Gail Carriger Fan Group discussion

Imprudence (The Custard Protocol, #2)
This topic is about Imprudence
The Custard Protocol (Adult) > Imprudence has a cover!

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message 1: by Skye (Skye's Scribblings) (last edited Feb 19, 2015 03:31PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Skye (Skye's Scribblings) | 241 comments Mod
Imprudence, Book Two of The Custard Protocol, has a gorgeous cover! Check it out on Miss Gail's blog here !

Kriselda Gray | 7 comments It is gorgeous!!! One thing - for some reason, the way your link got formatted it's including the quote mark at the end of the .html (so it look like this: .html") and can't load the page like that. I just had to delete the quote mark from my browser's address bar and was able to get to it just fine that way.

Thanks for sharing the cover!!

Skye (Skye's Scribblings) | 241 comments Mod
Kriselda wrote: "It is gorgeous!!! One thing - for some reason, the way your link got formatted it's including the quote mark at the end of the .html (so it look like this: .html") and can't load the page like that..."

Oops! Link corrected - thanks for letting me know! :)

Janice | 5 comments Lovely ^_^

Melissa (veruna) | 49 comments I cannot wait! Though I do hope Prudence gets more than two books!

message 6: by Connie (new)

Connie (connieng) I love how the design compliments the Tarribotti series! I can't wait to read the first book!

Susan Pola Staples | 23 comments Oh boy.

message 9: by Bridgette (new) - added it

Bridgette | 4 comments Nice cover. Her gown is primo.

Viktoria | 33 comments Lovely!

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