YA LGBT Books discussion

Self-Promotion > Self intro

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message 1: by Clair (new)

Clair Wellings (cobaltmonsters) | 2 comments Hello, my name is hunter Thomas, soon changing it to Clair Wellings, I just got into lgbtq+ books, I like small talk, or big talk, and getting to know others and share the books I love to read

message 2: by K.S. (new)

K.S. Trenten (cauldronkeeper) | 132 comments Welcome!

message 3: by Kaje (new)

Kaje Harper | 17193 comments Clair wrote: "Hello, my name is hunter Thomas, soon changing it to Clair Wellings, I just got into lgbtq+ books, I like small talk, or big talk, and getting to know others and share the books I love to read"

Hi Clair - welcome to the group. Have a look around. I'm going to move the topic you posted about Boys Can be Girlfriends Too: Femboy gay romantic comedy to the "Book Related Banter" folder, becuase it will get more notice there.

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