Reading German Books in 2020 discussion

Level 1: Neuendorf-Sachsenbande > kubelots non-fiction challenge 2022

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message 1: by kubelot (new)

kubelot | 109 comments This year i intend to force myself into a little more non-fiction.
For starters i'll try to read 5 german non-fiction books.
1. **** Amerikas Gotteskrieger by Annika Brockschmidt, read in German

message 2: by Penelope (new)

Penelope | 167 comments I translated this title and some of the description and it sounds really interesting. Let us know how you go.

message 3: by kubelot (last edited Mar 23, 2022 11:21AM) (new)

kubelot | 109 comments Penelope wrote: "I translated this title and some of the description and it sounds really interesting. Let us know how you go."

It's hard for me to compare, as i rarely read non-fiction. Actually i think it is the first non-fiction book i read which is not on literature or on movies.

For me it was a solid four stars. The topic was hard and the read was really depressing, at moments scary, especially seeing all the parallels to central europe. Nevertheless the reading was pure pleasure, the book was captivating, thoroughly researched and fully accessible, even for a person such as me, who is a layman in both american politics and religion.

message 4: by Penelope (new)

Penelope | 167 comments I have two political biographies to read at the moment, one just started, but usually my nonfiction reading is letters and diaries and some history. I always try to read at least one book during non-fiction November. Good sound comments!

message 5: by Reenbean (new)

Reenbean | 39 comments Good challenge. I have The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben on my short list to read this year (hopefully, in German). Maybe in November. :-)

message 6: by kubelot (new)

kubelot | 109 comments Thanks Reenbean, Peter Wohlkeben is also on my list, but on a longer one, hopefully next year...

message 7: by kubelot (last edited Oct 27, 2022 11:24PM) (new)

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