The Librarian's Husband's Book Club discussion

The Puzzle Box
This topic is about The Puzzle Box
May 2024 - ARC > The Puzzle Box - Active Reading Discussion

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John Kelly | 729 comments Mod
This area is for discussion about the May 2024 Special ARC Selection, The Puzzle Box, while we are reading it.

Please make use of the spoilers function ([spoiler]...[/spoiler] but replace [] with <>) as appropriate to be sure we don't ruin parts of the book for others.

spoiler: (view spoiler)

Angela (angelaholmes) | 2 comments I hope I'm not jumping ahead here, but I was sent the widget yesterday and downloaded. I'm only a couple of chapters in and I'm already hooked.

Jenny (diggensjenny) I have finished reading this book, which is another fantastic book by Danielle Trussoni and an excellent addition to the Puzzle series.

message 4: by Devon (new) - added it

Devon (dgivi13) | 56 comments Should they be read in order or is it fine to start with the second book first?

John Kelly | 729 comments Mod
Devon wrote: "Should they be read in order or is it fine to start with the second book first?"

You can read them in any order...but your enjoyment of #2 will be greater with the background and character familiarity gained in the first.

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