The Librarian's Husband's Book Club discussion

The Silent Patient
This topic is about The Silent Patient
August 2023 > The Silent Patient - Active Reading Discussion

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John Kelly | 729 comments Mod
This area is for any discussion about the August 2023 book selection, The Silent Patient, while we are reading it.

Please make use of the spoilers function ([spoiler]...[/spoiler] but replace [] with <>) as appropriate to be sure we don't ruin parts of the book for others.

spoiler: (view spoiler)

Happy reading!

Marie (marielouise17) | 24 comments I'm listening to the audio book.
One thing I find intriguing are the parallels between Theo's and Alicia's worlds (Covent Gardens plays a part as does both of them describing someone else's body as a Greek statue come to life). I'm curious to see if these will mean anything.
I dislike the way Theo tells us things like, this will be a mistake. Is there a term for blatant foreshadowing?

Kaitlyn Ewoldt (kaitlyn_ewoldt) | 50 comments When I started this on audio it definitely gave me the same vibes at The Puzzle Master. Perhaps it is the art related theme in both of them but both narrators kind of read in the same spooky/eerier voice. I will say it did make me not want to put the book down!

Michael J. (michaeljclarke) | 124 comments I must be a dinosaur! I'm reading the print version in a library book.
I think Theo's style of narration is very much confessional. He doesn't say it, but he's not so sure of himself. (view spoiler)

Dawn (dawnella77) | 100 comments I wish I could read peoples spoilers .I do not know what to write about in regards to the discussion because its mainly spoilers. I am re-reading it and enjoy it as much as I did the first time. Any suggestions on how to read others spoilers and to add the function to become a link.

Michael J. (michaeljclarke) | 124 comments Dawn wrote: "I wish I could read peoples spoilers .I do not know what to write about in regards to the discussion because its mainly spoilers. I am re-reading it and enjoy it as much as I did the first time. An..."
If you go back to my message (#4) and just click the green font that says "view spoiler" it should pop open for you. If it doesn't work on your smart phone or tablet, try logging in from your laptop or personal computer.

John Kelly | 729 comments Mod
Started the audiobook today (it's all that was available at the library). Enjoying it so far.....intrigued.

Dawn (dawnella77) | 100 comments Thank you Michael I can view it on my computer not on my Ipad

Michael J. (michaeljclarke) | 124 comments I'm now at Page 155. Theo is beginning to lose a little credibility with me. He doesn't appear to be that smart, or he just says and does the wrong things.
The story is beginning to read like a police procedural with a psychotherapist (Theo) doing the investigating and questioning instead of a detective. The scenes inside the clinic have been more interesting - - some intriguing characters there in addition to the mysterious Alicia.
The book is moving a little slower for me now, and I can easily step away from it for longer pauses before reading again. That's usually a bad sign. Hoping something happens to wow me in the next section.

Jason (jasonpacheco) | 36 comments Michael wrote: "I'm now at Page 155. Theo is beginning to lose a little credibility with me. He doesn't appear to be that smart, or he just says and does the wrong things.
The story is beginning to read like a p..."

Michael, I agree it does seem like he's doing detective work hahaha. It's keeping my attention though. I'm about halfway and reading quickly. I NEED to know what she says if/when she breaks her silence. It's keeping me going.

message 11: by John (new) - rated it 3 stars

John Kelly | 729 comments Mod
The author's main influences were classic Agatha Christie type novels so the police procedural vibe makes sense.

I just finished.....I enjoyed it. Very twisty and lots of red herrings.

Michael J. (michaeljclarke) | 124 comments Now at Chapter 26, page 172 right after Theo elicits a non-verbal, positive reaction from Alicia. So far, there are three suspects that I can identify for the murder, four if you count Alicia (I've already decided that's too easy).
One of them just became my #1 suspect after a new reveal. I'm going to hide it in the spoilers, just so I can say "I knew it" or "I was fooled" after the concluding reveal. So, don't look at this spoiler if you are still reading the book . . . . .(view spoiler)

message 13: by Michael (last edited Aug 11, 2023 07:14AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Michael J. (michaeljclarke) | 124 comments I finished this morning. The last 100 pages were the best. A very impressive debut novel, but not perfect. While I'm okay with the final outcome I do feel that the writer cheated a little bit. But he deserves credit for the crafty twists that kept me guessing through the entire plot. You can read my short spoiler-free review in the other link in our group read.
Marie, feel free to read the rest of my comments here - - as well as anyone else who has finished reading. Otherwise, stay away or I'll unintentionally spoil it for you. Readers need to be unaware for full appreciation.
(view spoiler)

message 14: by Jenny (new)

Jenny (diggensjenny) I noticed only the people who enjoyed reading this book is joining in the discussion.

Is there anyone who does not like this book?

Marie (marielouise17) | 24 comments Jenny wrote: "I noticed only the people who enjoyed reading this book is joining in the discussion.

Is there anyone who does not like this book?"

I didn't like it. Don't be fooled by my star rating. I can never figure out what to do there.

message 16: by Danielle (last edited Aug 16, 2023 08:43AM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Danielle  | 12 comments Thanks for asking, Jenny. I'm with you, Marie. I was quite disappointed in this book. Like many psychological thrillers, the author has to pull a rabbit out of their hat to make their big twist work. It's not believable and it makes you question lots of stuff that happened throughout the story. Among the issues I have: why choose to tell Theo's story in the 1st person? It makes a LOT less sense when you get to the end, and it would have worked so much better if it was written in the 3rd person. Also, Alicia's diary entries are not written AT ALL the way someone writes in a diary. This book is like a Twinkie - tasty and fun, but quite unsatisfying (and kinda leaves a film on your teeth afterward). This was optioned for a movie back in 2019 that never got released, sadly.

message 17: by Lisa (new) - rated it 3 stars

Lisa | 9 comments I have to say that the ending lost me. For me this book was interesting at first but then fell flat as the pages turned.

Esther (eshchory) | 54 comments I really enjoyed this.
And despite reading this during a week of rather hectic vacation I finished it on the plane home.

Esther (eshchory) | 54 comments Kaitlyn wrote: "When I started this on audio it definitely gave me the same vibes at The Puzzle Master. Perhaps it is the art related theme in both of them but both narrators kind of read in the same spooky/eerier..."

I felt the same similarity at first but the psychological aspect of this book is more in my wheelhouse.

message 20: by Esther (last edited Aug 18, 2023 05:33AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Esther (eshchory) | 54 comments Michael wrote: "I must be a dinosaur! I'm reading the print version in a library book.
I think Theo's style of narration is very much confessional. He doesn't say it, but he's not so sure of himself. [spoilers re..."

Reply to your spoiler
(view spoiler)

message 21: by Esther (last edited Aug 18, 2023 05:37AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Esther (eshchory) | 54 comments Michael wrote: "The story is beginning to read like a police procedural with a psychotherapist (Theo) doing the investigating and questioning instead of a detective...."

I find in most fictional mysteries the non-detective main characters do an unrealistically large amount of detective work.
How else would the author manage to provide us with all the background information required? :0)

message 22: by Esther (last edited Aug 18, 2023 05:58AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Esther (eshchory) | 54 comments I loved the author's writing style and found this very easy to read. I will definitely be reading more of his work.

I can understand why some readers feel the twists were ' cheating' or a little disappointing but for me they were the reason I enjoyed it so much.
I like to be surprised so I rarely make much of an effort to guess 'whodunnit'.

(view spoiler)

message 23: by Esther (last edited Aug 20, 2023 02:15AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Esther (eshchory) | 54 comments Michael wrote: (view spoiler)

Answering your spoiler to clarify why I enjoyed this book while you didn't:
(view spoiler)

message 24: by John (new) - rated it 3 stars

John Kelly | 729 comments Mod
In what ways do you think Alicia and Theo are similar?

Don't forget to use spoilers if it's reveling to the story.

BTW---I'm impressed with the use of that tool so far in this thread--well done :)

Michael J. (michaeljclarke) | 124 comments Esther wrote: "Michael wrote: [spoilers removed]

Answering your spoiler to clarify why I enjoyed this book while you didn't:
1) I love unreliable narrators. If a review or blurb even hints it can ruin the effe..."

Esther, I am totally fine with you liking the book for the opposite reasons as me. However, I never said I didn't like it. Just look at my review. I just felt cheated and said so.

message 26: by Esther (last edited Aug 20, 2023 09:19PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Esther (eshchory) | 54 comments Michael wrote: " I never said I didn't like it. Just look at my review. I just felt cheated..."

Sorry I wasn't clear , that was what I meant by saying you didn't enjoy it.

My point was that it seemed to me that the very elements that left you feeling cheated were the very reasons I liked the book.

I find it interesting to see what others look for and enjoy, or not, in their reading material.

NB I think you need to edit my quote in your post as it reveals the spoiler.

message 27: by Esther (last edited Aug 22, 2023 05:29AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Esther (eshchory) | 54 comments John wrote: "In what ways do you think Alicia and Theo are similar? "

They both have rather extreme and dependent attitudes to their romantic relationships because they are using them to compensate for childhood trauma.

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