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Ah Ha moments

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message 1: by Dj (new)

Dj Tell us about Ah Ha moments. It doesn't matter if it was in a Movie, a Game (table top or video), a book, an Anime, or any other time. Let us know about one of those perfect moments when the stars aligned and left you amazed.

message 2: by Dj (new)

Dj Since I started this thread I will also start the comments. Seems fair. So I am a fairly big fan of Disney movies. I am 60 now and grew up with them. For the most part I have watched all of them save for some of the most recent. This moment came during Hercules.

There are two kids running around yelling for help (the Hades minions in disguise) they are calling out for help and one of them calls out call IX I I and I lost it. I was laughing so hard. My friends are looking at me like I have lost my mind, which does kind of make sense, due to the fact that the scene itself isn't all that funny. For me though, I recognized that they had just used Roman Numerals to ask someone to call 911. Which I found just hilarious on so many different levels.

message 3: by Liquidlasagna (new)

Liquidlasagna | 12 comments Isn't James Woods, the best part about Hercules?

What's your top 5 Disney?

I think Freaky Friday and the Cat from Outer Space and Now You See Him, Now You Don't, are up there, and as far as I know only 1 of them involve a Space Ship.

message 4: by Dj (new)

Dj Liquidlasagna wrote: "Isn't James Woods, the best part about Hercules?

What's your top 5 Disney?

I think Freaky Friday and the Cat from Outer Space and Now You See Him, Now You Don't, are up there, and as far as I kno..."

I would tend to agree with the James Woods Comment. He certainly opened up the movie and turned the tables on the side kick pulling the rug out from under the hero for taking up the audience attention.

Top five Disney? Hmmm, never really thought of it.

Sleeping Beauty, one of the coolest bad guys (girls?) ever, ruined by the I am not really evil live action movies.

Flubber, with Fred Murry, black and white had never looked so funny.

Robin Hood. I am going to have an outlaw for an in-law. Peter Ustinov and Prince John was so wonderful.

Fantasia. Something about Hippos dancing with Gators just gets you right in the heart. LOL. And I love the Night on Bald Mountain sequence.

20000 Leagues under the Sea. Might be a bit (a large bit) different than the book, but that drunk seal bit is pretty funny.

message 5: by Liquidlasagna (new)

Liquidlasagna | 12 comments just imagine if Chrisopher Walken was facing off against Cesar Romero crook, in Now You See Him, Now you Don't....

he's like James Woods +1 for effort
or weird!

but i think he's the closest thing to Woods for expressiveness

Fred MacMurray always had a weird ah shucks with a hidden sleazy feel, but i think the Shaggy Dog was so well done by him.

Disney at least had the genius of Keenan Wynn and Cesar Remero to play the baddies with just the right tone.

I remember having the Viewmaster for 20,000 Leagues and the giant squid stuff was the most interestingly surreal!

I guess now i can safely say that, one of my secret faves was Million Dollar Duck with Nixon going after the golden goose.

I just love the plot of exposing a duck to radiation and it lays golden eggs.

It's based on one of the classified tests that Oppenheimer was behind, ya know!

message 6: by Dj (new)

Dj Liquidlasagna wrote: "just imagine if Chrisopher Walken was facing off against Cesar Romero crook, in Now You See Him, Now you Don't....

he's like James Woods +1 for effort
or weird!

but i think he's the closest thing..."

Poor Oppenheimer got such a raw deal out of life.

message 7: by Dj (new)

Dj To bring it a little back on track, side bar chats are fine, now worries, there are not hard rules to follow.

We were playing DandD in the early 80s when I just joined the Army.

(the game was highly modified which I feel was the norm for that time in the Gaming World. It was D and D with a mix of Arduin Grimore and Chivalry and Sorcery. That last game was Dungeon and Dragons for Math majors and Accountants, I swear there was so much math in it playing it by the actual rules would have been tediously long.)

We were playing in one of the Barracks Day Rooms with Pink Floyd Meddle playing in the back ground. (Album was old by that time) and the one player had just gone on this long tirade about how evil my character was. (This was true) And throwing how I had tried to kill the whole party to get the treasure. (well I did try and kill the whole party, but I wasn't interested in treasure. Gold and Jewel's really don't hold much weight when your a Necromancer.) He hand finally wound down and I started to get ready to answer with my own blast. Right then the song that we were listening too (One of these Days) broke into the only line of verse in the whole song a heavily reverbed 'One of these Days I am going to cut you into little pieces.'

We all were quite and looked around and finally I said, yeah that will work.

🐺🐴Missy🦄💕 | 5 comments What are Ah Ha moments?

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