YA LGBT Books discussion

Book Related Banter > PRIDE reads - what books says Pride to you?

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message 1: by Kaje (new)

Kaje Harper | 17193 comments A graphic pie chart of What Pride Is

If someone says "Why Pride?" or "What is Pride about?" to you, pick ONE book you would include in your answer.

message 2: by Zak (new)

Zak F | 5 comments Boy like Me by Simon James Green is a great one that really demonstrates the loneliness being LGBT can bring to a young person and how finding someone similar can spark happiness and acceptance. Would definitely recommend the read.

message 3: by Kaje (last edited Jun 02, 2024 05:40PM) (new)

Kaje Harper | 17193 comments Zak wrote: "Boy like Me by Simon James Green is a great one that really demonstrates the loneliness being LGBT can bring to a young person and how finding someone similar can spark happiness and acceptance. Wo..."

I'll have to put that on my TBRs - Boy Like Me

message 4: by K.S. (new)

K.S. Trenten (cauldronkeeper) | 132 comments I take a certain amount of pride in my Fairest while Rose discovers her pride in how she stands up to everyone to be with the woman she loves in my own twist on Sleeping Beauty and Snow White with just a dash of Cinderella. ;)


message 5: by Dr. Andy (new)

Dr. Andy | 28 comments It would have to be Felix Ever After by Kacen Callender for me!!

message 6: by Lea (new)

Lea  Loves books  | 4 comments Ophelia after all by racquel marie is really sweet about her figuring out her sexuality and acceptance

message 7: by Kaje (new)

Kaje Harper | 17193 comments Lea wrote: "Ophelia after all by racquel marie is really sweet about her figuring out her sexuality and acceptance"

I'll add that one to my TBRs - Ophelia After All

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