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Reading Challenges > Who’s on First? (July - September 2021 ~ Summer Challenge)

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message 1: by Melanie, managing mischief since 2017 (new)

Melanie | 1732 comments Who’s on First? (July - September 2021 ~ Summer Challenge)

For those who miss them, here is a (hopefully) easy summer challenge. The theme is book firsts (see below for explanation and options). Happy reading!

Book Categories
*Point of View: read a book told in first person point-of-view.
*The Beginning: read the first book in a series.
*Debut: read the first book an author has published.
*The Book Was First: read a book that was published before it was turned into a movie.
*One Title: read a book that has any of these words in the title: 1/ one, first, begin/ beginning.
*In Translation: read a book first published in another language.

Standard Rules:
♦ Audio Books: 1.5+ hours
♦ Paper Books: 150+ pages
♦ Ebooks (without a page number equivalent): 37,500 words
♦ 5 of 6 books must be classified as YA

Bonus Achievements These are completely optional.
1. Overachiever: Complete multiple ROUNDS of this challenge
2. Committed Reader: Complete a full ROUND from the same category
3. Diversified Portfolio: Complete a full ROUND with 1 book from each category
4. Stay True: Complete a full ROUND without including any MA or MG books

Tracking Progress:
I'll be keeping track of participants’ progress (as much as possible) in post #2. If you spot an error, let me know, so I can fix it.

Posting Suggestions:
1. When posting, let us know which category your book falls into.
2. It is also nice, but not necessary, to tell us what you thought of the book just in case it grabs the interest of another member.

message 2: by Melanie, managing mischief since 2017 (new)

Melanie | 1732 comments Participants/ Score Card

♦ Melanie-

Bonus Achievements none yet…
1. Overachiever:
2. Committed Reader:
3. Diversified Portfolio:
4. Stay True:
5. First Stab/ Second In:
6. First Blood/ Salutatorian:

message 3: by Melanie, managing mischief since 2017 (new)

Melanie | 1732 comments Here is a potential list of reads for me:
*Point of View: Daughter of the Burning City
*The Beginning: Switched
*Debut: The Bone Witch
*The Book Was First:
*One Title: Chosen Ones [MA]
*In Translation:

message 4: by Leticia (last edited Jul 05, 2021 11:28PM) (new)

Leticia (leticiatoraci) Melanie, I'll pick two of your books for my challenge

*Point of View: read a book told in first person point-of-view. Daughter of the Burning City
*The Beginning: read the first book in a series.
*Debut: read the first book an author has published. The Bone Witch
*The Book Was First: read a book that was published before it was turned into a movie.
*One Title: read a book that has any of these words in the title: 1/ one, first, begin/ beginning.
*In Translation: read a book first published in another language - Vita Nostra

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