The 52 Book Club: 2024 Challenge discussion

2023 Challenge > 18 -- Set During A War Other Than WWI Or WWII

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message 1: by Lindsey (last edited Nov 18, 2022 06:15PM) (new)

Lindsey Rojem (lrojem) | 1590 comments Mod
18. Set during a war other than WWI or WWII

Many readers have a strong fascination with settings during the first or second world wars. But for this prompt, we want you to find a book set during a war OTHER than WWI or WWII. (This means avoiding settings from 1914-1918 for World War I, and 1939-1945 for World War II).

Apart from those two time periods, the setting you pick is up to you! You may choose a more recent war that occurred during your lifetime, or one that happened thousands of years ago like the Trojan War. Examples of other wars include: The French Revolution, The Cold War, The Korean War, The American Civil War, War of 1812, The Crusades, etc.

The war may play a pivotal part in the plot with characters who are actively involved in it, or it may be a backdrop for the larger narrative. This prompt works equally well for either fiction or non-fiction reads. It may also be set during a fictional war.

Click here for our Goodreads List of suggestions

message 2: by Seana (new)

Seana Thomas Bagemihl | 3 comments The Island of the Sea Women was one of my favorite reads from 2022 and it's set in the Korean War. 100% recommend!

Jerri O'Reilly  (jerrioreilly) | 4 comments I'm planning on reading First they killed my father about the Cambodian genocide or We wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families about the Rwanda genocide.

message 4: by Angela (new)

Angela | 22 comments Mr Pip by Lloyd Jones

Set during the 1988-1998 civil war on Bougainville Island in Papua New Guinea

message 5: by Kimberley (new)

Kimberley H | 5 comments A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini

message 6: by Michele (new)

Michele Olson | 385 comments Angela wrote: "Mr Pip by Lloyd Jones

Set during the 1988-1998 civil war on Bougainville Island in Papua New Guinea"

I LOVED that book.

message 7: by Amanda (new)

Amanda Hayes (ajhayes2019) | 22 comments Alex and Eliza by Melissa De La Cruz
Set during the American Revolution

message 8: by Paige (new)

Paige Cripps | 6 comments I was going to read a book on apartheid as this was a time of political warfare but not sure if counts…

message 9: by Lindsey (new)

Lindsey Rojem (lrojem) | 1590 comments Mod
Paige wrote: "I was going to read a book on apartheid as this was a time of political warfare but not sure if counts…"

Your challenge, your rules. If you feel it fits the prompt, go for it!

Melanie (aka DarkBeauty73) (darkbeauty73) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

message 11: by Lize-meré (new)

Lize-meré Van Schalkwyk | 26 comments Girl at War by Sara Novic

message 12: by Becca (new)

Becca | 2 comments You Don’t Know What War Is, a 12 year old’s experience in the Ukraine war.

message 13: by Chrissi (new)

Chrissi (clewand84) | 21 comments A Long Petal of the Sea - Spanish Civil War (also a book about a refugee)
Peach Blossom Spring - Chinese Civil War
In the Shadow of the Banyan - Cambodian civil war/genocide

I'm reading Stasiland: Stories from Behind the Berlin Wall - set during the Cold War

message 14: by Angela Y (new)

Angela Y (yangelareads) ♡ | 214 comments Mrs. Everything by Jennifer Weiner

message 15: by Victoria (new)

Victoria Araya (vikapedia) | 10 comments I'm reading The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller.

message 16: by Lorry (new)

Lorry Chwazik | 1 comments For a great Romantic Era classic, try The Last of the Mohicans, set during The French and Indian War.

message 17: by Mitra (new)

Mitra | 54 comments Seana wrote: "The Island of the Sea Women was one of my favorite reads from 2022 and it's set in the Korean War. 100% recommend!"I
I loved this book and learned about events that I had no prior knowledge of.

message 18: by Clara (new)

Clara | 122 comments A Christmas Far From Home by Stanley Weintraub. Korean War

message 19: by Sally (new)

Sally | 45 comments Act Of Oblivion by Robert Harris. We had a civil war in the UK too, which is the backdrop of this book

message 20: by Lin (new)

Lin (linnola) | 18 comments Seana wrote: "The Island of the Sea Women was one of my favorite reads from 2022 and it's set in the Korean War. 100% recommend!"

I agree. This was my first read of 2021 and in the top 5 of favorite books.

message 21: by Barbara (last edited Jan 19, 2023 05:53PM) (new)

Barbara (soulflame1) | 98 comments It was not the book I originally planned for this prompt, but I read Dancing on Bones by Ross Gordon, a memoir that is set partly during the Rhodesian Bush War (also known as the Zimbabwe War of Liberation), which took place all around the author and his family from 1964 to 1979, and the political aftermath. I won the book in a Goodreads giveaway in December.

message 22: by Lynette (new)

Lynette Caulkins | 43 comments Abraham Lincoln's World, by Genevieve Foster

message 23: by Lori (new)

Lori  Keeton | 52 comments I read The Quiet American by Graham Greene which is Vietnam War based and under 200 pages.

message 24: by Lyndsey (new)

Lyndsey | 7 comments I read Grey Bees by Andrey Kurkov for this one. Set in the “grey zone” between Ukraine and Russia after Russia invaded Crimea but before it escalated into the current conflict, it’s a mild-mannered beekeeper’s story about carrying on in a village where there is only him, his bees and his old frenemy from school left following increasing conflict in the surrounding area. Charming yet sad.

message 25: by Katie (new)

Katie | 45 comments I read Walk in My Combat Boots: True stories from America’s Bravest Warriors by James Patterson

message 27: by Lesley (new)

Lesley Holtby | 34 comments “Napoleon’s Run” by Jonathan Spencer. First book of a series and ends with Napoleon’s occupation of Malta. If you enjoy the Sharpe series, give this one a shot. Enjoyed this book and can’t wait to read the next two in the series.

message 28: by Kathleen (new)

Kathleen Woodford | 2 comments Infamous Army by Georgette Heyer set in the Battle of Waterloo a lot of respected military detail in this fictional story.

message 29: by Rach (new)

Rach (onceuponarachel) | 1 comments Where the Wandering Ends: A Novel of Corfu by Yvette Manessis Corporon! Set in Greece, post WWII at the start of the Greek Civil War. Lush and lyrical and great if you like Ruta Sepetys' approach to underserved history!

message 30: by Lindsey (new)

Lindsey Rojem (lrojem) | 1590 comments Mod
I read The Briar King by Greg Keyes, 2 Stars

The Briar King (Kingdoms of Thorn and Bone, #1) by Greg Keyes

message 31: by Linda (new)

Linda Manuel | 14 comments I am reading Mademoiselle Revolution.

message 32: by Sharon (new)

Sharon | 18 comments Hell Divers #7: Warriors
By Nicholas Sansbury Smith

message 33: by Patricia (new)

Patricia Wheeless | 1 comments I I just finished The Milagro Beanfield War set in New Mexico. Water barons and power brokers vs small time farmers and sheepmen in dirt poor Milagro.

message 34: by Megan (new)

Megan (booktraveller4life) | 111 comments The Girl in Green by Derek B Miller for this one.
Set at the end of Gulf War (1991) and at the end of the Iraqi War (2013) 2.5 stars

message 35: by Clara (new)

Clara | 122 comments I loved the movie!

message 36: by Belle (new)

Belle Lune | 115 comments A Battle of Love and Glory - Reyna Grande (Mexican-American War)

message 37: by Tamara (new)

Tamara Evans (bamalibrarylady) | 207 comments I read "Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates: The Forgotten War that Changed American History" by Brian Kilmeade and Don Yaeger which was about the Barbary Wars

Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates The Forgotten War that Changed American History by Brian Kilmeade

message 38: by Libby (new)

Libby  Clarkson | 39 comments I’m going to read the Island of Sea Women too!

message 39: by Mel (new)

Mel Moore | 33 comments I'm halfway through Lincoln In The Bardo by George Saunders for this prompt and I have to say I'm flying through it!

message 40: by Mel (new)

Mel Moore | 33 comments Finished Lincoln In The Bardo by George Saunders and it was wonderful. There's a reason it won the Man Booker prize in 2017.

message 41: by Shonna (new)

Shonna Froebel | 232 comments I read The Swift and the Harrier by Minette Walters which is set during the 1640s during England's Civil War.

message 42: by Karsauras (new)

Karsauras | 26 comments The Mountains Sing by Qué Mai Phan Nguyan

message 43: by Tanya (new)

Tanya (taztamaranth) | 76 comments I read The Dovekeepers by Alice Hoffman, set in the first Jewish-Roman War (AD 79) -- about the siege and fall of Masada. not exactly cheerful, and I think my least favourite of Hoffman's novels.

message 44: by Nicole (new)

Nicole (Nerdish.Maddog) (nerdishmaddog) | 71 comments I read March it takes place during the civil war and is a companion book to Little Women telling the father's experience in the war, while he was "away" in the original book

message 45: by Leonore (new)

Leonore | 117 comments Between Two Shores by Jocelyn Green

message 46: by Beth (new)

Beth | 106 comments Lincoln in the Bardo

message 47: by Michele (new)

Michele Olson | 385 comments The Open Arms of the Sea by Jasper Dorgan takes place during the North Yeman Civil War.

message 48: by Carol (new)

Carol (cquan01) | 491 comments I listened to Grant by Ron Chernow. Who wrote the biography of Alexander Hamilton. Grant was over 48 hours snd was filled with details of his life. It was fascinating! Parts of it took place during the Me I am-American and Civil Wars. I learned so much about this general and president and found out how much good he had done with the people and country. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

message 49: by Cathy (new)

Cathy Hodge | 54 comments Vietnam War memory story A Christmas Memory by Richard Paul Evans A Christmas Memory by Richard Paul Evans is quite an emotional tale. Enjoy.

message 50: by Nina (new)

Nina Karenina  *the Bookkeeper’s mistress* (ninalovelylehman) | 18 comments

The Tattooist of Auschwitz is AMAZING 😻

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