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Reading Challenges > From Start To Finish 2022

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message 1: by Melanie, managing mischief since 2017 (new)

Melanie | 1732 comments From Start to Finish

Since the seasonal challenges have fizzled out, we offer this bonus year-long challenge that combines the perennial seasonal challenges: Start Something New and Finish What You Started. Your challenge is to read 12 books from either or both the new books categories or unfinished books category. You can choose which list to follow, complete both lists, mix your lists, etc. The main purpose is to keep your YA reading joy alive. Unlike the Across the Spectrum challenge, this challenge asks you to limit your book selections to YA books only; however you get 2 free passes to choose non-YA books throughout the year.

Standard Rules:
♦ Audio Books: 1.5+ hours
♦ Paper Books: 150+ pages
♦ Ebooks (without a page number equivalent): 37,500 words
♦ 10 of 12 books must be classified as YA

Posting Suggestions:
1. When posting, let us know which list and category your book falls into.
2. It is also nice, but not necessary, to tell us what you thought of the book just in case it grabs the interest of another member.

message 2: by Melanie, managing mischief since 2017 (new)

Melanie | 1732 comments Book Lists

Start Something New
*New Release: read book that is either a NEW RELEASE (published in the last 6 months (starting July 2021) or will be published in 2022.
*Series: read the first book in a NEW SERIES.
*Author: read a book by an AUTHOR that is NEW TO YOU.
*Gifted: read a book GIFTED TO YOU (books you buy yourself can count as gifts).
*Title: read a book that has any form of the words BEGIN or NEW in its TITLE.
*Format: reread a book in a NEW FORMAT (ebook, print, audio).
ex. you eye-read the book the first time; therefore, listen to it on audio for the reread.

Finish What You Started
*TBR: read a book added to any of your TO BE READ lists prior to 2022.
*Series: read a book from a SERIES you began but did not finish … yet.
*Author: read a book from an author already on your book shelves.
*Owned: read a book that you physically owned (print, ebook, audio) prior to 2022.
*Title: read a book that has any form of the words FINISH or END in its TITLE.
*DNF: read a book you started but DID NOT FINISH.

message 3: by Melanie, managing mischief since 2017 (last edited Mar 01, 2022 01:44AM) (new)

Melanie | 1732 comments Participants & Progress

♦ Ashley-
♦ DivaDiane-
♦ Melanie- 3 of 12 (series)
♦ Munachiso-

Bonus Achievements none yet…
1. Completionist:
2. Overachiever:
3. Diversified Portfolio:
4. Stay True:
5. Series-ous:

Bonus Achievements These are all completely optional.
1. Completionist: Read 12 books for this challenge!
1. Overachiever: Finish the challenge more than once (24+ books).
3. Diversified Portfolio: Complete BOTH LISTS for this challenge.
4. Stay True: Complete a full ROUND without including any MA or MG books.
5. Series-ous: Start and finish a series this year!

Tracking Progress:
I'll be keeping track of participants’ progress (as much as possible) in this post. If you spot an error, let me know, so I can fix it.

message 4: by DivaDiane (new)

DivaDiane SM | 268 comments Oh all right. I can probably manage this one without trying too hard even. I will try to focus on the Finish What You Start challenge, because my TBR is huge and I’m sure I have plenty YA books on there to complete it. The trick will be to get this challenge to mesh with my other challenges!

message 5: by Melanie, managing mischief since 2017 (last edited Mar 01, 2022 01:46AM) (new)

Melanie | 1732 comments Challenge Progress

(series) Velocity Weapon (The Protectorate, #1) by Megan E. O'Keefe I Hunt Killers (I Hunt Killers, #1) by Barry Lyga

(series) The Sorceress (The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel, #3) by Michael Scott

message 6: by Chisom (new)

Chisom (chisomiloks) | 9 comments Gonna try the Start Something New Challenge. I need to expand my YA content.

message 7: by Melanie, managing mischief since 2017 (new)

Melanie | 1732 comments Awesome!

message 8: by Melanie, managing mischief since 2017 (new)

Melanie | 1732 comments So I started 4 series this month (Velocity Weapon, Assassin's Apprentice, Chosen Ones) but only Shadowland by Meg Cabot was YA. So one book down? The goal is one per month, so I am mostly on track...

message 9: by Ashley (new)

Ashley  (ashleycw) | 224 comments Melanie wrote: "I always try to get my books to 'multi-task' challenges. I also might participate in too many challenges."


But I’m also going to try to get some of the books I’ve had on my TBR for more than five years read. And finish some outstanding series

message 10: by DivaDiane (new)

DivaDiane SM | 268 comments Well, I said I’d focus more on my TBR - finish what you start, but in January I read Shadowlands and that’s it for YA. I guess I’m doing mix and match?

message 11: by Ashley (last edited May 30, 2022 02:38PM) (new)

Ashley  (ashleycw) | 224 comments Okay. Here's my list

1. SSN - New Release (Sept 2021) - White Smoke 1/22
4.5 Stars - I LOVED this book. It's pretty spooky, you don't know who to trust, and I didn't see the end coming. The writing is pretty great and I really liked the main characters.

2. SSN - New Author - Ace of Spades 2/4
5 Stars - Really great. I really liked Devon.

3. FWYS - TBR (added in 2011) - The Future of Us 2/28
3 Stars. Interesting concept, but Emma was very annoying

4. SSN - New Author - Hearts & Other Body Parts 4/24
I loved the beginning, but am unsure about the end

5. SSN - Series - I Am Not a Serial Killer 5/30

message 12: by Ashley (new)

Ashley  (ashleycw) | 224 comments Question, can I mix and match everything? Like read two new releases and not a new format? or do I need to try to do one of each

message 13: by Melanie, managing mischief since 2017 (new)

Melanie | 1732 comments It's kind of choose your own adventure. I am going to try to read 1 book from each category, but that is not necessary.

message 14: by Chisom (new)

Chisom (chisomiloks) | 9 comments Shadowland is my current young adult read list for the year. Not going to assign it to any category yet as it fits multiple. Will see what categories in the future I may not have anything else for and then use it :)

message 15: by Melanie, managing mischief since 2017 (new)

Melanie | 1732 comments good plan.

message 16: by Melanie, managing mischief since 2017 (last edited Mar 01, 2022 01:48AM) (new)

Melanie | 1732 comments I'm staying on track (barely):
Started a series with I Hunt Killers (3.5 stars) and continues a series with The Sorceress (3 stars).

Series start but not YA this month- Black Sun
Series continued but not YA- Tiger Honor

message 17: by Ashley (new)

Ashley  (ashleycw) | 224 comments I really liked the I Hunt Killers Series.

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