the 3rd book in the series, anything by Rob J. Hayes, who is a prolific writer.

message 10: by Noor (new)

Noor Al-Shanti | 3 comments I'm currently reading Between the Shade and the Shadow and loving it so far!

message 11: by Peyton (new)

Peyton | 15 comments I'm currently reading The Black Veins by Ashia Monet, and it's amazing!

YA Urban fantasy with a great magic system and some truly amazing characters. Plus... there's a magical hockey stick. It's great.

message 12: by William (new)

William | 12 comments Oh, I feel silly for not recommending Samuel Gately's The Fire Eye Refugee before, it's a similar sort of fantasy noir setup, and quite enjoyable. I've not read the sequel (or any of his other work) but it's a top notch self-pub fantasy title in a similar vein to Amra.

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