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Group Reads: Guest Author Invite > March 2022 Group Read #1 with Guest Author, Marie O’Regan

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message 1: by Kenneth (new)

Kenneth McKinley | 1676 comments Mod
This is the thread for the March 2022 Group Read with guest author, Marie O'Regan, as we read her novel, Celeste. Grab your copy at the link below and please help me welcome Marie to HA!


message 2: by Kimberly (new)

Kimberly (kimberly_3238) | 7646 comments Mod
Welcome Marie--this book sounds fantastic!

Laura | 68 comments OOOhhhh! This sounds great! I am in! Welcome Marie!

message 4: by Billy (new)

Billy Ross | 4 comments Welcome Marie!
Can't wait to read this! Sounds amazing!

message 5: by Kasia (new) - added it

Kasia (kasia_s) | 4338 comments Mod
Marie, greetings, your newest work looks phenomenal, loved the intro Ken put in the broadcast message, must read this for sure!

Celeste (pinkbear) | 36 comments Oh I’m in, since me and the villain share the same name haha

message 7: by Latasha (new)

Latasha (latasha513) | 11851 comments Mod
Welcome Marie and thank you for joining us. This book sounds awesome not to mention that gorgeous cover!

message 8: by Marie (new)

Marie O'Regan (marie_oregan) | 10 comments Thanks Ken, and thanks everyone for the warm welcome! I hope everyone enjoys Celeste :)

message 9: by Deborah (new) - added it

Deborah Mitton (goodreadscomdeborah_mitton) | 11 comments Sounds like an excellent read. I'll pick it up.

message 10: by Marie (new)

Marie O'Regan (marie_oregan) | 10 comments Deborah wrote: "Sounds like an excellent read. I'll pick it up."

Thank you!

Brennan LaFaro | 51 comments Welcome Marie! Just started this one tonight. Only a few chapters in and it’s got that nice air of intrigue, makes me want to keep reading to see what I’ve been drawn into.

message 12: by Marie (new)

Marie O'Regan (marie_oregan) | 10 comments Brennan wrote: "Welcome Marie! Just started this one tonight. Only a few chapters in and it’s got that nice air of intrigue, makes me want to keep reading to see what I’ve been drawn into."

Hi Brennan, glad you're enjoying it so far :)

message 13: by Kenneth (new)

Kenneth McKinley | 1676 comments Mod
Marie, can you tell us a little how Celeste came to be?

message 14: by Marie (new)

Marie O'Regan (marie_oregan) | 10 comments Kenneth wrote: "Marie, can you tell us a little how Celeste came to be?"

Hi Ken, as with quite a few stories of mine, it started with a dream. I kept dreaming about this man who was being attacked through his own dreams. He kept dreaming about this woman, and he was scared. With that image in my mind, various aspects of the story gradually showed up (Clive, for one; the house in London is actually based on a house a schoolfriend lived in, that I loved), and the threads - obsession, desire, redemption - started to weave themselves together. The novel actually went through quite a few drafts, and was originally called Icon, as in an object that's worshipped or revered - Celeste, in other words :)

Sally | 340 comments I've picked this one up and am about 30% into it. It's been fun so far, loving the occult/ voodoo elements and Celeste is such a great character. I mean, she's messed up sure, but that makes for great entertainment!

message 16: by Marie (new)

Marie O'Regan (marie_oregan) | 10 comments Sally wrote: "I've picked this one up and am about 30% into it. It's been fun so far, loving the occult/ voodoo elements and Celeste is such a great character. I mean, she's messed up sure, but that makes for gr..."

Thanks for buying, Sally, and glad you're enjoying it so far!

Sally | 340 comments Just hit 80%. Man, I'm really worried about all of these characters!

@Marie, I always like to ask authors if any of their characters are based on people they know in real life. Are any of these characters in Celeste from your life or are they all brain creations?

message 18: by Marie (new)

Marie O'Regan (marie_oregan) | 10 comments Sally wrote: "Just hit 80%. Man, I'm really worried about all of these characters!

@Marie, I always like to ask authors if any of their characters are based on people they know in real life. Are any of these c..."

Hi Sally, sorry to be late answering this, we've been away for a few days. The short (and hopefully funny) answer is God I hope not :) To be serious, though, I think as writers we put little strands and snippets that are true to our experience - whether personally or viewed from those around us - into everything we write. So while none of the characters are based on anyone in particular, there are probably little nods to things we recognise if we read things back to ourselves.

Sally | 340 comments Thank you Marie! I also enjoyed the ending, the climax was intense! Well done!

message 20: by Marie (new)

Marie O'Regan (marie_oregan) | 10 comments Sally wrote: "Thank you Marie! I also enjoyed the ending, the climax was intense! Well done!"

Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it :)

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