Gail Carriger Fan Group discussion

Manners & Mutiny (Finishing School, #4)
This topic is about Manners & Mutiny
Finishing School (YA) > Manners & Mutiny cover!

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Skye (Skye's Scribblings) | 241 comments Mod
Manners & Mutiny has a cover! Check it out on the Finishing School site here !


I'm dying! It's so pretty! I can't take it...

Connie (connieng) Will this be the last book in the series?

Skye (Skye's Scribblings) | 241 comments Mod
Connie wrote: "Will this be the last book in the series?"

Sadly yes, this is Book the Last. :'(

message 5: by Brooke (new) - added it

Brooke  (brookeluvsbooks) So pretty and now im even more excited for this book!!

message 6: by Susan Pola (new) - added it

Susan Pola Staples | 23 comments Gorgeous. Model looks a bit like Gillian Anderson in her Scully and Mulder period. The cover of Book 3 looked a bit like Audrey Hepburn.

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