The Librarian's Husband's Book Club discussion

Friday Favorites > FF - February 2

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message 1: by John (new)

John Kelly | 729 comments Mod
Spill the tea.....what was awesome this week?


message 2: by John (new)

John Kelly | 729 comments Mod
I read two good ones:

The Gathering by C.J. Tudor


Ghost Station by S.A. Barnes

message 3: by DanielaAthena (new)

DanielaAthena | 45 comments Started Linghun by Ai Jiang, I am hooked. This book is getting me out of a reading slump ◡̈

Amy (literatiloves) | 1 comments DanielaAthena wrote: "Started Linghun by Ai Jiang, I am hooked. This book is getting me out of a reading slump ◡̈"

I’ve had this on my wishlist and never really hear anyone talking about it but I’m going to have to get it! Glad you’re enjoying it.

I have been listening to North Woods by Daniel Mason this week and I’m really enjoying it.

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