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König der Meere (Die Phileasson-Saga, #12)
This topic is about König der Meere
Page Numbering Requests > Wrong page number - 9783453534971

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Fiurgeist | 8 comments Hi,

720 pages is wrong (aka Amazon is wrong).
It has 784 pages, see e.g.:
Google books:

or German National Library:
(which lists 783 pages, I guess because the last page has no number on it... even though it contains the last entries of the glossary)

ISBN: 9783453534971 (ISBN10: 3453534972)
ASIN: 3453534972

lg & thx

Carol She's So Novel ꧁꧂  | 866 comments Fiurgeist wrote: "Hi,

720 pages is wrong (aka Amazon is wrong).
It has 784 pages, see e.g.:
Google books:"

Page count changed to 784 pages.
It is quite a common convention to not number the last page of a book. World Cat (our preferred source for confirming page counts) also does this.

I used your German Library source to confirm. We aren't allowed to use Google for any information.

& the counts on Amazon are frequently publisher estimates.

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