2024 Reading Challenge discussion

2024 Yearly Challenges > TBR Jar - 2024

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message 1: by SarahKat, Buddy Reads (last edited Apr 01, 2024 12:02PM) (new)

SarahKat | 5239 comments TBR JAR CHALLENGE
Duration: January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024

This high-demand challenge is back for another year! Whether you like to plan your reading for the year ahead of time, or pick books at random, this challenge works the way you want to work it! There are 3 options for ways to pick your books for this challenge. You can stick with one or dabble in all 3!

1) You can let Goodreads let choose your books for this challenge:
Step 1: Select the number of books you want to read for this challenge.
Step 2: Go to the “My Books” tab on the top of the Goodreads Page.
Step 3: Bring up your “Want-To-Read” shelf.
Step 4: On the bottom of the page in the middle, go to the “sort” field and select “Random.”
Goodreads will generate a random list of books for you!

2) You can use the following tasks and pick a matching book later.
1. Read the book that has been on your TBR list the longest.
2. Read a book you added to your TBR within the last year.
3. Read the book with the most pages on your TBR or one that is over 500 pages.
4. Read the book with the least number of pages on your TBR or one that is under 100 pages.
5. Read a book that is published the year or decade you were born.
6. Read the 20th book on any page of your TBR.
7. Read a book that has an average rating of 3.8 or higher.
8. Read a book by one of your favorite authors.
9. Read a book that you added based on the review of another Goodreads user.
10. Read a book with a cover you love.
11. Read a book with an animal or plant on the cover.
12. Randomize your TBR and read the first book.
13. Read a book the contains the initials of your name (in any order) in the title or author name.
14. Look at the number of pages of books in your Want-To-Read folder. Read the book that is that same number. (e.g., if you have 20 pages of books in your Want-To-Read folder, read book number 20 from your list).
15. Read a book that helps you complete two or more other yearly or quarterly challenges.
16. Read the book with the most number of ratings (i.e., not the actual average rating, but the number of people who have rated it).
17. Read the book with the least number of ratings.
18. Read the first book from your list that "sparks joy" as soon as you think about reading it.
19. Read a book that you have added to at least one other shelf.
20. Read a book that you own.
21. Read a book that an IRL (in real life) friend, family member, or acquaintance has recommended to you.
22. Read a book that you feel you "should" read.
23. Read a book you previously DNFed and still want to finish.
24. Read a book in your favorite genre or format.
25. Read a book that is from a genre or format you rarely read.
26. Sort your TBR by cover. Read the first or last book.
27. Sort your TBR by title. Read a book from the middle page.
28. Read a hyped, bestseller, or award-winning book.
29. Read a book with a title that contains punctuation.
30. Read a book related to the yearly, quarterly, or monthly theme.
31. Read a book that is featured as a group or buddy read and was already on your TBR.
32. Read a book that is retelling or reimagining of a classic story or the classic itself.

3) You can use any random generator on the internet to choose prompts or subjects. Some examples are: The TBR machine, Color picker, Wikipedia, random word generator, or shuffle your playlist and read books that have to do with those songs.

Write all your selected book titles or tasks on slips of paper, throw them in a jar, and shake! (Or, if you like, use the digital equivalent) Just let us know how many books you will be reading for this challenge.

We love how creative you all are, and would love to see the pictures of your jars! Happy Reading!

message 2: by SarahKat, Buddy Reads (last edited Oct 02, 2024 02:34PM) (new)

SarahKat | 5239 comments How to Participate:

1. Post here telling the challenge leader how many books you plan to read.
You can choose your books for the challenge at the beginning, or add them as you go. You can join a challenge at any time during the year and may also change your goal whenever needed.

2. When you finish a book for the challenge, post it here to let the challenge leader know.
Please be sure to post the total number of books you have completed and the number of your original message every time you post an update. We use the number of the original message to identify you, as there can be many members with the same name. The challenge leader will not look at this post to track your progress.

Update to message 32: 2/25 books read!

For more information about how challenges work, check out this thread or ask your challenge leader.

P.S. Please do not delete posts! It makes updating very confusing for the Moderators! If you decide to leave the challenge, please just let us know. You can edit your original post to say {deleted}. Thank you!


Alison - 0 / 10
Alyssa - 1 / 20
Ann - 9 / 21
Ariail - 0 / 32
Ariana - 18 / 32
Ashleigh - 1 / 4
Ashly - 1 / 6
Barb - 0 / 10
Barry - 0 / 10
Beth - 36 / 150
Beverly - 19 / 100
Blagica - 1 / 8
Brianna Raquel - 0 / 200
Carmen - 32 / 32 Completed!
Carri Carey - 31 / 32
Chika - 0 / 32
Chrissie - 18 / 32
Christene Paula - 0 / 30
Christina - 0 / 10
Cordelia - 15 / 20
Creed - 25 / 50
D.L. - 0 / 15
Denise - 28 / 32
Dianne - 0 / 30
Dubhease - 14 / 15
Eggp - 26 / 32
Ela (Mouse333) - 1 / 42
Elaine - 0 / 50
Elizabeth - 0 / 8
Emily (msg 354) - 0 / 30
Emily (msg 61) - 12 / 19
Emma - 0 / 20
Frankie - 27 / 50
Georgia - 2 / 32
Gina - 0 / 24
Greg - 5 / 50
H - 0 / 36
Inge - 20 / 50
Jaida - 7 / 12
jami - 0 / 20
Jana - 0 / 70
Janine - 28 / 27 Completed!
Jenn - 0 / 100
Joy D - 20 / 24
Kalyn - 9 / 15
Karen - 0 / 4
Karin - 2 / 104
Katherine - 26 / 24 Completed!
Kelly (msg 71) - 4 / 25
Kelly (msg 74) - 10 / 50
Kristina - 9 / 150
Laura (msg 112) - 0 / 20
Laura (msg 47) - 9 / 25
Laura (msg 9) - 40 / 50
Laureen - 20 / 20 Completed!
Laurie - 16 / 32
Leticia - 0 / 20
Libby - 0 / 32
Lilili - 26 / 40
Lina - 24 / 30
Lisa Marie - 26 / 32
Lorraine - 27 / 32
Lulo - 0 / 32
luna ☾ - 0 / 50
Madam Mandela - 0 / 33
Margaret - 0 / 25
Maria - 19 / 15 Completed!
Mariana - 0 / 35
Marianne - 0 / 20
Martha (msg 27) - 0 / 45
Martha (msg 57) - 3 / 25
Megan BG - 0 / 12
Meghan L - 0 / 12
Michelle - 0 / 10
Monica - 1 / 32
Morgan - 9 / 32
Nat - 0 / 20
Nell - 0 / 25
Nina - 0 / 7
Nisanka - 15 / 15 Completed!
Patty - 60 / 75
Paula - 30 / 30 Completed!
Penelope - 0 / 32
Sahira - 25 / 18 Completed!
Samantha - 9 / 10
Sarah - 7 / 50
Sarah c - 0 / 10
SarahKat - 41 / 44
Shari - 0 / 20
Sheila - 25 / 10 Completed!
Shirley - 5 / 10
Susan (dalmatian21) - 7 / 14
Suzanne - 32 / 32 Completed!
TCampbell - 70 / 70 Completed!
Truitt_T - 5 / 100
Vanessa - 0 / 12
Ziggy - 30 / 30 Completed!

Participants: 97
Books Read: 1038
Book Goal: 3346
Completed: 12

Updated through Message #442 on Oct 02, 2024.

message 3: by Sunny, Challenges (new)

Sunny | 2226 comments Reserved

message 5: by christene_littlelibrary (last edited Jan 27, 2024 06:08PM) (new)

christene_littlelibrary (cpaulanavarro) | 397 comments TBR JAR CHALLENGE
Duration: January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024

Shelf: https://www.goodreads.com/review/list...

1. Iron Kissed by Patricia Briggs 1/6 ⭐⭐⭐⭐
2. 1st to Die by James Patterson 1/27 ⭐⭐⭐⭐

message 6: by Dubhease (last edited Aug 22, 2024 05:12PM) (new)

Dubhease | 269 comments I will sign up for 15 prompts


1. Read the book that has been on your TBR list the longest. - This Present Darkness
2. Read a book you added to your TBR within the last year. - The Midnight Feast
3. Read the book with the most pages on your TBR or one that is over 500 pages. - Brisingr
4. Read the book with the least number of pages on your TBR or one that is under 100 pages.
5. Read a book that is published the year or decade you were born.
6. Read the 20th book on any page of your TBR. - The Canterville Ghost
7. Read a book that has an average rating of 3.8 or higher. - The Name of the Rose
8. Read a book by one of your favorite authors. - One Perfect Couple
9. Read a book that you added based on the review of another Goodreads user.
10. Read a book with a cover you love.
11. Read a book with an animal or plant on the cover. - A Death at the Party
12. Randomize your TBR and read the first book.
13. Read a book the contains the initials of your name (in any order) in the title or author name. - Dragons in the Waters
14. Look at the number of pages of books in your Want-To-Read folder. Read the book that is that same number. (e.g., if you have 20 pages of books in your Want-To-Read folder, read book number 20 from your list).
15. Read a book that helps you complete two or more other yearly or quarterly challenges.
16. Read the book with the most number of ratings (i.e., not the actual average rating, but the number of people who have rated it).
17. Read the book with the least number of ratings.
18. Read the first book from your list that "sparks joy" as soon as you think about reading it. - The Writing Retreat
19. Read a book that you have added to at least one other shelf.
20. Read a book that you own. - The House Across the Lake
21. Read a book that an IRL (in real life) friend, family member, or acquaintance has recommended to you. - First Among Sequels
22. Read a book that you feel you "should" read. - Mere Christianity
23. Read a book you previously DNFed and still want to finish.
24. Read a book in your favorite genre or format. - The Wife Between Us
25. Read a book that is from a genre or format you rarely read.
26. Sort your TBR by cover. Read the first or last book.
27. Sort your TBR by title. Read a book from the middle page.
28. Read a hyped, bestseller, or award-winning book.
29. Read a book with a title that contains punctuation.
30. Read a book related to the yearly, quarterly, or monthly theme.
31. Read a book that is featured as a group or buddy read and was already on your TBR.
32. Read a book that is retelling or reimagining of a classic story or the classic itself. - The Darkest Road

message 7: by Jaida (last edited Apr 02, 2024 01:32AM) (new)

Jaida (jaidaswift) | 218 comments hi, sign me up for 12!


(view spoiler)

message 8: by Penelope (last edited Feb 15, 2024 02:28PM) (new)

Penelope | 31 comments January 1 2024 to December 30 2024
Option 2. follow the tasks:

2) You can use the following tasks and pick a matching book later.

1. Read the book that has been on your TBR list the longest.
2. Read a book you added to your TBR within the last year.
3. Read the book with the most pages on your TBR or one that is over 500 pages.
4. Read the book with the least number of pages on your TBR or one that is under 100 pages.
5. Read a book that is published the year or decade you were born.
6. Read the 20th book on any page of your TBR.
7. Read a book that has an average rating of 3.8 or higher.
8. Read a book by one of your favorite authors.
9. Read a book that you added based on the review of another Goodreads user.
10. Read a book with a cover you love - You Would Have Missed Me by Birgit Vanderbeke fin 2/24
11. Read a book with an animal or plant on the cover - the Peacock by Isabel Bogdan (no entry in goodreads) fin 2/24
12. Randomize your TBR and read the first book.
13. Read a book the contains the initials of your name (in any order) in the title or author name.
14. Look at the number of pages of books in your Want-To-Read folder. Read the book that is that same number. (e.g., if you have 20 pages of books in your Want-To-Read folder, read book number 20 from your list).
15. Read a book that helps you complete two or more other yearly or quarterly challenges.
16. Read the book with the most number of ratings (i.e., not the actual average rating, but the number of people who have rated it).
17. Read the book with the least number of ratings.
18. Read the first book from your list that "sparks joy" as soon as you think about reading it.
19. Read a book that you have added to at least one other shelf.
20. Read a book that you own - Burn Melanie Saward feb 24
21. Read a book that an IRL (in real life) friend, family member, or acquaintance has recommended to you.
22. Read a book that you feel you "should" read.
23. Read a book you previously DNFed and still want to finish.
24. Read a book in your favorite genre or format.
25. Read a book that is from a genre or format you rarely read.
26. Sort your TBR by cover. Read the first or last book.
27. Sort your TBR by title. Read a book from the middle page.
28. Read a hyped, bestseller, or award-winning book.
29. Read a book with a title that contains punctuation.
30. Read a book related to the yearly, quarterly, or monthly theme.
31. Read a book that is featured as a group or buddy read and was already on your TBR - The City of Brass by S.A. Chakraborty fin 1/24.
32. Read a book that is retelling or reimagining of a classic story or the classic itself.

message 9: by Laura (last edited Oct 05, 2024 06:56AM) (new)

Laura (llpeace) | 200 comments I'm in for 50.

Progress: 42/50
💎 done ♻ re-read ⏳Currently reading
📖 physical Copy 🎧 Audiobook 📱 Kindle/digital

💎📖1. Read the book that has been on your TBR list the longest. The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien (Finished January)
💎🎧2. Read a book you added to your TBR within the last year. You'll Get Through This: Hope and Help for Your Turbulent Times by Max Lucado (Finished March)
3. Read the book with the most pages on your TBR or one that is over 500 pages.
💎🎧4. Read the book with the least number of pages on your TBR or one that is under 100 pages. I Choose Darkness by Jenny Lawson (Finished May)
💎📖5. Read a book that is published the year or decade you were born. The Neverending Story by Michael Ende (Finished September)
💎📖6. Read the 20th book on any page of your TBR. Who Was Jesus? by Ellen Morgan (Finished April)
💎📖7. Read a book that has an average rating of 3.8 or higher. Virgin River by Robyn Carr (Finished April)
💎🎧8. Read a book by one of your favorite authors. Random in Death by J.D. Robb (Finished January)
💎🎧♻9. Read a book that you added based on the review of another Goodreads user. Broken Horses by Brandi Carlile (Finished May)
💎🎧10. Read a book with a cover you love. Whiskey in a Teacup: What Growing Up in the South Taught Me About Life, Love, and Baking Biscuits by Reese Witherspoon (Finished February)
💎📱11. Read a book with an animal or plant on the cover. The Marvelous Misadventures of Ingrid Winter by Janne S. Drangsholt (Finished April)
💎📖12. Randomize your TBR and read the first book. I Find Your Lack of Faith Disturbing: Star Wars and the Triumph of Geek Culture A.D. Jameson (Finished April)
💎🎧13. Read a book the contains the initials of your name (in any order) in the title or author name. Lost Among the Living by Simone St. James (Finished May)
💎📖14. Look at the number of pages of books in your Want-To-Read folder. Read the book that is that same number. (e.g., if you have 20 pages of books in your Want-To-Read folder, read book number 20 from your list). This Pen for Hire by Laura Levine (Finished July)
💎📖15. Read a book that helps you complete two or more other yearly or quarterly challenges. The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton (Finished February)
16. Read the book with the most number of ratings (i.e., not the actual average rating, but the number of people who have rated it).
💎📖17. Read the book with the least number of ratings. Son of God: A Bible Study for Women on the Gospel of Mark, Volume 2 by Keri Folmar (Finished April)
💎🎧18. Read the first book from your list that "sparks joy" as soon as you think about reading it. The Ickabog by J.K. Rowling (Finished September)
💎🎧19. Read a book that you have added to at least one other shelf. Find the Good: Unexpected Life Lessons from a Small-Town Obituary Writer by Heather Lende (Finished March)
💎📖 20. Read a book that you own. The Cat Who Could Read Backwards by Lilian Jackson Braun (Finished March)
💎📖21. Read a book that an IRL (in real life) friend, family member, or acquaintance has recommended to you. Esperanza Rising by Pam Muñoz Ryan (Finished May)
💎📖22. Read a book that you feel you "should" read. Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis (Finished July)
💎🎧23. Read a book you previously DNFed and still want to finish. The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman (Finished April)
💎🎧24. Read a book in your favorite genre or format. Me, Myself & Bob: A True Story About God, Dreams, and Talking Vegetables by Phil Vischerv (Finished April)
💎🎧25. Read a book that is from a genre or format you rarely read. A Million Ways to Die in the West by Seth MacFarlane (Finished March)
💎🎧26. Sort your TBR by cover. Read the first or last book. Turn Coat by Jim Butcher (Finished April)
💎📖27. Sort your TBR by title. Read a book from the middle page. Orange: The Complete Collection, Volume 1 by Ichigo Takano (Finished June)
💎🎧28. Read a hyped, bestseller, or award-winning book. Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey (Finished February)
💎🎧29. Read a book with a title that contains punctuation. People I Want to Punch in the Throat: Competitive Crafters, Drop-Off Despots, and Other Suburban Scourges by Jen Mann (Finished February)
30. Read a book related to the yearly, quarterly, or monthly theme.
31. Read a book that is featured as a group or buddy read and was already on your TBR.
32. Read a book that is retelling or reimagining of a classic story or the classic itself.

Other TBR Books:
💎🎧33. Sabriel by Garth Nix (Finished April)
💎📖34. Delighting in the Trinity: An Introduction to the Christian Faith by Michael Reeves (Finished May)
💎📖35. Eating Salad Drunk: Haikus for the Burnout Age by Comedy Greats by Gabe Henry (Finished May)
💎🎧36. The Sun Down Motel by Simone St. James (Finished June)
💎📖37. The sun and her flowers by Rupi Kaur (Finished July)
💎🎧38. I'm Just a Person by Tig Notaro (Finished July)
💎📖39. The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy (Finished July)
💎🎧40. The Night Before by Lisa Jackson (Finished July)
💎🎧41. The Next Always by Nora Roberts (Finished August)
💎📖42. The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Caused an Epidemic of Mental Illness by Jonathan Haidt (Finished August)
💎📖43. The Cruel Prince by Holly Black (Finished September)
💎🎧44. I Am C-3PO: The Inside Story by Anthony Daniels (Finished September)
💎📖45. It Starts with Us by Colleen Hoover (Finished September)
💎📖46. The Midnight Zoo by Sonya Hartnett (Finished September)
💎🎧47. Naked Came the Phoenix Marcia Talley (Finished October)

The Fellowship of the Ring (Middle Earth, #1) by J.R.R. Tolkien People I Want to Punch in the Throat Competitive Crafters, Drop-Off Despots, and Other Suburban Scourges by Jen Mann The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton Random in Death (In Death, #58) by J.D. Robb Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey Whiskey in a Teacup What Growing Up in the South Taught Me About Life, Love, and Baking Biscuits by Reese Witherspoon You'll Get Through This Hope and Help for Your Turbulent Times by Max Lucado The Cat Who Could Read Backwards (Cat Who..., #1) by Lilian Jackson Braun Find the Good Unexpected Life Lessons from a Small-Town Obituary Writer by Heather Lende A Million Ways to Die in the West by Seth MacFarlane Virgin River (Virgin River, #1) by Robyn Carr The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman Me, Myself & Bob A True Story About God, Dreams, and Talking Vegetables by Phil Vischer Sabriel (Abhorsen, #1) by Garth Nix Who Was Jesus? by Ellen Morgan Son of God A Bible Study for Women on the Gospel of Mark, Volume 2 by Keri Folmar I Find Your Lack of Faith Disturbing Star Wars and the Triumph of Geek Culture by A.D. Jameson The Marvelous Misadventures of Ingrid Winter (Ingrid Winter Misadventure #1) by Janne S. Drangsholt Turn Coat (The Dresden Files, #11) by Jim Butcher I Choose Darkness by Jenny Lawson Broken Horses by Brandi Carlile Esperanza Rising by Pam Muñoz Ryan Delighting in the Trinity An Introduction to the Christian Faith by Michael Reeves Eating Salad Drunk Haikus for the Burnout Age by Comedy Greats by Gabe Henry Lost Among the Living by Simone St. James Orange The Complete Collection, Volume 1 by Ichigo Takano The Sun Down Motel by Simone St. James Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis The sun and her flowers by Rupi Kaur I'm Just a Person by Tig Notaro This Pen for Hire (A Jaine Austen Mystery, #1) by Laura Levine The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy The Night Before (Savannah, #1) by Lisa Jackson The Next Always (Inn BoonsBoro Trilogy, #1) by Nora Roberts The Anxious Generation How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Caused an Epidemic of Mental Illness by Jonathan Haidt The Cruel Prince (The Folk of the Air, #1) by Holly Black I Am C-3PO The Inside Story by Anthony Daniels It Starts with Us (It Ends with Us #2) by Colleen Hoover The Ickabog by J.K. Rowling The Neverending Story by Michael Ende The Midnight Zoo by Sonya Hartnett Naked Came the Phoenix by Marcia Talley

message 11: by Beverly (last edited Sep 02, 2024 12:58PM) (new)

Beverly (zippymom) | 1465 comments Ok...here we go again...I love this challenge, even though this is the 2nd year in a row that I've not read everything that I had randomly selected from my reading backlog. But I've made progress and that's the important part. So here's my catch up lists and then I'll fill in with whatever I already have designated for this year!! Hopefully 100 in total.


Left from 2022:
1. The 13 Best Horror Stories of All Time by Leslie Pockell FINISHED 1/26
2. The Captain's Door by Ciara Houghton FINISHED 4/30
3. Fado Alexandrino by Antonio Lobo Antunes FINISHED 8/27
4. Hook and Peter by Doram Jocoby
5. Salem Falls by Jodi Picolt


Combo of leftovers from 2023 and new selections from 2024:
6. 3rd Degree by James Patterson
7. Above the Ether by Eric Barnes
8. The Black Ice by Michael Connelly
9. Black River Falls by Jeff Hirsch FINISHED 3/10
10. Black Rose, White Rose by Ellen Datlow
11. Bone Crier's Moon by Kathryn Purdie
12. The Book of Skulls by Robert Silverberg FINISHED 3/29
13. The Book of Two Ways by Jodi Picolt
14. Breakfast at the Honey Creek Cafe by Jodi Thomas FINISHED 4/15
15. Broken by Don Winslow FINISHED 4/27
16. Burn Bright by Marianne de Pierres
17. Burn Our Bodies Down by Rory Power
18. Devolution by Max Brooks
19. Diamond Solitaire by Peter Lovesey
20. The Diva Haunts the House by Krista Davis FINISHED 5/6
21. The Forgotten Letters of Esther Durrant by Kayte Nunn
22. Furious Hours by Casey Cep
23. Good Luck with That by Krisin Higgins
24. The Heart of a Gypsy by Roberta Kagan
25. I'm Having so Much Fun Here Without You by Courtney Maum FINISHED 2/16
26. I Am Lubo by Lou Pechi FINISHED 2/24
27. I Am Not a Monster by Carme Chaparro
28. I Am the Lion by Rachelle Lauro
29. I Am the Messenger by Markus Zuzak FINISHED 4/19
30. I Am Watching You by Teres Driscoll
31. Inherited Danger by Brian Rathbone
32. Jack the Giant Killer by Charles De Lint
33. Jack the Ripper in St. Louis by Fedora Amis
34. Jackson by Cindy Marabito
35. Jacob the Liar by Jurek Becker
36. Jacob Wesley and the Darklights by J. S. Mitchell
37. Jacques the Fatalist by Denis Diderot
38. Jadaleddin by Beyon Miloyan
39. Jade Dragon Mountain by Elsa Hart
40. Jalepeno Cupcake Wench by Carol Kilgore
41. Kalki by Gore Vidal FINISHED 3/22
42. Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer FINISHED 1/16
43. Karda by Sherrill Nilson
44. Karen Memory by Elizabeth Bear
45. Kate in the Land of Myth and Wonders by J. P. H. Tan
46. Katerina by James Frey
47. Katherine Page Hall presents Malice Domestic 11 by Verena Rose
48. Keep an Eye On That Mummy by Nancy Kriplen
49. Keep Calm and Carry On Children by Sharon K. Mayhew
50. Keep Me Ghosted by Karen Cantwell
51. Le Belle Sauvage by Phillip Pullman
52. Lab Girl by Hope Jahren FINISHED 6/11
53. Labyrinth by Mark T. Sullivn
54. Labyrinth by Catherine Coulter
55. Labyrinth Lost by Zoraida Cordova
56. Labyrinths by Jorge Luis Borges
57. The Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver FINISHED 7/10
58. Ladder to the Sky by John Boyne
59. The Last Suppers by Mandy Mikulencak
60. Left Fur Dead by J. M. Griffin
61. M is for Monster by Michael Kelahan
62. The Machineries of Joy by Ray Bradbury
63. Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know by Amira Ahmed
64. Madame Fourcade's Secret War by Lynne Olson
65. Madame Gray's Creep Show by Gerri Gray
66. Madly by Amy Alward
67. A Madman's Song by Jim Martin
68. The Madman's Tale by John Katenbach
69. Mary Barton by Elizabeth Gaskell
70. Monday Mourning by Kathy Reichs
71. The Murder on the Links by Agatha Christie
72. One Small Touch by Denise McGee
73. Presumed Innocent by Scott Turow
74. The Poppy War by R. F. Kuang
75. Ronnie by Elliott Simon
76. Savage Run by C. J. Box
77. Someone's Listening by Seraphina Nova Glass
78. Songbirds by Christy Lefteri
79. Stay Up With Hugo's Best by Erin Somers
80. The Sweeney Sisters by Lian Dolan
81. Tangerine by Christine Mangan
82. The Tenet by Katrine Engberg
83. Think of a Number by John Verdon
84. Throne of Lies by Sara Secora
85. Too Late for Angels by Mignon Ballard
86. Undaunted by William Manchee
87. The Woman in the Dark by Vanessa Savage
88. X-Nova by Ken Hagdal
89. Xenicide by Orson Scott Card
90. The Xibalba Murders by Lyn Hamilton
91. The Yankee Widow b Linda Lael Miller
92. The Yard by Alex Grecian
93. Yarn to Go by Betty Hechtman
94. Ye Olde Antique Shoppe by Margaret Brazear
95. The Year I Almost Drowned by Shannon McCrimmon FINISHED 2/29
96. The Year Marjorie Moore Learned to Live by Christie Grotheim
97. Year of the Amphibian by Christopher Pickert
98. The Year of the Cloud by Ted Thomas
99. The Year of the Orphan by Daniel Findley
100. Year of the Wicked by Jeffrey J. Mariotte

message 12: by Gina (last edited May 22, 2024 01:18AM) (new)

Gina | 277 comments I'm in for 24 books and go with Option B

Progress: 11/24

1. Read the book that has been on your TBR list the longest. - Lie to Me
2. Read a book you added to your TBR within the last year. - Erebos
3. Read the book with the most pages on your TBR or one that is over 500 pages. - The Stand
4. Read the book with the least number of pages on your TBR or one that is under 100 pages. - The Land That Time Forgot
5. Read the 20th book on any page of your TBR. - Under the Dome 📖
6. Read a book with a cover you love. - Voices in the Snow ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
7. Randomize your TBR and read the first book. - Sturmherz
8. Look at the number of pages of books in your Want-To-Read folder. Read the book that is that same number. (e.g., if you have 20 pages of books in your Want-To-Read folder, read book number 20 from your list). - Project Hail Mary ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
9. Read a book that an IRL (in real life) friend, family member, or acquaintance has recommended to you. - DOORS X - Dämmerung
10. Read the first book from your list that "sparks joy" as soon as you think about reading it. - Bird Box ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
11. Read a hyped, bestseller, or award-winning book. - The Stone Sky ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
12. Read a book that you feel you "should" read. - Im Krebsgang
13. Read a book you previously DNFed and still want to finish. - Schneller lesen - besser verstehen ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
14. Read a book in your favorite genre or format. The Watchers
15. Read a book that is from a genre or format you rarely read. If on a Winter's Night a Traveler ⭐️⭐️⭐️
16. Sort your TBR by cover. Read the first or last book. Erebos 2
17. Sort your TBR by title. Read a book from the middle page. The Mists of Avalon
18. Read a book with a title that contains punctuation. - Stark. The Dark Half
19. Read a book that is retelling or reimagining of a classic story or the classic itself. - The Mystery of Edwin Drood
20. Read a book that has an average rating of 3.8 or higher. Die Verlobten des Winters ⭐️⭐️⭐️
21. Read a book with an animal or plant on the cover. - Auslöschung ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
22. Read a book related to the yearly, quarterly, or monthly theme. - 零 Novel ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
23. Read a book by one of your favorite authors. - The Ghost Tree 📖
24. Read a book that is published the year or decade you were born. - Brokeback Mountain

25. Read a book that helps you complete two or more other yearly or quarterly challenges.
26. Read a book the contains the initials of your name (in any order) in the title or author name.
27. Read the book with the least number of ratings.
28. Read the book with the most number of ratings. Gone Girl

message 13: by Greg (last edited Oct 05, 2024 10:47AM) (new)

Greg (lupercross) | 2177 comments I am down for 50 books.

I have now got 599 books on my TBR shelf with books added as far back as 2012. Reducing it by 50 randomly selected books is badly needed. Although, for everyone I read I always seem to add 2 more.

Knots and Crosses added to the list on April 5, 2014.
Under Occupation added to the list on December 5, 2023.
Pandora's Star added to the list on October 13, 2018.
River of Stars added to the list on May 2, 2013.
Heart-Shaped Box added to the list on December 28, 2016.
1356 added March 21, 2015.


message 14: by Carmen (last edited Sep 02, 2024 02:02AM) (new)

Carmen | 7886 comments Hola!
Count me in, please 😉


❎️1. Read the book that has been on your TBR list the longest. Far from the Madding Crowd
❎2. Read a book you added to your TBR within the last year. Stitches and Witches
❎️3. Read the book with the most pages on your TBR or one that is over 500 pages. Invisible Man
❎4. Read the book with the least number of pages on your TBR or one that is under 100 pages. Lords of Scandal
❎️5. Read a book that is published the year or decade you were born. Ada o el ardor
❎️6. Read the 24th book on any page of your TBR. Castigo
❎7. Read a book that has an average rating of 3.8 or higher. El maestro de azúcar (4.15)
❎8. Read a book by one of your favorite authors. La mujer fugitiva by Alicia Giménez Bartlett
❎️9. Read a book that you added based on the review of another Goodreads user. Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants
❎️10. Read a book with a cover you love. The Consorts (Forbidden City, #1) by Melissa Addey
❎️11. Read a book with an animal or plant on the cover. Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt
❎️12. Randomize your TBR and read the first book. Ursula
❎️13. Read a book the contains the initials of your name (in any order) in the title or author name. Las hijas del frío by Camilla Läckberg
❎14. Look at the number of pages of books in your Want-To-Read folder. Read the book that is that same number. (e.g., if you have 20 pages of books in your Want-To-Read folder, read book number 20 from your list). Tangled up in You
❎15. Read a book that helps you complete two or more other yearly or quarterly challenges. The Watchmaker's Daughter
❎️16. Read the book with the most number of ratings (i.e., not the actual average rating, but the number of people who have rated it). The Four Winds
❎17. Read the book with the least number of ratings. Al sur del Caribe
❎18. Read the first book from your list that "sparks joy" as soon as you think about reading it. The Last Devil to Die
❎19. Read a book that you have added to at least one other shelf. El invierno en Lisboa
❎20. Read a book that you own. In a Holidaze
❎21. Read a book that an IRL (in real life) friend, family member, or acquaintance has recommended to you. Wolfsong = La canción del lobo
❎22. Read a book that you feel you "should" read. Noches Blancas
❎️23. Read a book you previously DNFed and still want to finish. She Who Became the Sun
❎24. Read a book in your favorite genre or format. Beleza vermella
❎️25. Read a book that is from a genre or format you rarely read. Electra
❎️26. Sort your TBR by cover. Read the first or last book. You're Invited
❎27. Sort your TBR by title. Read a book from the middle page. A Loyal Character Dancer
❎28. Read a hyped, bestseller, or award-winning book. Fourth Wing
❎29. Read a book with a title that contains punctuation. Mary, Bloody Mary
❎30. Read a book related to the yearly, quarterly, or monthly theme. My Kind of Wonderful (Winter)
❎31. Read a book that is featured as a group or buddy read and was already on your TBR. Las siete muertes de Evelyn Hardcastle
❎️32. Read a book that is retelling or reimagining of a classic story or the classic itself. Un mundo helado

message 15: by Maria (last edited Aug 24, 2024 02:36PM) (new)

Maria (mariah90602) | 2200 comments I'm in for 15 prompts!

1. Read the book that has been on your TBR list the longest. The Idiot on TBR list 11-07-14 read 3-1-24
2. Read a book you added to your TBR within the last year. The Wanted One (on tbr list 8-7-23) read 4-16-24
3. Read the book with the most pages on your TBR or one that is over 500 pages. - The Count of Monte Cristo (1085pages) 1-8
4. Read the book with the least number of pages on your TBR or one that is under 100 pages. -Rosie and the Dreamboat (The Improbable Meet-Cute #3) 2-13 (44 pages)
5. Read a book that is published the year or decade you were born.
6. Read the 20th book on any page of your TBR.
7. Read a book that has an average rating of 3.8 or higher. A Christmas Song (4.49 rating)
8. Read a book by one of your favorite authors. The Tumor 1-4-24 by John Grisham not my favorite book of his, but he's still one of my favorite authors
9. Read a book that you added based on the review of another Goodreads user.
10. Read a book with a cover you love. Finale (Caraval #3)
11. Read a book with an animal or plant on the cover. The Lover (wolf in cover) 3-4
12. Randomize your TBR and read the first book.
13. Read a book the contains the initials of your name (in any order) in the title or author name.
14. Look at the number of pages of books in your Want-To-Read folder. Read the book that is that same number. (e.g., if you have 20 pages of books in your Want-To-Read folder, read book number 20 from your list).
15. Read a book that helps you complete two or more other yearly or quarterly challenges. - Maybe Now (Maybe Someday #2) 1-12
16. Read the book with the most number of ratings (i.e., not the actual average rating, but the number of people who have rated it).
17. Read the book with the least number of ratings.
18. Read the first book from your list that "sparks joy" as soon as you think about reading it. Lunch in Paris 1-3
19. Read a book that you have added to at least one other shelf. The Hotel Nantucket 2-5
20. Read a book that you own.-Painful (Thoughtless #6) 1-25
21. Read a book that an IRL (in real life) friend, family member, or acquaintance has recommended to you. - Wings of Glass 1-31
22. Read a book that you feel you "should" read. Beyond Good and Evil 2-15
23. Read a book you previously DNFed and still want to finish. One Italian Summer started last year but did not get to finish until 1-5-24
24. Read a book in your favorite genre or format. You Loved Me Once 1-14
25. Read a book that is from a genre or format you rarely read. Forensic Psychiatry 3-11
26. Sort your TBR by cover. Read the first or last book.
27. Sort your TBR by title. Read a book from the middle page.
28. Read a hyped, bestseller, or award-winning book.
29. Read a book with a title that contains punctuation.Fake-ish 5-13 (use of a hyphen)
30. Read a book related to the yearly, quarterly, or monthly theme.
31. Read a book that is featured as a group or buddy read and was already on your TBR.
32. Read a book that is retelling or reimagining of a classic story or the classic itself. Hazel and Gray (retelling of Hansel and Grettel) 2-26

message 17: by Lina (last edited Sep 01, 2024 07:00AM) (new)

Lina | 685 comments I am going for 30 next year, please! I need to decrease my tbr-pile a bit!

📝 TBR Jar - Yearly Challenge 📝
Duration: January 1 - December 31, 2024

📝 Progress: 24/30 📝 -

Updating the books I read for this challenge in my corner


message 18: by Chrissie (last edited Sep 29, 2024 10:06PM) (new)

Chrissie (haru_ran) | 877 comments Trying my luck with the prompts this year.


1. Read the book that has been on your TBR list the longest. Effi Briest by Theodor Fontane
2. Read a book you added to your TBR within the last year. Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas
3. Read the book with the most pages on your TBR or one that is over 500 pages. Noah by Sebastian Fitzek (7:12 = 559) ✓
4. Read the book with the least number of pages on your TBR or one that is under 100 pages. Focus 10 Band 1 by Martina Peters (96) ✓
5. Read a book that is published the year or decade you were born.
6. Read the 20th book on any page of your TBR. MADK 3 Abgedreht und faszinierend Bemerkenswert gezeichnete Boys-Love-Story direkt aus der Hölle! (German Edition) by Ryo Suzuri
7. Read a book that has an average rating of 3.8 or higher. Shuggie Bain by Douglas Stuart (4.31) ✓
8. Read a book by one of your favorite authors. Loveless by Alice Oseman
9. Read a book that you added based on the review of another Goodreads user.
10. Read a book with a cover you love. Focus 10 Band 6 by Martina Peters
11. Read a book with an animal or plant on the cover. The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde
12. Randomize your TBR and read the first book. Haikyu!! – Band 23 by Haruichi Furudate
13. Read a book the contains the initials of your name (in any order) in the title or author name. If This Gets Out by Sophie Gonzales (Dietrich) ✓
14. Look at the number of pages of books in your Want-To-Read folder. Read the book that is that same number. (e.g., if you have 20 pages of books in your Want-To-Read folder, read book number 20 from your list).
15. Read a book that helps you complete two or more other yearly or quarterly challenges. 2 by Hideo Yokoyama
16. Read the book with the most number of ratings. Die Bücherdiebin by Markus Zusak (147054) ✓
17. Read the book with the least number of ratings. Focus 10 Band 10 by Martina Peters (7) ✓
18. Read the first book from your list that "sparks joy" as soon as you think about reading it. Die Maimädchen (Königreich Eckstein #2) by Pascale Quiviger
19. Read a book that you have added to at least one other shelf. Das Urteil und andere Erzählungen. by Franz Kafka
20. Read a book that you own. Focus 10 Band 2 by Martina Peters
21. Read a book that an IRL (in real life) friend, family member, or acquaintance has recommended to you. TIPTOE - Auf Zehenspitzen ins Glück (German Edition) by Kay Monroe
22. Read a book that you feel you "should" read. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
23. Read a book you previously DNFed and still want to finish. Die Tore Der Welt (The Pillars of the Earth, #2) by Ken Follett
24. Read a book in your favorite genre or format. Focus 10 Band 3 by Martina Peters
25. Read a book that is from a genre or format you rarely read. Der Donnerstagsmordclub (Die Mordclub-Serie, #1) by Richard Osman (cozy crime) ✓
26. Sort your TBR by cover. Read the first or last book. James by Percival Everett
27. Sort your TBR by title. Read a book from the middle page. Kenshin 01 by Nobuhiro Watsuki
28. Read a hyped, bestseller, or award-winning book. The House in the Cerulean Sea (Cerulean Chronicles, #1) by T.J. Klune
29. Read a book with a title that contains punctuation. Nagahama to Be, or Not to Be by Scarlet Beriko
30. Read a book related to the yearly, quarterly, or monthly theme. Focus 10 Band 5 by Martina Peters (march: numbers) ✓
31. Read a book that is featured as a group or buddy read and was already on your TBR. Madame Bovary. by Gustave Flaubert (EHRTBM august classic) ✓
32. Read a book that is retelling or reimagining of a classic story or the classic itself. Die Bibel nach Biff (Audiobook) by Christopher Moore

message 19: by Joy D (last edited Sep 26, 2024 07:45AM) (new)

Joy D | 1121 comments I am in for 24 in 2024! (to be read in any order throughout the year)

Completed 20/24:

TBR Jar:
✅1. The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery - 1/7/24 - 4* - My Review
✅2. The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down: A Hmong Child, Her American Doctors, and the Collision of Two Cultures by Anne Fadiman - 2/12/24 - 4* - My Review
✅3. Stephen Florida by Gabe Habash - 4/26/24 - 3* - My Review
✅4. The Maze at Windermere by Gregory Blake Smith - 9/26/24 - 4* - My Review
5 1919 John Dos Passos
6 California Gold John Jakes
✅7. The Book of Essie by Meghan MacLean Weir - 1/17/24 - 4* - My Review
✅8. The General and Julia by Jon Clinch - 1/3/24 - 4* - My Review
✅9. Night Train to Lisbon by Pascal Mercier - 3/15/24 - 3* - My Review
✅10. Black Powder War by Naomi Novik - 7/6/24 - 4* - My Review
✅11. The Imperfectionists by Tom Rachman - 6/1/24 - 4* - My Review
✅12. South of Broad by Pat Conroy - 1/10/24 - 4* - My Review
✅13. Destiny of the Republic: A Tale of Madness, Medicine and the Murder of a President by Candice Millard - 3/5/24 - 4* - My Review
✅14. Murtagh by Christopher Paolini - 2/14/24 - 4* - My Review
✅15. Someone Knows My Name by Lawrence Hill - 2/25/24 - 5* - My Review
✅16. Looking Glass by Andrew Mayne - 1/29/24 - 3.5* - My Review
17 Greenwood Michael Christie
✅18. Pod by Laline Paull - 6/6/24 - 4* - My Review
✅19. Leviathan by Paul Auster - 4/17/24 - 4* - My Review
✅20. Still Life by Sarah Winman - 8/19/24 - 3* - My Review
✅21. River of Darkness: Francisco Orellana's Legendary Voyage of Death and Discovery Down the Amazon by Buddy Levy - 2/4/24 - 4* - My Review
22 The Lighthouse Road Peter Geye
✅23. The Last Days of Night by Graham Moore - 1/4/24 - 5* - My Review
✅24. The Color of Lightning by Paulette Jiles - 1/8/24 - 4* - My Review

message 20: by Monica (last edited Feb 07, 2024 07:34AM) (new)

Monica (moni78) | 296 comments I'm signing up for 32.
1. Read the book that has been on your TBR list the longest.
2. Read a book you added to your TBR within the last year.
3. Read the book with the most pages on your TBR or one that is over 500 pages.
4. Read the book with the least number of pages on your TBR or one that is under 100 pages.
5. Read a book that is published the year or decade you were born.
6. Read the 20th book on any page of your TBR.
7. Read a book that has an average rating of 3.8 or higher.
8. Read a book by one of your favorite authors.
9. Read a book that you added based on the review of another Goodreads user.
10. Read a book with a cover you love.
11. Read a book with an animal or plant on the cover.
12. Randomize your TBR and read the first book.
13. Read a book the contains the initials of your name (in any order) in the title or author name.
14. Look at the number of pages of books in your Want-To-Read folder. Read the book that is that same number. (e.g., if you have 20 pages of books in your Want-To-Read folder, read book number 20 from your list).
15. Read a book that helps you complete two or more other yearly or quarterly challenges.
16. Read the book with the most number of ratings (i.e., not the actual average rating, but the number of people who have rated it).
17. Read the book with the least number of ratings.
18. Read the first book from your list that "sparks joy" as soon as you think about reading it. The Charade
19. Read a book that you have added to at least one other shelf.
20. Read a book that you own.
21. Read a book that an IRL (in real life) friend, family member, or acquaintance has recommended to you.
22. Read a book that you feel you "should" read.
23. Read a book you previously DNFed and still want to finish.
24. Read a book in your favorite genre or format.
25. Read a book that is from a genre or format you rarely read.
26. Sort your TBR by cover. Read the first or last book.
27. Sort your TBR by title. Read a book from the middle page.
28. Read a hyped, bestseller, or award-winning book.
29. Read a book with a title that contains punctuation.
30. Read a book related to the yearly, quarterly, or monthly theme.
31. Read a book that is featured as a group or buddy read and was already on your TBR.
32. Read a book that is retelling or reimagining of a classic story or the classic itself.

message 22: by Barry (last edited May 20, 2024 10:19AM) (new)

Barry  Cleary (bcleary22) | 341 comments I will start with 10 books and may add a few as we go along:

1) Stolen by Daniel Palmer
2) The Dark Tide by Andrew Gross
3) The Girl on the Bridge by James Hayman
4) Close to Home by Robert Dugoni
5) The Back Road by Rachel Abbott
6) The Apex Predator by Michael Koryta
7) Craven Manor by Darcy Coates
8) Every Wicked Man by Steven James
9) Good Neighbors by Russell C. Connor - COMPLETED
10) One Final Breath by C.R. Chandler

message 23: by Beverly (new)

Beverly (zippymom) | 1465 comments Updated message 11 with my list of 100 books for the year.

message 24: by Madam Mandela (new)

Madam Mandela | 4 comments For this challenge I will be attempting to read 33 books! 0/33

This will be a hard challenge for me, a challenge that I am up for. Here are the prompts I am doing along with the books I will possible read from them.

1. Read the book that has been on your TBR list the longest. Darwin's Secret: A Novel of the Amazon
2. Read a book you added to your TBR within the last year. The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma
3. Read the book with the most pages on your TBR or one that is over 500 pages.Prentice Alvin and Alvin Journeyman: The Third and Fourth Volumes of The Tales of Alvin Maker
4. Read the book with the least number of pages on your TBR or one that is under 100 pages.Salem Falls - A Novel
5. Read a book that is published the year or decade you were born.The Midnight Witness
6. Read the 20th book on any page of your TBR.What Lies in the Woods
7. Read a book that has an average rating of 3.8 or higher.Berserk, Vol. 1
8. Read a book by one of your favorite authors.Bluestar's Prophecy
9. Read a book that you added based on the review of another Goodreads user.
10. Read a book with a cover you love.The Midnight Library
11. Read a book with an animal or plant on the cover.Beast
12. Randomize your TBR and read the first book. Fifty Shades of Grey
13. Read a book the contains the initials of your name (in any order) in the title or author name.Daisy Cooper's Rules for Living
14. Look at the number of pages of books in your Want-To-Read folder. Read the book that is that same number. (e.g., if you have 20 pages of books in your Want-To-Read folder, read book number 20 from your list).The Magic of Astrology: What Your Zodiac Sign Says About You
15. Read a book that helps you complete two or more other yearly or quarterly challenges.
16. Read the book with the most number of ratings (i.e., not the actual average rating, but the number of people who have rated it).
17. Read the book with the least number of ratings.
18. Read the first book from your list that "sparks joy" as soon as you think about reading it.
19. Read a book that you have added to at least one other shelf.
20. Read a book that you own.
21. Read a book that an IRL (in real life) friend, family member, or acquaintance has recommended to you.
22. Read a book that you feel you "should" read.
23. Read a book you previously DNFed and still want to finish.
24. Read a book in your favorite genre or format.
25. Read a book that is from a genre or format you rarely read.
26. Sort your TBR by cover. Read the first or last book.
27. Sort your TBR by title. Read a book from the middle page.
28. Read a hyped, bestseller, or award-winning book.
29. Read a book with a title that contains punctuation.
30. Read a book related to the yearly, quarterly, or monthly theme.
31. Read a book that is featured as a group or buddy read and was already on your TBR.
32. Read a book that is retelling or reimagining of a classic story or the classic itself.
33. Goodreads picks my read! Maestra

message 25: by Ziggy (last edited May 08, 2024 05:35PM) (new)

Ziggy | 1217 comments Please sign me up for 30 books…doing a version of option 2 and 3.


30/30. Completed

Please sign me up for 30 books…doing a version of option 2 and 3.

1. Read the book that has been on your TBR list the longest. The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell
2. Read a book you added to your TBR within the last year. Family Lore
3. Read the book with the most pages on your TBR or one that is over 500 pages. Jade Legacy
4. Read the book with the least number of pages on your TBR or one that is under 100 pages. Phenomenal Woman: Four Poems Celebrating Women
5.Read the 20th book on any page of your TBR. The Book of Longings
6.Read a book that has an average rating of 3.8 or higher. Death on the Nile
7.Read a book by one of your favorite authors. The Wilful Princess and the Piebald Prince by Robin Hobb
8.Read a book with a cover you love.European Travel for the Monstrous Gentlewoman
9.Read a book with an animal or plant on the cover.Garlic and the Vampire
10.Randomize your TBR and read the first book. Misfit Mansion
11.Look at the number of pages of books in your Want-To-Read folder. Read the book that is that same number. (e.g., if you have 20 pages of books in your Want-To-Read folder, read book number 20 from your list). The Thief
12.Read the book with the most number of ratings (i.e., not the actual average rating, but the number of people who have rated it). The Little Prince
13.Read the book with the least number of ratings. Winnie-the-Pooh and Other Delightful Stories (Painted Edition)
14.Read a book in your favorite genre. Jade War
15.Read a book that is from a genre you rarely read. Wrong Place Wrong Time
16.Sort your TBR by cover. Read the first or last book. The Orange and Other Poems
17. Sort your TBR by title. Read a book from the middle page. Lolly Willowes
18. Read an award-winning book. Piranesi
19. Read a book related to the yearly, quarterly, or monthly theme. Weyward
20.Read a book that is retelling or reimagining of a classic story or the classic itself Bea Wolf
21.Random emoji generator inspires book choice 🦘The Left-Handed Booksellers of London
22.Random color wheel is main color of book Love on the Brain
23 Random letter wheel is first letter in authors last name The People We Keep
24 Random letter wheel is first letter in books name The Murder Of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie
25 Shuffle playlist-song inspires book choice Space Oddity by David Bowie The Spare Man
26 Random quote generator inspires book choice What the River Knows I get up in the morning looking for an adventure. George Foreman
27 The TBR Machine generates a prompt read a book with a person on the cover To the Bright Edge of the World
28 Hey Reader generates a prompt-Prompt Set in your Country-Hello Beautiful
29 Random Wikipedia inspires book choice random topic Smith criterion Wundersmith: The Calling of Morrigan Crow
30 Random genre generator The Tuesday Club Murders: Miss Marple’s Thirteen Problems


message 26: by Kristina (last edited Jan 31, 2024 12:54PM) (new)

Kristina | 503 comments TBR JAR
January 01, 2024 - December 31, 2024

Count me in for 150! As always, I'm trying to clear out as many books on my TBR list as possible. I'm going to go randomly through my Goodreads TBR for this year.

Member Corner Tracking Post

message 28: by Beth (last edited Sep 06, 2024 09:44AM) (new)

Beth | 796 comments My goal is 150 books. Potential candidates include books added to my To-Read shelf prior to 2024. Anything added in 2023 or before is eligible. As of today (Dec. 9, 2023), there are 366 books on my TBR shelf, so lots to choose from.
(view spoiler)

Updates: post 175, post 348

1. Birnam Wood by Eleanor Catton
2. A Fatal Grace (Chief Inspector Armand Gamache, #2) by Louise Penny
3. The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton
4. The Day That Never Comes (Dublin Trilogy, #2) by Caimh McDonnell
5. The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells
6. The Bees by Laline Paull
7. Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus
8. The Reading List by Sara Nisha Adams
9. His Majesty's Dragon (Temeraire,#1) by Naomi Novik
10. Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee
11. Beloved by Toni Morrison
12. The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
13. If It Bleeds (Holly Gibney, #2) by Stephen King

14. Daisy Jones & The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid
15. Neverwhere (London Below, #1) by Neil Gaiman
16. Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin
17. Born a Crime: Stories From a South African Childhood by Trevor Noah
18. You (You, #1) by Caroline Kepnes
19. Black Powder War (Temeraire, #3) by Naomi Novik
20. The Sea of Monsters (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #2) by Rick Riordan

21. Queenie by Candice Carty-Williams
22. The Thursday Murder Club (Thursday Murder Club, #1) by Richard Osman
23. Everyone on This Train Is a Suspect (Ernest Cunningham, #2) by Benjamin Stevenson
24. One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
25. Curtain (Hercule Poirot, #44) by Agatha Christie

26. Murder on the Links (Hercule Poirot, #2) by Agatha Christie

27. The Puppet Show (Washington Poe, #1) by M.W. Craven
28. Reader, I Buried Them & Other Stories by Peter Lovesey
29. The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett
30. The Alienist (Dr. Laszlo Kreizler, #1) by Caleb Carr

31. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
32. The Last Devil to Die (Thursday Murder Club, #4) by Richard Osman
33. The Disappearing Spoon: And Other True Tales of Madness, Love, and the History of the World from the Periodic Table of the Elements by Sam Kean
34. Call for the Dead (George Smiley, #1) by John le Carré
35. The Man Who Loved Books Too Much: The True Story of a Thief, a Detective, and a World of Literary Obsession by Allison Hoover Bartlett
36. Nowhere Safe (Harley Cole, #1) by Kate Bold
37. Black Beauty by Anna Sewell
38. Path Lit by Lightning: The Life of Jim Thorpe by David Maraniss
39. The Secret by Gemma Rogers
40. H is for Hawk by Helen Macdonald

41. Peril at End House (Hercule Poirot, #8) by Agatha Christie
42. Lost Boy: The True Story of Captain Hook by Christina Henry
43. My Sister Lives on the Mantelpiece by Annabel Pitcher
44. Schindler's List by Thomas Keneally
45. Wolf Hall (Thomas Cromwell, #1) by Hilary Mantel
46. Beneath This Mask (Beneath, #1) by Meghan March
47. Riders (Rutshire Chronicles, #1) by Jilly Cooper

48. The Seven-Per-Cent Solution (Nicholas Meyer Holmes Pastiches, #1) by Nicholas Meyer
49. Einstein: His Life and Universe by Walter Isaacson
50. How to Break a Dragon's Heart (How to Train Your Dragon, #8) by Cressida Cowell
51. Rivals (Rutshire Chronicles #2) by Jilly Cooper
52. Can You Ever Forgive Me?: Memoirs of a Literary Forger by Lee Israel
53. Day (The Night Trilogy, #3) by Elie Wiesel
54. We Are Never Meeting in Real Life. by Samantha Irby
55. The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals by Michael Pollan
56. God's Little Acre by Erskine Caldwell
57. If You Could Be Mine by Sara Farizan
58. When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi
59. William Wallace: The King's Enemy by D.J. Gray

60. The Locked Door by Freida McFadden

message 29: by Ela (Mouse333) (last edited Sep 30, 2024 04:41PM) (new)

Ela (Mouse333) | 40 comments Progress: 25/42

1) One every month - 9/12
Jan - Holiday Romance
Feb - Onyx and Ivory
Mar - Black Richard's Heart
Apr - Shifted Fate
May - A Natural History of Dragons
Jun - Baby For The Mountain Man
Jul - First Knight
Aug - Sinful Vows
Sep - The Kinder Poison

Holiday Romance (Fitzpatrick Christmas, #1) by Catherine Walsh Onyx and Ivory (Rime Chronicles, #1) by Mindee Arnett Black Richard's Heart (The MacCulloughs, #1) by Suzan Tisdale Shifted Fate (The Wolves of Forest Grove, #1) by Elena Lawson A Natural History of Dragons (The Memoirs of Lady Trent, #1) by Marie Brennan Baby For The Mountain Man (Mountain Men of Liberty, #1) by K.C. Crowne First Knight (Knights of Caerleon, #1) by Ines Johnson Sinful Vows (Messina Crime Family #1) by Lilian Harris The Kinder Poison (The Kinder Poison, #1) by Natalie Mae

2) Prompts - 14/30
1. Read the book that has been on your TBR list the longest. - Darkness of Light - 1 Jun
2. Read a book you added to your TBR within the last year. - Royally Bitten - 4 Jan
3. Read the book with the most pages on your TBR or one that is over 500 pages.
4. Read the book with the least number of pages on your TBR or one that is under 100 pages.
5. Read a book that is published the year or decade you were born.
6. Read the 20th book on any page of your TBR.
7. Read a book that has an average rating of 3.8 or higher. - Phantom Shadows - 13 Mar
8. Read a book by one of your favorite authors. - Bonds of the Wolf - 25 Aug
9. Read a book that you added based on the review of another Goodreads user. - Year of the Reaper - 8 Apr
10. Read a book with a cover you love. - A River Enchanted - 8 Jan
11. Read a book with an animal or plant on the cover. - Last Call at the Local - 2 Jun
12. Randomize your TBR and read the first book.
13. Read a book the contains the initials of your name (in any order) in the title or author name. - Immortal Fire - 18 Aug
14. Look at the number of pages of books in your Want-To-Read folder. Read the book that is that same number. (e.g., if you have 20 pages of books in your Want-To-Read folder, read book number 20 from your list).
15. Read a book that helps you complete two or more other yearly or quarterly challenges.
16. Read the book with the most number of ratings (i.e., not the actual average rating, but the number of people who have rated it).
17. Read the book with the least number of ratings.
18. Read the first book from your list that "sparks joy" as soon as you think about reading it.
19. Read a book that you have added to at least one other shelf.
20. Read a book that you own. - Silent Scream - 11 Feb
22. Read a book that you feel you "should" read. - No Rest for the Wicked - 9 Apr
24. Read a book in your favorite genre or format. - A Tale of Stars and Shadow - 17 Sep
25. Read a book that is from a genre or format you rarely read. - The Pilot's Daughter - 9 Jun
26. Sort your TBR by cover. Read the first or last book.
27. Sort your TBR by title. Read a book from the middle page.
28. Read a hyped, bestseller, or award-winning book. - Butcher & Blackbird - 25 Feb
29. Read a book with a title that contains punctuation. - Does It Hurt? - 12 Jan
30. Read a book related to the yearly, quarterly, or monthly theme. - Truly Madly Montana - 12 Sep
31. Read a book that is featured as a group or buddy read and was already on your TBR.
32. Read a book that is retelling or reimagining of a classic story or the classic itself. - Rescued By The Merman - 16 Mar

Royally Bitten (Blood Alliance, #2) by Lexi C. Foss A River Enchanted (Elements of Cadence, #1) by Rebecca Ross Does It Hurt? by H.D. Carlton Silent Scream (Romantic Suspense, #11; Minneapolis, #2) by Karen Rose Butcher & Blackbird (The Ruinous Love Trilogy, #1) by Brynne Weaver Phantom Shadows (Immortal Guardians, #3) by Dianne Duvall Rescued By The Merman (Once Upon A Fairy Tale Romance, #3) by Jessica Grayson Year of the Reaper by Makiia Lucier No Rest for the Wicked (Immortals After Dark, #2) by Kresley Cole Darkness of Light (Darkness, #1) by Stacey Marie Brown Last Call at the Local (Love, Lists & Fancy Ships, #3) by Sarah Grunder Ruiz The Pilot's Daughter by Audrey J. Cole Immortal Fire (Red Winter Trilogy, #3) by Annette Marie Bonds of the Wolf (The Wild Hunt Legacy #7) by Cherise Sinclair Truly Madly Montana (Medicine River, #2) by Fiona Lowe A Tale of Stars and Shadow (A Tale of Stars and Shadow, #1) by Lisa Cassidy

message 30: by TCampbell (last edited Jul 27, 2024 05:00PM) (new)

TCampbell | 465 comments Increasing goal to 70
Update to TBR Challenge Message #30
70/70 Read Challenge Complete
1. In the Likely Event-Read⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
2. Sing, Wild Bird, Sing -Read⭐⭐⭐
3. Dear Bob and Sue: Season 2-Read⭐⭐⭐⭐
4. Never Lie -Read⭐⭐⭐⭐
5. Malibu Burning -Read⭐⭐⭐⭐
6. Penelope in Retrograde -Read⭐⭐⭐⭐
7. The Optimist's Daughter - Read⭐⭐⭐
8. March -Read⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
9. Advise and Consent -Read⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
10. The Caine Mutiny-Read⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
11. The Spy Coast-Read⭐⭐⭐⭐
12. Lights Out -Read⭐⭐⭐⭐
13. Please Tell Me -Read⭐⭐⭐⭐
14. Mastermind -Read⭐⭐⭐⭐
15. The Final Equinox -Read⭐⭐⭐
16. A Good Scent from a Strange Mountain-Read⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
17. Voices of Dragons -Read⭐⭐⭐⭐
18. Scorpio -Read⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
19. The Echo of Old Books -Read⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
20. All the Little Liars -Read⭐⭐⭐⭐
21. Headlong Flight - Read⭐⭐⭐
22. Fourth Wing - Read⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
23. Making It So: A Memoir -Read⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
24. The Frozen River -Read⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
25. Blackouts - Read⭐⭐
26. Spare - Read⭐⭐⭐⭐
27. American Vampires -Read⭐⭐⭐
28. To Lose the Earth -Read⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
29. Force and Motion -Read⭐⭐⭐⭐
30. The Vulcan Academy Murders -Read⭐⭐⭐⭐
31. Chain-Gang All-Stars -Read⭐⭐⭐⭐
32. The Fury -Read⭐⭐⭐⭐
33. Hearts and Minds -Read⭐⭐⭐⭐
34. Collateral Damage -Read⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
35. Over a Torrent Sea-Read⭐⭐⭐⭐
36. The Long Mirage -Read⭐⭐⭐⭐
37. Enigma Tales -Read⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
38. Original Sin-Read⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
39. Broken Roads: A Cormac and Amelia Story -Read⭐⭐⭐⭐
40. The Girl On Legare Street -Read⭐⭐⭐⭐
41. Two Women Walk into a Bar -Read⭐⭐⭐⭐
42. Water Fire Fae: Stories -Read⭐⭐⭐⭐
43. The Wild Inside -Read⭐⭐⭐⭐
44. The Confessions of Nat Turner-Read⭐⭐
45. The Reivers-Read⭐⭐⭐
46. Last Night-Read⭐⭐⭐⭐
47. Mayluna-Read⭐⭐⭐⭐
48. Murder at Rough Point-Read⭐⭐⭐⭐
49. House Made of Dawn-Read⭐⭐
50. Dancers in the Dark-Read⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
51. Don't Forget Me-Read⭐⭐⭐⭐
52. Dead Man Walking: The Eyewitness Account Of The Death Penalty That Sparked a National Debate-Read⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
53. Fire Flight: A Novel-Read⭐⭐
54. The Emerald Mile: The Epic Story of the Fastest Ride in History Through the Heart of the Grand Canyon-Read⭐⭐
55. The Inheritance Games -Read⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
56. Daisy Jones & The Six -Read⭐⭐⭐⭐
57. Baby X-Read⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
58. Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone-Read⭐⭐⭐⭐
59. The Underground Railroad-Read⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
60. The Seven Year Slip-Read⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
61. Quicksand -Read⭐⭐⭐
62. Friends in Napa-Read⭐⭐⭐
63. Lovers at the Museum: A Short Story -Read⭐⭐⭐
64. Zorrie -Read⭐⭐⭐
65. Fall-Read⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
66. The Lady Doc-Read⭐⭐⭐
67. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer -Read⭐⭐⭐⭐
68. The Song of Achilles-Read⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
69. Greta & Valdin-Read⭐⭐⭐⭐
70. The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry-Read⭐⭐⭐⭐

message 31: by Frankie (last edited Mar 27, 2024 02:31PM) (new)

Frankie Johnson | 135 comments TBR JAR CHALLENGE
Duration: January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024

27/50 Completed

01.Obsession Falls-Claire Kingsley 1/02/24
02.Lotus-Jennifer Hartmann
03.Sway-Jessica Gadziala 1/07/24
04.23 Hours-Bink Cummings
05.Legacy-Laura Pavlov
06.Broken Dreams-Corinne Michaels 2/02/24
07.Limitless Love-Audrey Carlan 2/04/24
08.Last on the List-Amy Daws 1/21/24
09.Till Death Do Us Part-Willow Rose 3/01/24
10.Our Sister's Grave-B.R. Spangler 1/02/24
Obsession Falls (Haven Brothers, #1) by Claire Kingsley Lotus by Jennifer Hartmann Sway (Shady Valley Henchmen, #4) by Jessica Gadziala 23 Hours (Sacred Sinners MC- Mother Chapter Book 1) by Bink Cummings Legacy (Montgomery Brothers, #1) by Laura Pavlov Broken Dreams (Whitlock Family, #2) by Corinne Michaels Limitless Love (Lotus House #4) by Audrey Carlan Last on the List (Wait With Me, #5) by Amy Daws Till Death Do Us Part (Eva Rae Thomas #14) by Willow Rose Our Sister's Grave (Casey White #10) by B.R. Spangler

11.Trouble-Adriana Locke 1/08/24
12.Hollywood Yesterday-M.Z. Kelly 2/17/24
13.Don't Tell-Willow Rose
14.Sable Peak-Devney Perry 2/02/24
15.Flame-Adriana Locke
16.Be Your Everything-Catherine Bybee
17.A Little Twist-Tia Louise
18.Flowers on Her Grave-Jennifer Chase
19.Bodyguard-C.D. Reiss
20.Among the Wicked-Linda Castillo 1/05/24
Trouble (Dogwood Lane, #3) by Adriana Locke Hollywood Yesterday (Hollywood Alphabet #25) by M.Z. Kelly Don't Tell (Jack Ryder #7) by Willow Rose Sable Peak (The Edens, #6) by Devney Perry Flame (Carmichael Family #5) by Adriana Locke Be Your Everything (The D'Angelos, #2) by Catherine Bybee A Little Twist by Tia Louise Flowers on Her Grave (Detective Katie Scott, #3) by Jennifer Chase Bodyguard (Hollywood A-List, #2) by C.D. Reiss Among the Wicked (Kate Burkholder, #8) by Linda Castillo

21.Mine to Keep-Natasha Madison
22.June 7-Debra Kayn
23.Make-Believe Match-Melanie Harlow 1/21/24
24.Broken-Karin Slaughter 2/14/24
25.Coach-Devney Perry 3/05/24
26.Wildflower Graves-Rita Herron
27.Worth the Shots-Heather M. Orgeron
28.Caught Up-Liz Tomforde 2/01/24
29.Irresistible-Willow Aster 3/21/24
30.My One and Only-Layla Hagen
Mine to Keep (Southern Wedding #8) by Natasha Madison June 7 (Havlin Motorcycle Club series Book 1) by Debra Kayn Make-Believe Match (Cherry Tree Harbor, #3) by Melanie Harlow Broken (Will Trent, #4) by Karin Slaughter Coach (Treasure State Wildcats, #1) by Devney Perry Wildflower Graves (Detective Ellie Reeves #2) by Rita Herron Worth the Shots (Booze & Bad Decisions, #4) by Heather M. Orgeron Caught Up (Windy City, #3) by Liz Tomforde Irresistible (Landmark Mountain, #3) by Willow Aster My One and Only (Very Irresistible Bachelors, #5) by Layla Hagen

31.Take Me Back-Rosalind James
32.Girl Ten: Wanted-Molly Black
33.Cold As Ice-Toni Anderson 2/25/24
34.Into the Storm-Rachel Grant
35.A Familiar Sight-Brianna Labuskes
36.Ashes of You-Catherine Cowles
37.Fighting the Forbidden: Ruthless & Royal #1-Autumn Jones Lake 1/28/24
38.Love Me Today-A.L. Jackson 2/07/24
39.Until Hanna-Aurora Rose Reynolds 3/1424
40.I Could Never-Penelope Ward 2/15/24
Take Me Back (Paradise, Idaho, #4) by Rosalind James Girl Ten Wanted (A Maya Gray FBI Suspense Thriller—Book 10) by Molly Black Cold As Ice (Cold Justice The Negotiators #5; Cold Justice, #15) by Toni Anderson Into the Storm (Evidence Under Fire, #1) by Rachel Grant A Familiar Sight (Dr. Gretchen White, #1) by Brianna Labuskes Ashes of You (Lost & Found, #5) by Catherine Cowles Fighting the Forbidden (Ruthless & Royal #1) by Autumn Jones Lake Love Me Today (Time River #1) by A.L. Jackson Until Hanna (Until Him/Her, #13) by Aurora Rose Reynolds I Could Never by Penelope Ward

41.Fighting Silence-Aly Martinez 3/01/24
42.Watching Her-Elle Gray 1/13/24
43.Bitter Falls-Rachel Caine 2/15/24
44.The Love Interest-Kayley Loring 3/02/24
45.Tonight You're Mine-Kayley Loring 1/07/24
46.Fallen Angel-D.K. Hood 2/21/24
47.Bring Me Back-Kristen Granata
48.Make Me Hate You-Kandi Steiner
49.Let Me Love You-Brittney Sahin
50.She Was Mine First-M. Robinson
Fighting Silence (On the Ropes, #1) by Aly Martinez Watching Her (Blake Wilder #20) by Elle Gray Bitter Falls (Stillhouse Lake, #4) by Rachel Caine The Love Interest by Kayley Loring Tonight You're Mine (The Brooklyn Book Boyfriends, #3) by Kayley Loring Fallen Angel (Detectives Kane and Alton #13) by D.K. Hood Bring Me Back by Kristen Granata Make Me Hate You by Kandi Steiner Let Me Love You (The Costa Family) by Brittney Sahin She Was Mine First by M. Robinson

message 32: by Megan BG (new)

Megan BG (meganbgreads) | 1496 comments Goal: 12


message 33: by luna ☾ (new)

luna ☾ (lunargoddessera) | 201 comments I think sign me up for 50 books, please! I will most likely do it the third way, digitally.

[TBR pending...]

message 34: by Emma (last edited Jan 27, 2024 04:27AM) (new)

Emma | 20 comments Sign me up for 20 please!


1. My Policeman (10. Read a book with a cover you love.)
2. The Poetry Pharmacy: Tried-and-True Prescriptions for the Mind, Heart and Soul (21. Read a book that an IRL (in real life) friend, family member, or acquaintance has recommended to you.)
3. Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone (24. Read a book in your favorite genre or format.)

My Policeman by Bethan Roberts The Poetry Pharmacy Tried-and-True Prescriptions for the Mind, Heart and Soul by William Sieghart Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone (Ernest Cunningham, #1) by Benjamin Stevenson

message 35: by Lulo (new)

Lulo | 87 comments I'll sign up for the 2º option. I'll try go get all 32!

message 36: by Lorraine (new)

Lorraine | 1730 comments Count me in. I’ll go for option 2. 32 books.

message 37: by Eggp (last edited Aug 31, 2024 04:23AM) (new)

Eggp | 487 comments I'll sign up for 32 tasks/books, thanks!

TBR Jar, message #37
Goal: 26/32, 81.25%

01. On your TBR list the longest
02. Added within the last year: The Wisdom of Father Brown - 08 Apr 2024, 3/5
03. Most pages on your TBR/over 500 pages: The Count of Monte Cristo - 11 Mar 2024, 4/5
04. Least pages on your TBR/under 100 pages: The Taiga Syndrome - 23 Jun 2024, 2/5
05. Published the year/decade you were born: Galapagos - 07 Aug 2024, 3/5
06. 20th book on any page of your TBR: After the People Lights Have Gone Off - 03 Feb 2024, 2/5
07. Average rating of 3.8+: The Last Devil to Die - 22 Jan 2024, 4/5
08. By one of your favorite authors: System Collapse - 03 Mar 2024, 4/5
09. Added based on the review of another Goodreads user: My Real Children - 13 Jan 2024, 4/5
10. Cover you love: The Spare Man - 20 Jan 2024, 3/5
11. Animal/plant on the cover: Hell Bent - 27 May 2024, 3/5
12. Randomize your TBR and read the first book: Deep Water - 24 Jul 2024, 4/5
13. Contains the initials of your name in the title/author name: Who Killed Palomino Molero? - 21 Jul 2024, 4/5
14. Book #45 (pages of TBR Shelf): Nightmare Alley - 25 Mar 2024, 4/5
15. Completes two+ other challenges: Right Ho, Jeeves - 26 Feb 2024, 3/5
16. Most number of ratings
17. Least number of ratings: Let's Talk of Graves, of Worms and Epitaphs - 29 Jul 2024, 4/5
18. First book that "sparks joy"
19. Added to at least one other shelf: The Affirmation - 06 Jan 2024, 3/5
20. Book that you own: Blood Meridian - 14 Jul 2024, 3/5
21. Friend/family member/acquaintance recommended: Casino Royale - 15 Mar 2024, 3/5
22. Feel you "should" read
23. Previously DNFed and still want to finish
24. Favorite genre/format: Non-Stop - 23 Apr 2024, 1/5
25. Genre/format you rarely read: The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini - 10 May 2024, 4/5
26. Sort your TBR by cover, first or last book: Translation State - 28 Apr 2024, 4/5
27. Sort your TBR by title, from the middle page: The Last Good Kiss - 06 Jul 2024, 4/5
28. Hyped/bestseller/award-winning book
29. Title contains punctuation: Mapp & Lucia - 01 Apr 2024, 4/5
30. Related to yearly/quarterly/monthly theme: Tourmaline - 19 Feb 2024, 4/5
31. Group/buddy read already on your TBR: Mickey7 - 14 Aug 2024, 4/5
32. Retelling/reimagining of a classic story/the classic itself: The Blue Sword - 13 Aug 2024, 3/5

The Wisdom of Father Brown (Father Brown, #2) by G.K. Chesterton The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas The Taiga Syndrome by Cristina Rivera Garza Galapagos by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. After the People Lights Have Gone Off by Stephen Graham Jones The Last Devil to Die (Thursday Murder Club, #4) by Richard Osman System Collapse (The Murderbot Diaries, #7) by Martha Wells My Real Children by Jo Walton The Spare Man by Mary Robinette Kowal Hell Bent (Alex Stern, #2) by Leigh Bardugo Deep Water by Patricia Highsmith Who Killed Palomino Molero? by Mario Vargas Llosa Nightmare Alley by William Lindsay Gresham Right Ho, Jeeves (Jeeves, #6) by P.G. Wodehouse Let's Talk of Graves, of Worms and Epitaphs (Black Dagger Crimes) by Robert Player The Affirmation by Christopher Priest Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy Casino Royale (James Bond, #1) by Ian Fleming Non-Stop by Brian W. Aldiss The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini by Benvenuto Cellini Translation State by Ann Leckie The Last Good Kiss (C.W. Sughrue, #1) by James Crumley Mapp & Lucia (Lucia, #4) by E.F. Benson Tourmaline by Randolph Stow Mickey7 (Mickey7, #1) by Edward Ashton The Blue Sword (Damar, #1) by Robin McKinley

message 38: by SarahKat, Buddy Reads (last edited Apr 01, 2024 12:45PM) (new)

SarahKat | 5239 comments 22/44


1. The Long Weekend
2. He Started It
3. The Girls at the Kingfisher Club
4. Crazy Diamond: Syd Barrett and the Dawn of Pink Floyd
5. The World That We Knew
6. The Other People
7. The Armor of Light
8. Hidden Pictures
9. Small Game
10. City of Saints and Madmen
11. Once Upon a Broken Heart
12. The Subtle Knife


1. Read the book that has been on your TBR list the longest.
A List of Cages by Robin Roe
2. Read a book you added to your TBR within the last year.
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
3. Read the book with the most pages on your TBR or one that is over 500 pages.
Ducks, Newburyport by Lucy Ellmann
4. Read the book with the least number of pages on your TBR or one that is under 100 pages.
The Gift by Alison Gaylin
5. Read a book that is published the year or decade you were born.
6. Read the 20th book on any page of your TBR.
7. Read a book that has an average rating of 3.8 or higher.
Before Your Memory Fades by Toshikazu Kawaguchi
8. Read a book by one of your favorite authors.
The World of Ice & Fire: The Untold History of Westeros and the Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin
9. Read a book that you added based on the review of another Goodreads user.
10. Read a book with a cover you love.
Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros
11. Read a book with an animal or plant on the cover.
Under the Whispering Door by T.J. Klune
12. Randomize your TBR and read the first book.
Rock Paper Scissors by Alice Feeney
13. Read a book the contains the initials of your name (in any order) in the title or author name.
Wintersong by S. Jae-Jones
14. Look at the number of pages of books in your Want-To-Read folder. Read the book that is that same number.
Steampunk by Ann VanderMeer
15. Read a book that helps you complete two or more other yearly or quarterly challenges.
The Winter Over by Matthew Iden
16. Read the book with the most number of ratings
Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo
17. Read the book with the least number of ratings.
Chivalry in Westeros: The Knightly Code of A Song of Ice and Fire
18. Read the first book from your list that "sparks joy" as soon as you think about reading it.
Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros
19. Read a book that you have added to at least one other shelf.
Snow Angels by James Thompson
20. Read a book that you own.
Game of Thrones Psychology: The Mind is Dark and Full of Terrors (Volume 4)
21. Read a book that an IRL (in real life) friend, family member, or acquaintance has recommended to you.
Piranesi by Susanna Clarke
22. Read a book that you feel you "should" read.
The Once and Future King by T.H. White
23. Read a book you previously DNFed and still want to finish.
24. Read a book in your favorite genre or format.
25. Read a book that is from a genre or format you rarely read.
26. Sort your TBR by cover. Read the first or last book.
27. Sort your TBR by title. Read a book from the middle page.
28. Read a hyped, bestseller, or award-winning book.
Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
29. Read a book with a title that contains punctuation.
Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin
30. Read a book related to the yearly, quarterly, or monthly theme.
The Stroke of Winter by Wendy Webb
31. Read a book that is featured as a group or buddy read and was already on your TBR.
Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo
32. Read a book that is retelling or reimagining of a classic story or the classic itself.

message 41: by Inge (Inge1990) (last edited Jul 28, 2024 11:02PM) (new)

Inge (Inge1990) | 37 comments I will be in for 50

1. Nothing But Blue Skies
2. HhhH: Himmlers hersens heten Heydrich
✅3. Het meisje uit de trein --> finished 09/03/2024
4. The History of Bees
✅5. Als ik weg ben
6. Gardens of the Moon
✅7. De engelenboom --> finished 19-06-2024
8. The Surprising Days of Isla Pembroke
✅9. Calamiteitenleer voor gevorderden --> DNF 06-05-2024
✅10 Augustus --> DNF 19-03-2024
✅11. De poppenspeler van Warschau860077]
12. Broken Hearts & Zombie Parts
13. The Enchanted
✅14. Het lied van de wolken --> finished 22-06-2024
15. The Clothes on Their Backs
✅16. All the Stars in the Heavens --> 16-05-2024
17. The Lace Reader
18. Guppies for Tea
19. Oorlogskind
20. Wuiven Naar de Vijand: Novelle
21. De witte handschoenen
✅ 22. The Secrets of Sunshine --> finished 22--06-2024
✅ 23. Every Exquisite Thing --> finished 09-07
24. Ellis en Elisabeth
✅25. Five Children on the Western Front --> finished 30-05-2024
26. Torn
✅27. Vrouwen, hoeden en Hitler --> finished 24-03-2024
✅28. Instinct
29. You've Reached Sam
✅30. The Cottage at Plum Tree Bay6179396] --> finished 19-03-2024
✅31. De kokkin van Himmler --> finished 14-02-2024
✅ 32 De Godinnentest --> finished 28-06
33. The Poems of Wilfred Owen
34. A Journey to the End of the Millennium
35 Notes from an Exhibition
36. Love in a Cold Climate
37. De straatfilosoof
✅38. Codenaam Verity --> finished 03-05-2024
39 Poppy Day
40.Het theehuis op Mulberry street
41De slaap en de dood (De Geus Spanning)
✅42 Coronakronieken --> finished 27-04-2024
43 Aprilheks
✅44 De laatste wilde dieren --> finished 12-05-2024
45 The Heart Beats in Secret: A USA Today Bestseller
46. Love's Pursuit
47. Love Is for Losers
48 Het meisje dat twee kampen overleefde
49. A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian
✅50. The Mindfulness in Knitting: Meditations on Craft and Calm --> finished 26-06

bonus books because DNF books: (still random)
1. The Other Countess
2. Cries Unheard: Why Children Kill: The Story of Mary Bell

message 42: by Nell (new)

Nell | 139 comments 2024 TBR Jar Challenge

Goal: 25
Progress: --/25

2) You can use the following tasks and pick a matching book later.
1. Read the book that has been on your TBR list the longest.
2. Read a book you added to your TBR within the last year.
3. Read the book with the most pages on your TBR or one that is over 500 pages.
4. Read the book with the least number of pages on your TBR or one that is under 100 pages.
5. Read a book that is published the year or decade you were born.
6. Read the 20th book on any page of your TBR.
7. Read a book that has an average rating of 3.8 or higher.
8. Read a book by one of your favorite authors.
9. Read a book that you added based on the review of another Goodreads user.
10. Read a book with a cover you love.
11. Read a book with an animal or plant on the cover.
12. Randomize your TBR and read the first book.
13. Read a book the contains the initials of your name (in any order) in the title or author name.
14. Look at the number of pages of books in your Want-To-Read folder. Read the book that is that same number. (e.g., if you have 20 pages of books in your Want-To-Read folder, read book number 20 from your list).
15. Read a book that helps you complete two or more other yearly or quarterly challenges.
16. Read the book with the most number of ratings (i.e., not the actual average rating, but the number of people who have rated it).
17. Read the book with the least number of ratings.
18. Read the first book from your list that "sparks joy" as soon as you think about reading it.
19. Read a book that you have added to at least one other shelf.
20. Read a book that you own.
21. Read a book that an IRL (in real life) friend, family member, or acquaintance has recommended to you.
22. Read a book that you feel you "should" read.
23. Read a book you previously DNFed and still want to finish.
24. Read a book in your favorite genre or format.
25. Read a book that is from a genre or format you rarely read.
26. Sort your TBR by cover. Read the first or last book.
27. Sort your TBR by title. Read a book from the middle page.
28. Read a hyped, bestseller, or award-winning book.
29. Read a book with a title that contains punctuation.
30. Read a book related to the yearly, quarterly, or monthly theme.
31. Read a book that is featured as a group or buddy read and was already on your TBR.
32. Read a book that is retelling or reimagining of a classic story or the classic itself.

message 43: by Dianne (last edited Jan 25, 2024 08:23AM) (new)

Dianne | 8 comments I've decided to read 30 books this year. I used one of the suggested prompts. (see below) I'm looking forward to reading what you plan to read this year. Happy Holidays

Updated Progress: 3/30


2. Read a book you added to your TBR within the last year.
Lily and the Octopus
3. Read the book with the most pages on your TBR or one that is over 500 pages.
A Course in Miracles
4. Read the book with the least number of pages on your TBR or one that is under 100 pages.
The God of Small Things
5. Read a book that is published the year or decade you were born.
Lunch Poems
6. Read the 20th book on any page of your TBR.
Mason-Dixon Knitting Outside the Lines: Patterns, Stories, Pictures, True Confessions, Tricky Bits, Whole New Worlds, and Familiar Ones, Too
7. Read a book that has an average rating of 3.8 or higher.
Origin Story: The Big History of Everything
8. Read a book by one of your favorite authors.
The Owl Killers
9. Read a book that you added based on the review of another Goodreads user.
A Short History of Nearly Everything
10. Read a book with a cover you love.
Flower Fairies of the Autumn
11. Read a book with an animal or plant on the cover.
Owls of the Eastern Ice: A Quest to find and save the World’s Largest Owl
12. Randomize your TBR and read the first book.
Deep State
13. Read a book the contains the initials of your name (in any order) in the title or author name.
American Eclipse: A Nation's Epic Race to Catch the Shadow of the Moon and Win the Glory of the World
14. Look at the number of pages of books in your Want-To-Read folder. Read the book that is that same number. (e.g., if you have 20 pages of books in your Want-To-Read folder, read book number 20 from your list).
The Women in the Window
15. Read a book that helps you complete two or more other yearly or quarterly challenges.
16. Read the book with the most number of ratings (i.e., not the actual average rating, but the number of people who have rated it).
The Better Angels of our Nature: A History of Violence and Humanity
17. Read the book with the least number of ratings.
Sown in the Stars: Planting by the Stars
18. Read the first book from your list that "sparks joy" as soon as you think about reading it.
The Soul of An Octopus

21. Read a book that an IRL (in real life) friend, family member, or acquaintance has recommended to you.
22. Read a book that you feel you "should" read.
The Dead Are Rising: Life of Malcolm X
23. Read a book you previously DNFed and still want to finish.
The Invisible Life of Adie LaRue
24. Read a book in your favorite genre or format.
The SunDown Motel
25. Read a book that is from a genre or format you rarely read.
The Secret to Super Human Strength
26. Sort your TBR by cover. Read the first or last book.
Issac’s Storm: A Man, A Time and Deadliest Hurricane in History
27. Sort your TBR by title. Read a book from the middle page.
The Country Diary of an Edwardian Woman
28. Read a hyped, bestseller, or award-winning book.
The Country of the Blind: A Memoir at the End of Sight
29. Read a book with a title that has punctuation.
Is This Anything?
30. Read a book related to the yearly, quarterly, or monthly theme.
When Women Were Dragons

message 44: by Carri Carey, TBR Twins (last edited Aug 12, 2024 02:07PM) (new)

Carri Carey | 759 comments Please sign me up for the 32 prompts!

Progress: 31/32

✅ 1. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Millennium, #1) by Stieg Larsson Read the book that has been on your TBR list the longest. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - Read 2/5/24
✅ 2. Small Mercies by Dennis Lehane Read a book you added to your TBR within the last year. Small Mercies - Read 1/30/24
✅ 3. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Harry Potter, #5) by J.K. Rowling Read the book with the most pages on your TBR or one that is over 500 pages. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - Read 7/24/24
✅ 4. Animal Farm by George Orwell Read the book with the least number of pages on your TBR or one that is under 100 pages. Animal Farm - Read 1/22/24
✅ 5. Flowers in the Attic (Dollanganger, #1) by V.C. Andrews Read a book that is published the year or decade you were born. Flowers in the Attic - Read 2/7/24
✅ 6. Pines (Wayward Pines, #1) by Blake Crouch Read the 20th book on any page of your TBR. Pines - Read 1/3/24
✅ 7. You're Never Weird on the Internet (Almost) by Felicia Day Read a book that has an average rating of 3.8 or higher. You're Never Weird on the Internet - Read 1/19/24
✅ 8. Neon Prey (Lucas Davenport, #29) by John Sandford Read a book by one of your favorite authors. Neon Prey - Read 1/12/24
✅ 9. The Overnight Guest by Heather Gudenkauf Read a book that you added based on the review of another Goodreads user. The Overnight Guest - Read 5/28/24
✅ 10. Dead Eleven by Jimmy Juliano Read a book with a cover you love. Dead Eleven - Read 3/21/24
✅ 11. The Girls in the Garden by Lisa Jewell Read a book with an animal or plant on the cover. The Girls in the Garden
✅ 12. Saga, Volume 3 by Brian K. Vaughan Randomize your TBR and read the first book. Saga, Volume 3 - Read 6/17/24
✅ 13. Cackle by Rachel Harrison Read a book the contains the initials of your name (in any order) in the title or author name. Cackle - Read 8/4/24
✅ 14. Heir of Uncertain Magic (Whimbrel House, #2) by Charlie N. Holmberg Look at the number of pages of books in your Want-To-Read folder. Read the book that is that same number. (e.g., if you have 20 pages of books in your Want-To-Read folder, read book number 20 from your list). Heir of Uncertain Magic - Read 3/19/24
✅ 15. The Book of Two Ways by Jodi Picoult Read a book that helps you complete two or more other yearly or quarterly challenges. The Book of Two Ways - Read 1/8/24
✅ 16. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (Harry Potter, #1) by J.K. Rowling Read the book with the most number of ratings (i.e., not the actual average rating, but the number of people who have rated it). Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone - Read 5/16/24
✅ 17. Bright Eyes A Kunoichi Tale by David Kudler Read the book with the least number of ratings. Bright Eyes: A Kunoichi Tale - Read 7/2/24
✅ 18. Scrappy Little Nobody by Anna Kendrick Read the first book from your list that "sparks joy" as soon as you think about reading it. Scrappy Little Nobody - Read 1/15/24
✅ 19. Spellbook of the Lost and Found by Moïra Fowley-Doyle Read a book that you have added to at least one other shelf. Spellbook of the Lost and Found - Read 1/11/24
✅ 20. The Moonday Letters by Emmi Itäranta Read a book that you own. The Moonday Letters - Read 4/21/24
✅ 21. The Last House on the Street by Diane Chamberlain Read a book that an IRL (in real life) friend, family member, or acquaintance has recommended to you. The Last House on the Street - Read 4/25/24
✅ 22. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury Read a book that you feel you "should" read. Fahrenheit 451 - Read 3/9/24
23. Read a book you previously DNFed and still want to finish.
✅ 24. Masked Prey (Lucas Davenport, #30) by John Sandford Read a book in your favorite genre or format. Masked Prey - Read 1/25/24
✅ 25. Must Love Flowers by Debbie Macomber Read a book that is from a genre or format you rarely read. Must Love Flowers - Read 1/10/24
✅ 26. Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret by Judy Blume Sort your TBR by cover. Read the first or last book. Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret - Read 2/15/24
✅ 27. Killers of the Flower Moon The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI by David Grann Sort your TBR by title. Read a book from the middle page. Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI - Read 2/8/24
✅ 28. A Court of Thorns and Roses (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #1) by Sarah J. Maas Read a hyped, bestseller, or award-winning book. A Court of Thorns and Roses - Read 5/14/24
✅ 29. Becoming Free Indeed My Story of Disentangling Faith from Fear by Jinger Duggar Vuolo Read a book with a title that contains punctuation. Becoming Free Indeed: My Story of Disentangling Faith from Fear - Read 1/1/24
✅ 30. The Kind Worth Killing (Henry Kimball/Lily Kintner, #1) by Peter Swanson Read a book related to the yearly, quarterly, or monthly theme. The Kind Worth Killing - Read 5/14/24
✅ 31. The Last Note of Warning (Nightingale Mysteries #3) by Katharine Schellman Read a book that is featured as a group or buddy read and was already on your TBR. The Last Note of Warning - Read 8/10/24
✅ 32. Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie Read a book that is retelling or reimagining of a classic story or the classic itself. Peter Pan - Read 5/21/24

message 45: by Patty (last edited 8 hours, 58 min ago) (new)

Patty Smith (pinkpurlandprose) | 497 comments I plan on reading 75 from my TBR list this year. I realized that I don't like pre-selecting my books - the pressure!
I'll try and match them with the prompts and see how that goes!


✓1. Read the book that has been on your TBR list the longest. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
✓2. Read a book you added to your TBR within the last year. One of the Good Guys by Araminta Hall
✓3. Read the book with the most pages on your TBR or one that is over 500 pages. Allegiant by Veronica Roth
✓4. Read the book with the least number of pages on your TBR or one that is under 100 pages. The Recital by Gregg Andrew Hurwitz
5. Read a book that is published the year or decade you were born.
✓6. Read the 20th book on any page of your TBR. Down World by Rebecca Phelps
✓7. Read a book that has an average rating of 3.8 or higher. The Secret Bridesmaid by Katy Birchall
✓8. Read a book by one of your favorite authors. House of Sky and Breath by Sarah J. Maas
✓9. Read a book that you added based on the review of another Goodreads user. Until the Day I Die by Emily Carpenter
✓10. Read a book with a cover you love. Today Tonight Tomorrow by Rachel Lynn Solomon
✓11. Read a book with an animal or plant on the cover. The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins
✓12. Randomize your TBR and read the first book. Dark Matter by Blake Crouch
✓13. Read a book the contains the initials of your name (in any order) in the title or author name. Past Present Future by Rachel Lynn Solomon
✓14. Look at the number of pages of books in your Want-To-Read folder. Read the book that is that same number. (e.g., if you have 20 pages of books in your Want-To-Read folder, read book number 20 from your list). Blue Moon
✓15. Read a book that helps you complete two or more other yearly or quarterly challenges. The Mystery Writer by Sulari Gentill
✓16. Read the book with the most number of ratings (i.e., not the actual average rating, but the number of people who have rated it). One of Us Is Lying by Karen M. McManus
✓17. Read the book with the least number of ratings. Crochet Your Own Dog: 14 Lifesize Amigurumi Pups to Make & Love! by Mieko Shindo
✓18. Read the first book from your list that "sparks joy" as soon as you think about reading it. Lone Wolf by Gregg Andrew Hurwitz
✓19. Read a book that you have added to at least one other shelf. Still See You Everywhere by Lisa Gardner
✓20. Read a book that you own. Crocheting Reversible Amigurumi Projects: Adorable 2-Way Patterns Using Fur Yarn & Easy Methods by Jessie Van In
✓21. Read a book that an IRL (in real life) friend, family member, or acquaintance has recommended to you. You Are Awesome: How to Navigate Change, Wrestle with Failure, and Live an Intentional Life by Neil Pasricha
✓22. Read a book that you feel you "should" read. Maus I: A Survivor's Tale: My Father Bleeds History by Art Spiegelman
✓23. Read a book you previously DNFed and still want to finish. Five Feet Apart by Rachael Lippincott
✓24. Read a book in your favorite genre or format. Evermore by Alyson Noel
✓25. Read a book that is from a genre or format you rarely read. A Vintage Death by Mary Ellen Hughes
✓26. Sort your TBR by cover. Read the first or last book. The Sharp Edge of Silence by Cameron Kelly Rosenblum
✓27. Sort your TBR by title. Read a book from the middle page. Pillow Talk: What's Wrong with My Sewing? by Craig Conover
✓28. Read a hyped, bestseller, or award-winning book. The End of Your Life Book Club by Will Schwalbe
✓29. Read a book with a title that contains punctuation. Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing by Matthew Perry
✓30. Read a book related to the yearly, quarterly, or monthly theme. The Wolves of Winter by Tyrell Johnson
✓31. Read a book that is featured as a group or buddy read and was already on your TBR. The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by Victoria Schwab
✓32. Read a book that is retelling or reimagining of a classic story or the classic itself. Winnie-the-Pooh by A.A. Milne

33. Shadowland by Alyson Noel
34. Eternal Flame by Alyson Noel
35. Dark Flame by Alyson Noel
36. Night Star by Alyson Noel
37. Everlasting by Alyson Noel
38. The Familiar by Leigh Bardugo
39. The Ex Talk by Rachel Lynn Solomon
40. What You Wish For by Katherine Center
41. Darius by J.R. Ward
42. Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? by Mindy Kaling
43. A New Model: What Confidence, Beauty, and Power Really Look Like by Ashley Graham
44. Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine
45. Tigers in the Cage by Tigers in the Cage
46. The Woman in Me by Britney Spears
47. Stormcrow by Rachel Caine
48. The Honey-Don't List by Christina Lauren
49. Lover Unleashed by J.R. Ward
50. The Institute by Stephen King
51. Winter in Paradise by Elin Hilderbrand
52. The Startup Wife by Tahmima Anam
53. Say You'll Stay by Susan Mallery
54. Any Means Necessary by Jack Mars
55. Fox Creek by William Kent Krueger
56. Hum by Helen Phillips
57. Sex, Lies & Serious Money by Stuart Woods
58. Help Is On the Way by Mindy Kaling
59. Blindness by José Saramago
60. The Duke and I by Julia Quinn
61. The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek by Kim Michele Richardson
62. Maybe You Should Talk to Someone: The Workbook: A Toolkit for Editing Your Story and Changing Your Life by Lori Gottlieb
63. Sweet: Desserts from London's Ottolenghi by Yotam Ottolenghi
64. Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick
65. Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick
66. Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick
67. Finale by Becca Fitzpatrick

message 46: by Sheila (new)

Sheila Knotts | 330 comments Sheila from NC signing on for just 10 to start with please.

message 47: by Laura (last edited Apr 21, 2024 05:56AM) (new)

Laura | 111 comments I am going to sign up for 25 prompts to give some leway for anything i can't fill


1. Read the book that has been on your TBR list the longest.
2. Read a book you added to your TBR within the last year.
The Reading List by Sara Nisha Adams 01/01-06/01
3. Read the book with the most pages on your TBR or one that is over 500 pages.
4. Read the book with the least number of pages on your TBR or one that is under 100 pages.
The Job at the End of the World by Ray Nayler 04/01-04/01
5. Read a book that is published the year or decade you were born.
6. Read the 20th book on any page of your TBR.
7. Read a book that has an average rating of 3.8 or higher.
Varina Palladino's Jersey Italian Love Story by Terri-Lynne DeFino 02/01-15/01
8. Read a book by one of your favorite authors.
Secretly Yours by Tessa Bailey 12/01-27/01
9. Read a book that you added based on the review of another Goodreads user.
10. Read a book with a cover you love.Knife Skills for Beginners by Orlando Murrin 18/02-25/02
11. Read a book with an animal or plant on the cover.
12. Randomize your TBR and read the first book.
13. Read a book the contains the initials of your name (in any order) in the title or author name.
14. Look at the number of pages of books in your Want-To-Read folder. Read the book that is that same number. (e.g., if you have 20 pages of books in your Want-To-Read folder, read book number 20 from your list).
15. Read a book that helps you complete two or more other yearly or quarterly challenges.
16. Read the book with the most number of ratings (i.e., not the actual average rating, but the number of people who have rated it). Why We Pray in Islam: A Guide to Deepening Your Connection to Allah Through Salah and Islamic Prayer by Muhammed Al Fakir 06/01-07/01
17. Read the book with the least number of ratings.Why We Pray in Islam: A Guide to Deepening Your Connection to Allah Through Salah and Islamic Prayer by Muhammed Al Fakir 06/01-07/01
18. Read the first book from your list that "sparks joy" as soon as you think about reading it.
19. Read a book that you have added to at least one other shelf.
20. Read a book that you own.
21. Read a book that an IRL (in real life) friend, family member, or acquaintance has recommended to you.
22. Read a book that you feel you "should" read.
23. Read a book you previously DNFed and still want to finish.
24. Read a book in your favorite genre or format.
Love & Gelato 06/01-07/01
25. Read a book that is from a genre or format you rarely read. Evergreens by Liam Brown 18/02-26/02
26. Sort your TBR by cover. Read the first or last book.
27. Sort your TBR by title. Read a book from the middle page.
28. Read a hyped, bestseller, or award-winning book.
29. Read a book with a title that contains punctuation.
Peaky Blinders: The Real Story by Carl Chinn 08/01-18/01
30. Read a book related to the yearly, quarterly, or monthly theme.
31. Read a book that is featured as a group or buddy read and was already on your TBR.
32. Read a book that is retelling or reimagining of a classic story or the classic itself.

message 48: by Sahira (last edited Sep 30, 2024 06:32PM) (new)

Sahira | 374 comments I'd like to join. I'm in for 18 but hope to be able to do more.

25/18 completed

✅ 1. Read the book that has been on your TBR list the longest. City of Ashes
2. Read a book you added to your TBR within the last year.
✅ 3. Read the book with the most pages on your TBR or one that is over 500 pages. Chain of Thorns
✅ 4. Read the book with the least number of pages on your TBR or one that is under 100 pages. The Lost Herondale
5. Read a book that is published the year or decade you were born.
✅ 6. Read the 20th book on any page of your TBR. The Evil We Love
✅ 7. Read a book that has an average rating of 3.8 or higher. The Rise of the Hotel Dumort
✅ 8. Read a book by one of your favorite authors. The Chalice of the Gods
9. Read a book that you added based on the review of another Goodreads user.
✅ 10. Read a book with a cover you love. Chain of Iron
✅ 11. Read a book with an animal or plant on the cover. The Tainted Cup
✅ 12. Randomize your TBR and read the first book. V is for Vengeance
✅ 13. Read a book the contains the initials of your name (in any order) in the title or author name. A Reaper at the Gates
✅ 14. Look at the number of pages of books in your Want-To-Read folder. Read the book that is that same number. (e.g., if you have 20 pages of books in your Want-To-Read folder, read book number 20 from your list). The Voicemail of Magnus Bane
✅ 15. Read a book that helps you complete two or more other yearly or quarterly challenges. Chain of Gold
✅ 16. Read the book with the most number of ratings (i.e., not the actual average rating, but the number of people who have rated it). City of Bones
✅ 17. Read the book with the least number of ratings. The Land I Lost
✅ 18. Read the first book from your list that "sparks joy" as soon as you think about reading it. Y is for Yesterday
✅ 19. Read a book that you have added to at least one other shelf. The Killer in the Snow
✅ 20. Read a book that you own. City of Fallen Angels
21. Read a book that an IRL (in real life) friend, family member, or acquaintance has recommended to you.
22. Read a book that you feel you "should" read.
23. Read a book you previously DNFed and still want to finish.
✅ 24. Read a book in your favorite genre or format. T is for Trespass
✅ 25. Read a book that is from a genre or format you rarely read. A Spindle Splintered
✅ 26. Sort your TBR by cover. Read the first or last book. City of Glass
✅ 27. Sort your TBR by title. Read a book from the middle page. Learn About Loss
✅ 28. Read a hyped, bestseller, or award-winning book. Hell Bent
✅ 29. Read a book with a title that contains punctuation. Through Blood, Through Fire
✅ 30. Read a book related to the yearly, quarterly, or monthly theme. The Christmas Killer
31. Read a book that is featured as a group or buddy read and was already on your TBR.
✅ 32. Read a book that is retelling or reimagining of a classic story or the classic itself. Gilded

message 49: by Barb (new)

Barb | 103 comments I'm in for 10!

1- Day; Elie Wiesel
2- Nothing Like I Imagined (Except For Sometimes); Mindy Kaling
3- Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism; Amanda Montell
4- Swamplandia! ; Karen Russell
5- Invincible Summer; Alice Adams
6- Let Me Explain You; Annie Liontas
7- The Guest Book; Sarah Blake
8- The Last Year of the War; Susan Meissner
9- The Abstinence Teacher; Tom Perrotta
10- Small Great Things; Jodi Picoult

message 50: by Ashly (last edited Feb 06, 2024 01:07AM) (new)

Ashly (ashlyh) | 247 comments I will go for 6 books and use a random wheel picker.

1/6 books

Spell Bound

« previous 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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