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Reading Challenges > Varying Viewpoints 2023

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message 1: by Melanie, managing mischief since 2017 (last edited Oct 01, 2023 05:31PM) (new)

Melanie | 1732 comments Varying Viewpoints - Diverse Reading Year Long Challenge, yr 3

Challenge Explained: Continuing in the tradition of the Representation Matters and Across the Spectrum challenges, Varying Viewpoints challenges you to expand your reading horizons and human empathy by diversifying your reading choices. This year will focus on 4 broader categories to encourage multiple interactions with diverse content instead of just a one-and-done checklist. As in past years, YA books are encouraged, but your book picks can be any length for any age level from any genre. The intent is for this to be a low-key challenge setting with supportive internet book-friends, so please join us.

The Details Each trimester this year {#2023}, read 3 books from the proposed category, 12 books over the course of the year. The categories will be posted a few weeks before the trimester begins in order to give you time to plan your books. The categories are intentionally broad, so you are free to / encouraged to interpret the category as you will.

You may use the GoodReads shelving feature (will not open until January 1) to track your progress or mark progress in your own special way. Follow this link to make a GR shelf for this challenge: https://www.goodreads.com/challenges/...

Discussion: Each month, we can use this thread to recommend and review books for that month’s category. Give a shout out below if you plan to join and say how many books you hope to read for the challenge.

Categories by Trimester
♦January - March: People of Color
*Read books by or about people of color.*
You can choose to focus on a specific ethnicity and read three books of a kind or read 3 books highlighting 3 different ethnicities to satisfy this challenge.

♦April - June: Love is Love
*Read books by or about people of a ‘non-standard’ sexuality (ex. LGBTQ, bisexual, ace, non-binary, etc).*

♦July - September: All Ages
*Read books made specifically for younger (elementary or middle grade) or elder audiences
and/ or
Read books written by a youth or ‘experienced’ (60+ @ time of writing book) author .*

♦October - December: Not Like Me
*Read books from authors and pov characters that are not like you. Consider gender, race, sexuality, social class, and the like. If you dare, share how your assumptions were confirmed or denied in your book review.*

message 2: by Melanie, managing mischief since 2017 (last edited Jan 29, 2023 03:29PM) (new)

Melanie | 1732 comments Role Call:


message 3: by Melanie, managing mischief since 2017 (last edited Jan 28, 2023 03:21PM) (new)

message 4: by Jennifer (last edited Feb 08, 2023 04:42PM) (new)

Jennifer | 453 comments I am in as well.

Trimester 1 Plan:
Monday's Not Coming
American Street
Clap When You Land

message 5: by DivaDiane (last edited Feb 01, 2023 04:16AM) (new)

DivaDiane SM | 268 comments I’m in too!

First Trimester:

Children of the Quicksands (Nigerian)
Eden's Everdark (Black American)
The Marvellers (Black American)

Actually, 5 of the 7 books I read for the Cybils Award were by and about People of Color (Black, Indonesian American, Filipino American), so I’ve kind of kicked the ball out of the park this quarter! But they were all MG novels, so hopefully I’ll manage to finish 10k Doors too.

message 6: by Melanie, managing mischief since 2017 (new)

Melanie | 1732 comments I am counting the group BOTM as my first VV read: The Ten Thousand Doors of January. I hope to read Three Dark Crowns and The Field Guide to the North American Teenager this upcoming month.

message 7: by Ashley (last edited Jan 29, 2023 03:25PM) (new)

Ashley  (ashleycw) | 224 comments I'm in. Maybe I'll actually finish it this year.

PS - I really like the changes this year.

message 8: by Dee (new)

Dee (austhokie) | 343 comments sure i'm in - lol!

Not Here to Be Liked (author is asian-american)
My Good Man (author is native american)
We Deserve Monuments (author is african american)
Love From A to Z (author is muslim)

message 9: by Melanie, managing mischief since 2017 (new)

Melanie | 1732 comments Good list!

message 10: by DivaDiane (new)

DivaDiane SM | 268 comments Updated above.

message 11: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer | 453 comments Updated above.

message 12: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer | 453 comments What were some of your favorite books from there? I'm always looking for more middle grade novels as I teach in upper elementary/middle school settings.

DivaDiane wrote: "I’m in too!

First Trimester:

Children of the Quicksands (Nigerian)
Eden's Everdark (Black American)
The Marvellers (Black American)

Actually, 5 of..."

message 13: by DivaDiane (new)

DivaDiane SM | 268 comments They were all excellent. It just depends on interests. My personal favorites were The Mirrorwood (Fantasy) and the Clackity (Horror Fantasy). Fenris and Mott was great for the younger end of MG. Quicksands was also wonderful for a glimpse of Nigeria.

message 14: by Melanie, managing mischief since 2017 (last edited Feb 28, 2023 02:09PM) (new)

Melanie | 1732 comments For those of you who like to plan ahead the next Trimester Challenge Category is ....

♦April - June: Love is Love
*Read books by or about people of a ‘non-standard’ sexuality (ex. LGBTQ, bisexual, ace, non-binary, etc).*

message 15: by Melanie, managing mischief since 2017 (new)

message 16: by Lola (new)

Lola | 6 comments I think it is an amazing idea Melanie, The Ruthless Lady's Guide To Wizardry looks like a very interesting read I just added it to my To Be Read list.

message 17: by Melanie, managing mischief since 2017 (new)

Melanie | 1732 comments It is time for a new challenge (*insert drum roll*)

♦July - September: All Ages
*Read books made specifically for younger (elementary or middle grade) or elder audiences
and/ or
Read books written by a youth or ‘experienced’ (60+ @ time of writing book) author .*

message 18: by Melanie, managing mischief since 2017 (new)

Melanie | 1732 comments What are you recommendations for books that fit these categories?

message 19: by DivaDiane (new)

DivaDiane SM | 268 comments I would like to recommend the short lists of the CYBILS contest. Cybils stands for Children’s and Young Adult Book Lovers Literary Awards: https://www.cybils.com/2023/02/presen...

message 20: by Melanie, managing mischief since 2017 (new)

Melanie | 1732 comments It is time for the final challenge to be revealed!

♦October - December: Not Like Me
*Read books from authors and pov characters that are not like you. Consider gender, race, sexuality, social class, and the like. If you dare, share how your assumptions were confirmed or denied in your book review.*

message 21: by Melanie, managing mischief since 2017 (new)

Melanie | 1732 comments Next year's challenge is up: https://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/...

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