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Page Numbering Requests > How to request a page number adjustment

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message 1: by Jaclyn, Librarian Program Manager (last edited Oct 09, 2023 06:57AM) (new)

Jaclyn (jaclyn_w) | 5812 comments Mod
Please include the book's ISBN or ASIN in your request, even if you have linked to the book. Book links sometimes go to the most popular edition, rather than the edition needing the page number corrected. Including an ISBN in your thread's title and/or in the first post help reduce errors.

Some general guidelines

The number of pages in a book is meant to include all content except for advertisements and preview chapters for other books. Included end material may include acknowledgments, afterwords, appendices, bibliographies, glossaries, indexes, notes, and suggested discussion questions.

Introductory material paged using roman numerals is not included in the total page count.

Page numbers should match the page numbers as listed in the book. If a book begins on page 6, for example, do not subtract from the final page count to determine the "actual" number of pages – simply list the number on the last page with countable content.

For audio books, the number of hours rounded up should be used in lieu of number of pages, when that information is known.

For more information, see Librarian Manual: Book edit page – number of pages.

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