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Page Numbering Requests > Please check page number

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message 1: by Matze ^_^ (new)

Matze ^_^ | 13 comments MsKingBean89 has published a marauders fanfiction called 'All the young dudes'. It has I think around 1800 pages. She also published the same book in three smaller books called 'All the young dudes volume 1-3' which only add up to around 1300 pages.

Please check if one of the books' page numbers should be corrected since the three books should be exactly as long as the whole book.

message 2: by Matze ^_^ (new)

Matze ^_^ | 13 comments Bump

message 3: by Matze ^_^ (new)

Matze ^_^ | 13 comments Bump

message 4: by Matze ^_^ (new)

Matze ^_^ | 13 comments bump

message 5: by Matze ^_^ (new)

Matze ^_^ | 13 comments Bump

message 6: by Matze ^_^ (new)

Matze ^_^ | 13 comments Bump

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