Goodreads Librarians Group discussion

The Odyssey
This topic is about The Odyssey
Book & Author Page Issues > Please add cover and edit the title

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message 1: by Ellinore (new)

Ellinore (ellinore_) | 5 comments Hi!

This Swedish edition of the Odessy is missing a cover, the title is wrong and the page number is missing.

Erland Lagerlöf is the translator and Lagerlöfs Homeros refers to his translation.
ISBN: 978-91-7353-742-1
Page number: 432

Source (in Swedish, please use a translator):

Thank you

message 2: by Lieke (last edited Nov 17, 2022 12:16AM) (new)

Lieke | 4822 comments This was done (link is to another edition)

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