The Librarian's Husband's Book Club discussion

Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch
This topic is about Good Omens
July 2023 - Option #1 > Good Omens - Active Reading Discussion

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John Kelly | 729 comments Mod
This area is for any discussion about the July 2023 book selection (option #1), Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch, while we are reading it.

Please make use of the spoilers function ([spoiler]...[/spoiler] but replace [] with <>) as appropriate to be sure we don't ruin parts of the book for others.

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Happy reading!

John Kelly | 729 comments Mod
I started this one. About 20% in. Went with the audio book. It's kinda like an extended Monty Python skit so far.

John Kelly | 729 comments Mod
Wow----I guess people didn't want to read Humor. Crickets in here.

message 4: by Jason (new)

Jason (jasonpacheco) | 36 comments This one I've tried to get into a few times and didn't get too far. Reading a few other books this month but still am open to reading this one at some point. Digging the Confederacy of dunces.

John Kelly | 729 comments Mod
Jason wrote: "This one I've tried to get into a few times and didn't get too far. Reading a few other books this month but still am open to reading this one at some point. Digging the Confederacy of dunces."

No worries. Glad you are enjoying the other. Just a lot fewer comments than in previous months....hate to make a misstep and have book pics that people aren't interested in.

DanielaAthena | 45 comments Just got the audio book! Saw one of my best friends rated it 5 stars a while back, so really looking forward to it 📖🎧✨

message 7: by Dawn (new)

Dawn (dawnella77) | 100 comments I tried reading the book but could not get into it. I am not a Monty python fan and enjoy humor but in a different way. No offense to Monty python fans. I also could not get into The hitchhikers guide to the universe. Dawn

John Kelly | 729 comments Mod
Finished the audio book. Enjoyed it. Very well preformed. Will write up a review when I get a moment.

Pat of Rocks | 25 comments Just finished the audiobook, which in retrospect I'm not sure I'd recommend for that format. Version I had transitioned abruptly between chapters, making it very hard for the passive listener to observe those transitions, and this I was confused by what was happening alot.

Ended up reading (mostly) through it twice, as my ebook arrived halfway through. I can easily say that I adore this writing style and found it to be a fun buddy-cop matchup. I enjoyed the humor and it's lighthearted take on the end of the world and the sprawling ensemble of unique characters. This book had been queued up with me for a while so I'm glad this book club instigated this to finally happen.

Started watching the series now as well, and I think they casted very well for these characters!

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